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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Oh, I didn't really think you had done nothing to address the situation for 2 years. I was just asking to get some more background information and specifics. :-) The multiple bite obviously means he means business and wants to hurt you bad, not just warn you. Thats why I asked that question. Is Ollie clipped? I assume he is since you mention IF you are within range he will attack. I also assume when you say he is "Pinning You", you mean his eyes are pinning as he watches you, which id the correct description if so. The only way to resolve the issue of getting him back in the cage when you need to leave or go to bed. Would be to use a perch, which I assume you have tried and it does not work at all. It amazes me that he interacts with you at a completely different level when in his cage, even to the point of of spoon feeding. Thats a clue, but at this point, I don't have any idea what that is. You love him tons to put up with this, try to figure it out and even after 2 years, still say he is not going anywhere. It is inspiring to hear that type of love and responsibility going on for one of our Avian friends. :-) ON the topic of getting another bird as a companion, it is a double edged sword. You just do not know how it would work out. They may hate each other, they may like each other, but the question would still remain of whether it would help your present relationship with Ollie. I doubt adding another bird will help. It would then be a competitor requiring your time, as you described. It would also add another dynamic to the mix that would further complicate finding the solution that works in getting Ollie back to a manageable Grey you may not have a cuddly relationship with, but at least one of mutual respect and harmony at a distance.
  2. Welcome Bryan and congratulations on getting your Timneh soon!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  3. It was indeed a great book. Thanks for sharing the video document of Dr. Pepperbergs with with Alex and Griffith. Alex died of heart failure according to the autopsy results.
  4. If this happened at 2 1/2 years old and Ollie is 5, that started over 2 years ago. So you've been in this disturbing behavior by Ollie for all that time? Not getting anymore out of cage time as you describe is really exacerbating the problem, I would think. When he is out of the cage, does he just keep attacking you until put back? If you let him out of his cage, will he happily sit on a stand or on top of his cage and enjoy the "Yard" time? When he attacks and bites as you describe, does he bite more than once or bite and fly? After 2 years of this, it is a behaviour deeply ingrained now that is going to take a lot of work to get under control. You say when he is with Trevor, Trevor gets bitten when you enter the room? Does Ollie interact with Trevor on a personal level that includes touching, scratches, sitting on him and preening etc? It is entirely possible that Ollie switch to Trevor being the favored. It is also possible that due to the limited amount of one on one time he gets with Trevor, is "Ollie's" time with him, and when you enter the room, he feels threatened by possible loss of attention and reacts with the biting and attacking. I would suspect with more out of cage time for Ollie to spend with Trevor, like 3 or 4 hours a day. Your threat of taking his precious time away may not pose as much a threat and the bad behaviour would become minimized over time and things would settle down to a flock living together harmoniously as they live in the wild with their life mates by their side. I feel for you and commend you for living with this behaviour for so long and continuing to provide Ollie with a good and loving home. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/03/15 15:00
  5. Hi Heather!! You said "AnnaBella really likes the control she has. Comments welcome...." My comment: Thats a Woman for you. ;-) Seriously now, they definitely display jealousy, possessiveness and territorialism. That display towards your husband could be one or all of them. I experience the same attitude at times when trying to interact with Kim and Dayo at the same time.
  6. Congratulations Zahra on the first words/sentence from Noah!!! They will improve their speaking skills themselves. It's up to you and family to link the words and sentences with the meaning at the time it's occurring, as you and others noted. As time progresses and many more words and sentences are learned, they will use portions of a sentence and fill in the other words correctly, just as a human learns speech skills and usage. An simple example of this would be, "Where did x go?", they will fill in the "x" with the appropriate name. :-) They are amazing and surprising at times with their abilities.
  7. Hahahahahahahahaha, how cute is that??!! Emma puts on quite the show to that song. Thanks for posting this video. Got it saved as a favorite for Dayo to dance along with Emma and do those crazy moves. :-) Karma to you.
  8. Love those videos of Dorian. He is a complete play cast in and of himself....male, female vocals and all the needed sounds effects!! :-) Thanks for sharing this video.
