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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Michelle!!! It's great having you here. Let the Grey pick you, as others have stated. We'll look forward to hearing more and seeing some photos of your new CAG once you get it. :-)
  2. Welcome Midnight!! Oh, now the excite and waitng begins. Those weeks will fly by. It seems long, but the wait is worth it. Are you able to visit your baby? :-)
  3. Welcome heather!! Great having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  4. Welcome Luckybird!!! Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  5. Thanks for the photo of your baby momi, very nice. :-)
  6. Welcome Nick and Bobby!!! It's to have you here. We'll look forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  7. Ok, you women have really done it now.... more coming a little later....
  8. Wow wonderful photo and playground for them. :-) There is nothing like the great outdoors and real sunshine to work wonders on their health and personalities. :-)
  9. Hi Jane, it sounds like you have and are doing everything properly. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you on this as they spend more time together.
  10. Oh 2girls, I am so sorry to see this and am certain you are very upset. Hopefully once the move is completed and things settle down, your Grey will be a happy camper again. Good luck on the move and don't stay off-line too long!!! :-)
  11. Welcome momi (Mariam) and Tooni!! Wow 6 weeks old barely has any down yet. I assume you are hand feeding him? Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos!!! :-)
  12. Welcome Boobabay!!!! There is a ton of information on this site and of course any of us will be more than happy to give you advice also. Were looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos of Boo!! :-)
  13. Wow Siobha, what can I say but Thanks!! :-)
  14. Congratulations Judy!!!! Don't ever sleep??? ;-) This foum owes you big time!! :-)
  15. More pressing evidence of women's inferiority: A woman is driving down the road. She notices that she’s low on gas, so she stops at a gas station. While she’s pumping her gas, she notices that she locked the keys in the car. So when she goes inside to pay, she asks the attendant for a hanger so that she can attempt to open the door herself. She returns outside and begins to jimmy the lock. Ten minutes later, the attendant comes out to see how the woman is faring. Outside the car, the women is moving the hanger around and around while the other woman inside the car is saying, “A little more to the left…a little more to the right!…” B)
  16. siobha9 wrote: Thanks for posting this Siobha, it supports my post superbly in the mentally lesser department. B)
  17. Oh it so so saddening to hear of your loss Chint. Shaku was surely a very loved family member. As others suggested. It would be best to have a necropsy performed to determine the cause of death. My heart goes out to you and your family. I can not imagine the deep pain you are all experiencing from this. :-(
  18. Thanks for sharing those great photos of Shani. :-)
  19. Hello and Welcome Kristine!! :-) I found a few rescues in Virginia: http://www.ravenshaven.org/default.asp http://www.projectperry.com/ http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/VA414.html http://www.phoenixlanding.org/ http://www.tinywingsinneed.us/ Lastly, here is a link that lists rescues in all the States, perhaps you may find one in a neighboring state to you if you don't find a local: http://www.birdadoption.org/groups.htm Good luck!!
  20. Welcome Autumn!! We'll look forward to hearing more from youa nd seeing some photos of that cute baby. :-)
  21. LOL Nechsa!! Well at least you are having fun during the drudgery of packing with the two of them keeping you laughing and giving you an excuse to take a break and write more of these hilarious posts!! :-)
  22. LOL DavE - At least you have the chain set-up properly between the kitchen and bedroom. Good point on being able to take them on without even lifting a hand. B) You are well on your way. Now for Judy and her brazenness in taunting us, I will illustrate how the silver tongue works in these situations: In the beginning, God created his shining and noble representative here on Earth, Man, namely Adam. It was a wonderful world in the lovely and glorious garden God had provided with all the food, walk abouts in the windy part of the day conversing with Adam and having him Name all the creatures of the Earth according to their personalities. This went on for many Centuries, but God noticed Adam was becoming a little disturbed after watching the Animals and other creatures pair off, have good times together and bring up wonderful families. So God made a weaker both physically and mentally Mate for Adam...Eve. In one fell swoop of her ignorance, deceit and then lying, she broke the wonderful one on one relationship Man had with God. She lost not only that relationship, but also Adams Home, Animal friends all became enemies, and even threats of being killed and eaten by them. So from then on Adam and all other Men had to make it by the sweat of their face and shear strength to work the ground for veggies, fruits. grains and also hunt for meat, which was previously unnecessary. So we see the same effect today as women help men lose their homes through their cunning deceitful lying nature and brazen addiction to things like chocolate, gold and jewels bankrupting many a once good man. But, they are wonderful to have around, for cooking the food and fun in the bedroom, so we allow them to still have a place in our homes, but with strong chains and careful monitoring at all times. The beginning of restoring our one on one relationship with God is getting this mess sorted out and all the women in-line. Until we do this, it will continue on like this. So, recruit more Men and evangelize our message through out the world.!!!! B)
  23. I'm with Ya MDavE - Keep your friends close and your enemies CLOSER B) As a Man of Old adhering to our "Code of Honor" and being responsible to ensure that these noble ways are carried on from generation to generation, I am by default the only knight here to perform such a dangerous, yet necessary role. It is a difficult and dangerous road to follow, but us REAL Men must continue on. Thus, I will keep this mantle I have been entrusted with until finding another young a upcoming Man suitable to pass it on to. As you can see, the fight is hard and the numbers against us are many, but it only takes a few "Good Men" to ward off the rebelliousness of these "Women's Libbers" that pop-up more and more these days. B)
  24. Yes, calcium deficiency can cause very severe symptoms in Greys. It is normally caused by their parents not having sufficient Calcium when breeding and the chicks are born with very weak and sometimes deformed bone structure. The other way they become deficient is you could be giving them sufficient levels of it, but it is not metabolized due to a vitamin D3 shortage which their bodies produce from UVB from sunlight, artificial light or Pellet diets fortified with D3 such as Harrisons, Katee etc.. A blood test is the only way to determine the Calcium level in your Grey. Please keep us posted.
  25. LOL - If we rename it, how about "He said, She Said". That was a hilarious movie. B) :laugh: I like it the way it is though. Just need a "Few good Men" here to battle the th®ongs (r was optional - Tongue in Cheek) of women on this forum. :laugh:
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