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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Steve!! I assume you mean you would be back in the evenings those few days a week you go out to work. That being said, yes, it's no problem at all. They get used to the normal schedule of a household. Many families work weekdays, spend the evening with their Greys and weekends of course. It's nice having you here, why don't you go to the welcome room and officially introduce yourself so others will know you are new to the forum? Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  2. Molts happen. ;-) It's GreYt to hear the test came back negative. It is definitely molting time for your young Grey and also for most the rest of ours too with the seasonal changes taking place. I know both my Grey and Conure started molting their larger feathers such as mid and primaries, along with a few tail feathers in the last 3 or 4 weeks.
  3. Wow, the 3 of us live in nice places to visit. :-) One of these days, we need to schedule a Grey Forums get together here, all 3 areas have lots of nice places to visit, dine and just have a good time, with our Greys tagging along too. :-) Sorry to here of your Friends Cflanny, hopefully their house is ok. Is not not looking good down south at all right now with the high sustained winds still raging.
  4. Awww, Tanner is a beautiful birdy and now has a loving forever home. The photos of him are great, thanks for posting them. :-)
  5. It's wonderful that you have the ability to take in those critters in need. The news here the other night showcased a family going through foreclosure, moving into the only apartment they could afford and they had to turn their beautiful German Shepherd into the animal shelter. The husband and wife were crying, as having to give up that much loved Dog was the last tough burden they could go through, losing any sense of pride or being able to take care of their family, which that poor dog was of course considered to be. It's great in these tough times, that there are people like you who will step up and try to help as much as you can. :-)
  6. Man, that fruit plate looks good, any leftovers? :-) I didn't know Charlie was into to baseball, that picture looks like he's wearing a baseball hat. Thanks for posting these additional photos. You know we can't ever get enough. :-)
  7. Well Congratulations on the Step-Up!! Charliie is surely becoming a little man. :-)
  8. Awww, Charlie is certainly coming right along. I love baby photos. How old is he now, around 10-12 weeks? He is a beatiful CAG. :-)
  9. Yes, open that photo on your PC in "Paint", then reduce the size to no larger than 500 pixels x 500 pixels, save it and it will then accept your photo.
  10. How thoughtful of you Jen. If I lived that close to the area I would do the same, but I am 180 miles north of LA in Visalia. This is a great offer that all others in areas around the world should consider when disaster strives in their area and they know they have a home safe from it to offer. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/11/16 18:38
  11. danmcq


    This is an interesting thread and lead to the pursuance of facts and information regarding allergic alveolitis. Interestingly enough, it is not only seen in humans, but New World Parrots, as Dave has stated. One thing to note on this Allergy, is some humans and some parrots are thought to be possibly genetically predisposed to it and others will never experience an allergic reaction to Dander. However, any human or parrot that does in fact have allergic alveolitis, will also be hyper-sensitive to and suffer from mold spores, bird droppings Etc. This allergy decreases lung capacity and causes impaired diffusion of air through the alveoli of the lungs. So the answer here is, some Macaws and Humans MAY prove to become allergic to birds dander and some will never have a problem with it at all. Things can be so both humans and macaws can live with other dander producing parrots. Purchase an air purifier and humidifier, they will both greatly reduce the airborne dander. Mist and shower your parrots 2 or 3 times a week, which will keep dander to a minimum. As with all allergies, some people and macaws may be hyper-sensitive and will not be able to tolerate any other bird in the household due to the serious health affects the dander has upon them, which would lead to death.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/11/16 13:50
  12. Welcome Annie and Charlie!! It's great having you here and kudos to you for working with rescues. It sounds like Charlie is blossoming under your loving care. :-)
  13. Thanks Caroline, that site has some noce items too. :-) I think I almost have Xmas covered now....... FOR ME :evil:
  14. I found this site that really has some nice African Grey items like wall placks, shirts, toels, mugs, pins etc. Thought I would share for those of you who may not know of this store. :-) http://stores.ebay.com/14-KARAT-PARROT_AFRICAN-GREY_W0QQcolZ2QQdirZ1QQfsubZ3805233QQftidZ2QQtZkm Some of the items I am purchasing.. <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/11/15 19:43
  15. Thanks for posting this Dave. Everytime I read it, it brings much heartfelt sadness and empathy for all those Parrots out there in rescues needing a loving forever home. Karma to you my Brother
  16. danmcq

    Pics of my Nismo

    Nice photo of Nismo, thanks for sharing it!!! :-)
  17. What a wonderful thread starting from birth. This is a great thread to follow and your doing a great job in keeping it updated. They both look very healthy and happy. Looking forward to the next several weeks of updates and photos!! :-)
  18. That is normal sexual attraction action. Do not rub his body while he is doing this. It will further excite him and you could have some serious problems with him. It is great to hear he has already become smitten you though. You must be on cloud nine. :-)
  19. I keep all of Dayos Feathers from medium size and up. I have a large gallon baggy full of them. I am going to make a large "Dream Catcher" out of them. LOL - I can just see the large feathers being used to "Pick" orifices. :-)
  20. All I can say is WOW!!!! Very nice Carolyn. Are you taking orders? ;-)
  21. Oh Congratulations on your new Baby Dino!! It is so good to hear you are happy and progressing on with life. Looking forward to hearing tons more and seeing lots of photos. :-)
  22. Gryphon wrote: LOL!! - Yeppers, your a Parrot owner. ;-)
  23. Nice photos, thanks for having the urge to post them! :-)
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