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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq

    New baby

    If he is peeping for you and wanting to come out, let him out. Open the cage door and slowly approach with your hand and see how he does. Preening is something normal that they do through out the day. Unless he is pulling out feathers your fine. His tail may actually have something on it he is trying to remove. Congratulations on your new baby!!! :-)
  2. Wow, look at AnnaBella's strutting her stuff!! These are fantastic photos Heater and I am envious. She is looking at the camera while flying her loop as if to say "Get the shot, got this one?". I can only dream of being able to capture such photos of Dayo one of these Day's. How did you do it? Is she trained to fly on command or was your hubby chasing her in the out-of-frame area. ;-) Thanks for sharing these!!!!
  3. Very nice photos of Darcy in the Hut. It looks like he is enjoying immensely. Thanks for posting all those great photos! :-)
  4. No, Greys do not need more fat. Any bird can suffer from fatty liver disease if the are fed an all seed diet, with little veggies, fruit, grains etc. as a constant part of thier dite. They also need plenty of exercise just like us humans to burn up those calsories. As long as there is not a high quantity of sunflower seeds in the pellet mix, it should be ok. Only you can determine that.
  5. Most Breeders supply a birth certficate of some sort and also offer DNA sexing so you will know 100% what sex you bird is. It's jsut a common service and courtesy. It is wise to go and visit the Grey and see if it picks you and see how he/she interacts with you. You never know until you meet them if it will be a match or not. :-)
  6. danmcq

    Rope Hoop

    Here are a few links to sites with rope hoops: http://www.birdcagemart.com/Happy_Beaks_Bird_Toys-Rope_Swings_and_Boings.html http://www.birdtoyoutlet.com/SearchResult.aspx?CategoryID=15 http://www.petdiscounters.com/c60/c307/Circle-Rope-Perches-p7980.html http://www.birdcagemart.com/Happy_Beaks_Bird_Toys-Rope_Swings_and_Boings.html<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/21 16:11
  7. What a great deal at a good price. It sounds like a win-win for both you and the Grey. Congratulations!!! :-) Looking forward to tons of photos and hearing all about the new arrival!!
  8. Yes, the morning poop is normally the messiest wettest large poop of the day as you describe. The fluids will vary depending on how much fruit, veggies and water he had before bedtime and during the night.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/21 16:01
  9. Welcome Salsmum!! You can tell the difference between a TAG or a CAG by it's beak color and tail feathers. A TAG will have a whitish colored upper beak and a dark purple/blackish tail. A CAG will have a solid black beak and a bright red tail. Personality wise, they are both pretty much the same. Neither is more aggressive than the other and if properly raised, hand fed and socialized, they both make wonderful family members. Looking forward to hearing how things went and if you brought your new Grey home. :-)
  10. Beautiful TAG you have there. yes, they do have a little baby chirp they make when happy, want you etc. The will continue to do this the rest of their lives especially for their most loved one in the family. :-)
  11. You mean take him back and forth to the shop with you? He may enjoy that and would then have time with you 24/7 essentially. It would need to be done cautiously though. Make sure he can't fly out when customers come in or may leave the door open, insist on no bird teasing, poking hands at him etc. But, once you have the ground rules in place, know he won't fly into any mirrors etc. it may work out nice for you, your Grey and your customers. :-)
  12. Tony said it well, I too am shocked Tracy! You have contributed greatly to this forum, been a ton of fun and always there for everyone. I do hope you will contemplate this some more and find you can stay. :-)
  13. Oh Siobha, I really hate to see you go. You have been such a great benefit to this forum, a lot of fun, informative posts and a caring heart. Please do stay if at all possible. :-)
  14. Welcome Chelsie and Otis!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  15. Congratulations Carolyn!!!! Now, get to work. ;-) :-)
  16. Great photos Frank!! It's nice hearing from you again and that Ceasar did not escape, what a nightmare that would have been. I do hope everything else is going good for you and family. :-)
  17. Welcome Jocelyne and Flock!! It sounds like a wonderful atmosphere for you whole extended family. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  18. Funny, I found this same person advertising a female Grey for $400 on Hoobly for Charlotte North Carolina Area. : http://www.hoobly.com/0/0/681731.html This really seems to be a scammer. I would proceed with extreme caution on this. Ask for her address, phone nimber etc. Also, ask her how she would want the money transerred.
  19. Awwww, what a sweetheart. Thansk for sharing these photos. :-)
  20. Wow, absolutely stunning photos. Thanks for sharing these. :-)
  21. Thanks for the update on Aries. Wow, that was a long Quake recovery time, but he was certainly badly traumatized by it. It's great to hear he is coming out gain and enjoying life with his newly grown back feathers. :-)
  22. LOL!! Ain't that the truth. {Feel-good-0002006E}
  23. Congratulations retronut!! If you haven't already let your Grey out of the cage, it's fine to do so. Just take you time with Vincent and let him come to you if he seems a little stand offish. It may take a little while for him to get used to his new home and flock. Looking forward to hearing an update on how it's going and seeing some photos of him. :-)
  24. It is good to see this thread brought out some of our finest examples of responsible people making educated and wise decisions in both obtaining their first Parrot and eventually rescuing one or more. Luvparrots, Siobha, MommaFwakes - My hat is off to you all. :-) It would be great to see other members of this forum post here also. I now there are many that have similar stories of what they did before obtaining their first Parrot and how that evolved into rescuing others. I know that if everyone here had the room and time, they would have a home filled with Parrots from rescues. Many of you have spoken of taking in more rescues and I am looking at the same. One thing I know about every member here, is that they have HUGE hearts and would doing anything for their Parrots or help another person in need of assistance for theirs. :-) Responsible Breeders are an asset to not only the Avian community, but also greatly help in putting a stop to the illegal trapping trade and sale of Parrots in the wild that many are becoming close to extinction levels in the wild. Now if every government around the world would ban the import of wild caught Parrots. The possible extinction in the wild of these magnificent flying creatures would be positively eliminated. My Hat is off to all of you. :-)
  25. Hi Sheila, now step 1 of the 12 step program is to learn to step up. ;-) :-)
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