You always post the nicest photos Roger. :-)
Regarding talking.... they will talk when they are ready and after a lot of calibrating under their breath as you strain to listen in and try to figure out what all those faint, yet unrecognizable mumblings are.
One thing I have noticed with Dayo, is he picks and chooses what he says. It is all related to actions, foods or endearing types of words or sentences that he chooses to use.
We have said the same things over and over since he came home over a year ago. Most, he does not say. He will say his favorite food items for example when he wants them or he will ask to outside, when he wants to do so. On the other side, he will only say "I Love You" when he is interacting closely or going night-night. They truly are much more than just mimickers on Que for a treat. They have a level of understanding far beyond what the outside public thinks when they see a Parrot in a show just responding.
The way you are so into the development of your Grey. I know you have no worries of IF he will talk. But, get ready for the requests and demands that will soon come once he has associated all his favorite things to words.......Then the demands start ;-)
Oh!! Had to edit this to say "Happy Half a year a Birthday Congo"!!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/10 14:41