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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hahahahaha Melissa, you have your own personal secretary now taking messages and answering all the "Small Stuff" for you. :-) Dayo's not there yet, but he is calibrating several words and phrases very low volume when he thinks no one is paying attention. ;-)
  2. Great photos Jimmy. It's good to hear from you again. :-)
  3. Welcome nerissa and coco!! GreYt to have you here. Looking forward to hearing more about coco and seeing photos when you get a chance to upload them. :-)
  4. Welcome eckylover!! You will find a ton of information on this forum and also that all of us are more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Greys are a wonderful companion for those that have taken the time to research them and have the mind set that it it will a family (Flock) member for life. :-)
  5. Pchela wrote: He/She will start slowly down at the time He/She decides to. What if He/She still wants a handfeeding of formula now and then even when he's a year old? It is not a big deal and you don't need to "Force" weaning at all. We continued to feed Dayo Formula until he just got to where he would take it a spoon here or there and then just blurber it out and down his cheeks/throat. Some enjoy a hand feeding by spoon or syringe once in a while all their lives, if you so desire to do so. Hand feeding is a precious time to saviour and enjoy as a special moment each time. Enjoy!!....... :-)
  6. Awww, Bella is so cute. Thanks for sharing the photos. :-)
  7. Welcome Josh!! Looking forward to hearing more from you. There are many highly experienced people here that will be more than happy to answer questions you may have. :-)
  8. Ditto on what the others stated regarding the formula feedings. At only 12 weeks old, he still needs the formula at least 2 times a day minimum at 60cc of a high quality formula such as Katee exact. Does he drink water on his own yet? This could become very serious in a short amount of time without properly providing him with formula and letting him wean naturally which occurs around 16 to 18 weeks old.
  9. danmcq

    Have a Bud!

    LOL - Yes, that Budwieser commercial is hilarious. :-) Wuzzzzz Uuuuppp!! B)
  10. Great photos and hilarious lines everyone!! :-) I guess I'll have to sneak one of Dayo , whens he's not looking. ;-) B)
  11. danmcq

    We lost trust :(

    Welcome Olla!! Something definitely changed to make your much loved Grey behave in that manner. Is it possible you changed nail color, got your hair cut, changed the style, wearing a new ring, shirt or something different etc.? I feel your heart break and dismay in this behavioral change in just one day to the next. He obviously became more traumatized by his own actions of flailing around, breaking feathers and some blood feathers at that, it seems. You are obviously knowledgeable of what you need to do to win his trust back once again. As you have already painstakingly done so once before. One other thing that could Be going on, on top of a change, is he is at the "Terrible" two age. Again, it's great to have you here and we'll look forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  12. Kukushka - You have learned a valuable lesson.... Bribery will get you everywhere with a Grey.... in most cases anyway. Grapes, Peanuts, Almonds....they all work wonders on avoiding a bite, in most cases. Some will Bite, then grab the treat in mid air as you let it fly during the bite. In all seriousness, most Greys that young do not know how hard they are biting you or that it is not an exceptable means of communication. They communicate with one another be "Beaking" when they want to communicate something. The clicker and firm "No" while staring them sternly in the eyes will get the message across and understood.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/06/08 21:51
  13. OK, Dayo says to all the Grey human owners that do not care for Sunflower seeds, to please them to: 123 main st., Sunflowerville, ca 123454, ATTN : DAYO McQ. He says "Thank You" ahead of time. PS: He also states for Pellet lovers, "Lets Make a Deal" I will trade pellets for sunflower seeds. B)
  14. So, by implication then, Josey is an OUTLAW!! :-) B)
  15. Thanks for the great idea Pat. I'll try it out and see if it's a hit here too. :-)
  16. Very cool Dave. :-) I once wtached a Humming bird build a nest, lay and raise it's young in a bush outside our office door. Building a nest up in your window frame is a real treat for you. You can watch them progress day by day. Spookyhurst - Very beautiful photos of the Qails. :-)
  17. LOl Laurie!!! Thats hilarious. :-) The Sanford and Son..... does he say he's going to "have the big one"? ;-) That show was so funny, I remember watching it all the time.B)
  18. Looks normal to me too. It she seems to be very well attrached to you already from the handeling I see in the photos. A week is not far off and you'll really be in for a treat then. :-)
  19. Going with a local breeder is the way to go, if possible. If they are close enough, it can normally visit and get to know your new baby before you bring them home. It also gives you plenty of time to watch the breeder and ask questions as you have them. Good luck in your search for the right parrot for you, if you decide to purchase or re-home one. :-)
  20. Does Dorian have a picture that ages? ;-) Cool Name! :-)
  21. Happy Birthday Charlie!!!! <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/06/07 15:20
  22. Welcome Allena!! Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos of ziggy when you geta chance. :-)
  23. Welcome Kerry!! It's good to see you here researching before making a decision on which parrot is right for you. Every Parrot has different intelligent levels, characteristics and personalities. You will find a wealth of information on this Forum that will give you a good idea of the Grey's characteristics and requirements go. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  24. OK, the refresh rate on a standard TV is 30 frames per second. Humans see at around 12 - 14 frames a second. This means that to humans, anything over 15 frames a second appears to be continuous movement. Greys on the other hand, see between 27 to 30 frames second. This means anything over 28 frames a second appear as continuous movement to them also. So, in conclusion, the standard TV picture appears as continuous movement to our Greys. One thing the higher frame rate does for our greys and any other bird for that matter. Is it allows them to navigate at higher speeds and refresh their mental imagery faster meaning they can swerve and miss that branch or other obstacle. If we flew, we would hit the tree, branch or other obstacle before we realized it was coming that fast. Thats why "George of the Jungle" always slams into those trees. :laugh:
  25. Siobha - I can only imagine how your heart must have been pounding and the wild thoughts going through your mind seeing liath on the floor screaming. Thank god you used the towel!!:ohmy: Dave - I'm laughing too at the the great mental picture you painted. Did he or the bell finally win round 2? :-)
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