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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi Julie, Your patience is paying off as is evident from the success you had yesterday with the treat and his attention. He is very intelligent and may be testing your commitment and willingness to go the extra distance for him to grace you with his attention. ;-) One thing that has proven successful over and over. Is just sitting and talking, reading, watching TV etc. right next to his Cage. If you read, show him some pictures in it every once in a while when doing so. To avoid further bites, try to learn reading his body language such as eyes pinning, lowering head, slightly fluffed feathers etc. Their favorite fake out is to let you think they are going for the treat and then suddenly clamping down on your finger:pinch: If possible, position your hand far enough away that he can only get the treat and not your hand. If you know he wants the treat, but tries to bite, say No Bite, step back and sit down next to the cage with the treat in clear sight to him and ask him if he wants the Peanut, Almond, Apple, Grape or what ever it is that he relishes. He may even venture out of his Cage for it, if he wants it bad enough. As all have said, it is time and patience that will bring this around with a ton of love dished out and evident while interacting with him. You have done a wonderful thing in rescuing this Grey, spending the money and now your time and love to help him realise that his life can be more joyful and exciting than he has ever known. :-)
  2. That is wonderful and an event to be remembered and shared. Only Grey or other Parrot owners actually know and understand that they truly are cognizant of what they are saying and why. It is we that must pay close attention to the moment and acknowledge that we understood. Congratulations Nyscha! :-) The outside world, ignorantly just sluffs such things off as coincidence, but we know it is not. :-)
  3. BaxtersMom wrote: Erika - They are indeed huge milestones for Baxter and rewards to you for your hard work, patience, money and love invested in him. It takes a special person to be a rescuer, and your definitely a special person! My hat is off to you.
  4. We have several members here who have rescued Greys. This video depicts a Grey blossoming under the loving care, such as you are all providing. :-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEsofD9y5Xc&feature=related
  5. Yep, normal yawning. It also spreads between active participants.
  6. Awwww, the first time they say those three words is always a special moment. :-)
  7. LOL, Klaus is hilarious!! :-)
  8. I agree with Dave 100%. UNweaned babies should never be released by a breeder. It is against the law to do so in several states. If your close enough, go and visit your Grey regularly and he/she will know you before you ever take him or her home. You can also learn tons from your breeder as you are visiting your Grey over at their place. :-)
  9. Lol, yep, welcome to the food tossers club. :-)
  10. danmcq


    Thats good news Nims. Thanks for the update. :-)
  11. danmcq

    Cat Food?

    Eeeeeewwww, the dry MAY be ok, only if the cat has not already eaten some and left behind residual saliva with countless germs that could potentially be very harmful to your Grey. The wet food is a definate no due to it being non-human grade.
  12. Very nice!! I have always said that a Grey is the kind of Parrot that wears a Tux, versus a conure is the punk rocker with tats and spiked hair.
  13. Nice photo, does the Tom-Tom sound off when he goes poo?
  14. Awwww, very cute photo. Thanks for posting this. :-)
  15. It's great to hear that Roscoe is doing so well and loves you tons. He'll tolerate your hubby more over time, hopefully. Thats a nice picture of him. Thanks for posting it. :-)
  16. As LMG has said, the temperature variation is fine and so are temporary drafts. Just think of the variation in temperature and drafts birds experience in the wild. They are not as sensitive as old wives tales have prevalently advocated. If they were, we would see 1000's of dead birds everytime a season changed or the wind blew.
  17. Nice photo and it's good to hear all went well. Now, not only will your Dogs whine when you leave, so will Tobie. :-)
  18. Tick......................................................................Tock.........................................Tick..........................................................Tock........ Time does slow down in proportion to the closer pick time becomes.
  19. Thats good news Steve! I am glad all went well and there are no apparent after effects. Atleast you have the knowledge now that if your grey ever became lost, the possibility of being found and returned is greatly increased. :-)
  20. danmcq


    As Mark (dblhelix) has stated. A cat or dog, regardless of size or apparent temperament is a very real and dangerous threat to any Parrot of any size. Unfortunately, Dogs and Cats are sight and chase oriented. When something is moving or flapping, it is natural instinct to give chase and try to capture it. It could even be a play like attempt that could result in serious damage or death to a Parrot. We are letting Dayo become fully flighted as his previously clipped primaries molt out. He had a minimum clip to begin with and could maintain a level flight for atleast 30 feet. Just that flight ability has now saved him 2x from our playful dobies that get excited when least expected. As Mark stated, once fully flighted, he can gain altitude instantly and be clear of any thing he feels a threat from. The poop issue as others have stated can be worked around. These Parrots are very intelligent creatures and learn quickly when trained properly. It sounds like you already have a good handle on the poop issue and assigned target for your Grey. But, as others have said, the decision is entirely yours based upon your circumstances. :-)
  21. I agree with Berna on it not being a deficiency. The occasional red feather here and there is fairly common. :-)
  22. Awwww, what a cute baby. Thanks for sharing the videos and photos. They are wonderful. :-)
  23. Birds, unlike humans, eat small amounts through out the day. They do not have a large storage area like our stomachs to eat a huge meal that will carry them over for 6 hours. They should have food and water available at all times.
  24. Welcome Julie!!! It's great having you here. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  25. Awww, congratulations Haggis!! You may have more on the way. :-)
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