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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. The others have given good advice and the link Judy provided is a great thread on bringing home baby. Each Grey is different and thus you just need to go with the flow once you get him/her home. Some will just want to be out and about with their new flock immediately and others will need a little time to become familiar with the new cage, flock and surroundings. Not long now!! :-)
  2. Welcome Fisher!! It's GreYt having you here and I am glad you decided to join after lurking for a while. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  3. danmcq

    Acai Juice

    Hey, good finds are always news you should share with your friends. I didn't think you had any other ulterior motive than to share. :-)
  4. Some of the items listed are actually the same emotion, I believe. Jealousy - If one of us gives our Conure attention and Dayo is not with one of us. He will fly over and chase the Conure off. Anger - Plays in to the above also. Sometimes he becomes enraged and will relentlessly pursue the Conure and literally begin screaming while flying after him. This is one that seems to tie in with Hate being very similar and hard to separate between the two.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/02/20 16:03
  5. Congratulations djzenjen!! That is wonderful news. :-) It is a great photo too and the caption they ascribed to it is hilarious. :-)
  6. Take the fruit out of the mixture. Most will go for fruit amongst anything else. It is sweet and they love it. Really only try to give a small quantity of fruit 2 or 3 times a week. With the fruit missing from the mixture, the veggies and other items well get eat when she is hungry.
  7. The bite outside on the ear is letting you know she sees something and wants you to move away. They do this in the wild to each other also when something is wrong and they want the other to get going with them. They will also nip the ear in the house if just sitting on your shoulder, your ignoring them and they want your attention. At any rate, you will either need to carry Koko on your Arm, in a carrier or someplace else if you do not wish to be nipped when something is amiss.
  8. It definitely looks infected and that oozing is indicative of it. You should see an Avian vet asap.
  9. Congratulations Sidney!! Wonderful looking grey you have there and it sounds like he is settling right in. Thanks for posting the photos. :-)
  10. Welcome Scarlett!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  11. That is not from a cold! It appears your Grey has hit the area above the eye hard enough to cause bruising. Atleast thats what it looks like in the picture. Is that area that appears as reddish with a little blue growing? The area above the eye appears fairly swollen. Has it gone down a little from when you first noticed it? You mentioned previously that you were seeing a "Rash" appear. Is the area that appears to be bruise actually looking more like a rash to you? Is there any discharge coming from the eye at all?
  12. danmcq

    Acai Juice

    I had 2 bottles given to me by a friend/distributor of MonaVie. Drank both bottles as instructed, never felt any difference at all. Guess I just feel so good anyway there was nothing to notice. :-)
  13. Awww, poor Doc and Bella had a great time of it, just like children I swear! They are a hoot. :-) Bella certainly is a snuggle muffin once she's calmed down. Thanks for sharing that. :-)
  14. Wow, you have struck the mother load on avian items!! Your Grey s going to be one very fortunate baby!! Thanks for sharing all this preparational buying and work you have put into bring home baby. :-)
  15. That is a very tough ordeal to be going through. It's wonderful to hear your concern for your beloved avian friends while under going such huge amounts of stress in this situation. It's going to be hard on them both and anything you can do to start getting them used to being housed in separate cages now will make it easy on them and the new owner of your Macaw later. I wish you well and hope the best for you all.
  16. Hahahahaha PrettyPax, that is cute. Thanks for sharing that. :-) David - Awwww, he has decided on Elmer Fudd as his voice. ;-) LOL :-) Shanti is starting out VERY early!! Thanks for sharing that. dhorje - Congratulations, Koko is starting early too!! :-)
  17. Great news on the wellness check and at a GreYt price.:-) As Judy said, 90% is a high percentage for pellets. Just feed your Grey many other additional healthy foods as well like veggies, small amount of fruits, grains and nuts to ensure a well rounded diet.
  18. Welcome Carol and Flock!! Wow six birds! What are they? Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos of your flock. :-)
  19. Interesting davek85. I had never heard of it, but it does sound interesting. Here is a short clip of it:
  20. Hmmmm, does he still have swelling above the eye as well? Thanks for the update. I wish you and him well in getting this illness beaten.
  21. Welome Julie and Flock!! Those are nice photos, thanks for posting them. Looking forwrd to hearing more from you. :-)
  22. Welcome kljohnso!! It's wonderful that you are going to get that Grey out of that environment. He definitely has done some plucking to include his Tail Feathers as you described. There is no set time period for them and other feathers to grow back. The first thing that needs to take place is getting him to a loving and caring home that he feels safe and loved in. Then Aloe Juice mistings at least 2x a week and a good diet. Hopefully the good home and care will stop the plucking and then the regrowth process can begin. Looking for ward to hearing more updates from you. :-)
  23. I have not read the book, but it does sound interesting. Since very young and growing up around many different animal and avian types. I have always felt they could somehow sense your emotions. Most do not have any command of the human language, but some do. I am on the same page with You Linda and Jane. I have found that my feelings and explaining things to my Grey gets a very different reaction than just a blurted out word, short sentence or change in body language such as turning my back. They seem to peer deep in to your soul through eye contact and intently listen to what you are saying. The fact that they "Get It", I believe is proven both by their reaction and at sometime in the future using that exact word or sentence at exactly the right time based upon the situation. It is truly shocking the first time you have this occur and realise there is a lot more going on inside these wonderful creatures other than just "Instinctual Behaviour" that has evolved over the millenium. I've found that they feel and react based upon how YOU feel when responding and interacting with them. Get frustrated,they become frustrated, get angry, they become angry, be come sad, they become comforting etc.....
  24. LOL - That was a very entertaining video Terri. Bella is a riot. Thanks for sharing that. :-) I love your Greyhounds too!!
  25. LOL Judy .... Good One. ;-) :-) Yes "G" is the answer. There are tons of facts about Greys that can be found online and in books. One thing to be cautious of though, is many online and some book content is not actually true is actually. So weigh every thing carefully and research yourself. I find it very interesting to research until it becomes obvious if it is just the persons "Opinion" or a "Truth". Thanks for everyone's participation in this. It could become a very valuable thread to those looking for factual information. :-)
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