  9. danmcq

    dive bombing

    Has either of these Greys ever been a companion Parrot or were they both previous breeders? If they were breeders, you are going to have a lot of work ahead of you to get them calmed down around people in what they consider THEIR space. If could also be that Molly is targeting the highest spot on you as the landing strip as as she becomes unstable and looses traction, starts grabbing to stay up top and screams when falling and flying off. You need to use your arm as the landing target, ensuring you are prepared for the dive bomb flight at you. Since you already know it's going to happen, watch her body language as you walk by or start turning to leave the room. There will be no doubt in your mind that she is in a "Prepare to take off" posture.
  10. Well, you can offer them just to get the trust built up so your Grey will feel comfortable just being that close to your hands, before you actually try to get a step-up. If your Grey is already fairly good with taking treats from your hand. You can use one hand as a lure with the treat as you request a step-up with the other. Once the step-up is completed, the reward is the treat. Just don't try to give scratches etc. right away. Just let your Grey chill where it is on your hand and let it start the more intimate actions.
  11. I am positive you are right in regards your Greys attitude being affected by that bad clip. It is hard to imagine a breeder doing that intentionally though to a baby they have raised and loved. Your Grey is wanting closer attention than sitting on the perch watching. She depends upon you or others to come and get her so she can be with you or them on your lap, arm, shoulder etc. getting some attention or just hanging out with you. Finding your Grey another home as the solution to the problem, will not help it unless the next home has plenty of time to spend with her. Like 4 hours each day minimum. That Grey is dependant upon the "Flock" for movement and socializing and will continue to scream until it either gets it, or it could just shut-down and become completely non-social and possibly start pluck itself bald. If you have the time and heart, it would really be best to keep her and work through this as her feathers molt out and fully come back in. This could take over a year though. I know it's nerve racking and more like work than a joy right now. But over time she will be the Grey you wish her to be, with the right attention and care for now. :-)
  12. He is playing and wanting your attention. I am surprised you didn't say he was also grabbing your hair with his Talons as well. My Grey does this also when behind my head on the couch and wants attention or is just being goofy. :-)
  13. Well Congratulations Pat!!! You KNOW we want to see photos tomorrow!! :-)
  14. Hello Krystal, At 8 months old, your Grey is still very much a baby and wants to be with it's flock while viewing it from inside it's cage. You mentioned you take her out 2x a day, but for how long? When your home, they want attention and to be with you. They are a flock bird and when they want the flock, they contact call to find them and get to them. The only way to stop the constant calling is to ignore it. It can take quite a while for this to stop. If you give any kind of attention, even yelling back at them or whatever, it's attention and the relish it. They will take attention most anyway they can get it, except for abuse. Being clipped so severely leaves them dependant upon you for transportation and more needful than unclipped our partially flighted birds. We have a ton of members here that are all more than willing to help you through this tough time. Stay in touch and correspond all you wish. :-)
  15. These beauties have not been seen in the wild for many years. As GreenGoblin siad, hopefully some do still exist out there unseen.
  16. Congratulations on bringing Kiddy home!! Most love Almonds, Apple etc. as a treat. Looking forward to hearing more updates. :-)
  17. Nice job ono the cage assembly. :-) Your baby will be very happy with the new home and decor.
  18. Welcome MeginAL and Poco!! Well, congratulations on your first Grey and kudos to you for doing so much research before making the decision. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  19. Welcome Sue and Ollie!! It's GreYt having you here. Hope to hear more from you soon and perhaps seeing some photos of Ollie's last 5 years with you. :-)
  20. That soundZzzzz like a well thought out decision Jamal. :-) One of these days you'll post some picz of your Greyzzzz. :-) I thinnk Im picking up your accent. ;-)
  21. Welcome JonDude and Clark!! Just keep Clark away from the Beach Babes....YOu know how they all melt over Superman. ;-) It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  22. Jen - Those pellets aren't bad sauteed in a little butter before consuming. ;-)
  23. Seeds and nuts should play in as part of their diet. Vets recommend around 20%. The rest should be some good pellets like Zupreem, Harrison's etc., lots of veggies, legumes and whole grains cooked and mixed, a little fruit 2 or 3 times a week. All seed diet will lead to poor health and a shortened life span as has been documented many times by Avian Vets.
  24. Oh how adorable!! Please get tons of photos on your visit and share them. :woohoo:
  25. I'm glad you have all found this to be a good site. It is the best I have seen so far. :-)
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