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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Oops, sorry I misinterpreted the "Mom, can I have him back now". It's GreYt that your Son is developing a good relationship with your Grey. :-)
  2. LOL!! Cute story, thanks for sharing Dixies big fake and fly. :-)
  3. Char wrote: Well, Dayo is home all day alone also, is a Male and picks up phrases and words in 2 - 3 days. So it sounds like the sex does not matter. ;-) Which is what I advocate. Most Greys on average do not start talking until close to a year of age and sometimes a little later than that. I would not advise anyone to pick a specific gender based upon a "Hope" that it may speak sooner or better. :-)
  4. Thanks for posting this very informative article. The statement "However, artificial lighting has not traditionally been considered necessary for captive psittacine birds." This is sad but true. It good full spectrum lighting with both UVA and UVB of correct percentages of each of vitally important for birds that are kept in the house with no outside exposure, during winter months especially when temperatures and weather do not permit sufficient outdoors time for UVB absorption. If people are feeding a pelleted diet formulated specifically for each species, they include the correct amounts of Vitamin D3 supplement. Otherwise, good indoor avian lighting is a must.
  5. Wow, that is a scary incident. If you live where critters like that coon are, avairies are best built with stainless mesh. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  6. The natural instincts they have built in over thousands of years without a doubt kicked in. They will act the came way when they observe a bird of prey flying over and sitting in a tree with in view. We watch many animal documentaries and when Dayo see's one that preys on birds, his entire body language changes and many times he will cheap like he did when a baby. The painting sounds wonderful. I would love to see a photo of it if you would be so kind. :-)
  7. Awww, he looks wonderful. Tell your Mom your brother is not welcome on the next visit. ;-) It's always wonderful to be able to visit them as they grow, get photos and most importantly start building a relationship with them at such as young age. Most are not able to do that. Thanks for keeping the updates coming and those wonderful photos. :-)
  8. It's GreYt seeing you posting again and congratulations on finally finding a TAG!!! Looking forward to hearing progress reports and seeing those photos when you have them. :-)
  9. Welcome Linda!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  10. Tim I know exactly how you feel regarding feeding a baby. I did not bring my Grey home so early, but I was able to feed him while at the breeders visiting each week under the careful guidance of those wonderful people. I sweat too and was nervous as hell every time I did it in fear of getting food down the wind pipe. It sounds like your doing a good job of it and the most important thing to be careful of is the temperature of that formula, since you have obviously got the feeding portion under control. The volume of formula he is consuming is enough for him. Most volumes of formula you give are general guidelines per species, not an exact value each bird will consume. The do grow fast don't they? You'll continue to be shocked at the growth rate of that B&G, they are a very large bird and have a lot of growing to do in the first 12 weeks. :-)
  11. Welcome Nancy!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) It's wonderful to see you getting ready well in advance for the arrival of your new much awaited Timneh. Looking forward to hearing more from you as this progresses.
  12. Natasha, I believe you did more than the previous owners, otherwise you would have found flyers, newspaper lost section or neighbors etc. that would have said "Hey that must be the Grey that just went missing X number of days ago". At his point, I'm with the others, keep the Grey, He's yours. The owners in my opinion abandoned him or did not try very hard to find him. Karma to you for being so vigilant at "Doing the right Thing" and now opening your home to a lost Grey in need of a loving person and family such as you. :-)
  13. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully his next home will be able to provide the out of cage time, patience and attention your Grey needs.
  14. What wonderful Photos!! I love them all. Thanks for posting these. :-)
  15. Congratulations on the wonderful news of finding him!!! :-)
  16. Welcome Kimberly, Family and Flock!! It's GreYt having here. Loking forward to hearing more and seeing photos when you get a chnace. :-)
  17. Welcome Shazzmac and Lottie!! It's GreYt having you here and hearing how the homecoming of you new Grey goes. :-)
  18. No, it WAS an Eagle disguised as a kite, but didn't fool Koko.
  19. Happy Hatch Day Jasper!!!
  20. Welcome Suzy!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to heaaring more from you. :-)
  21. You know he won't recognize you when you no longer have a camera in front of your face. ;-) GreYt videos, thanks for sharing them!! :-)
  22. Welcome Chrissy and flock!! It's GreYt having you here and looking for ward to hearing more from you. :-)
  23. danmcq

    Ear Wax

    It's good news to hear she has been diagnosed and started treatment for the ear issue. In regards the Herbal remedy, it will be interesting to hear what it is and how it works. Thanks for the update. :-)
  24. Wow Tom, what a wonderful update on Sam. It is wonderful to hear how well you two are getting on and becoming closer everyday. The evening leaning back in the recliner with your Grey on your chest nuzzling in for some good head scratching and relaxation is also one of our greys favorite snuggle times. Thanks for posting this GreYt progress report. :-)
  25. I am very sorry to hear of the test results and the need to keep Clyde quarantined for a much longer period of time. You are doing all the right things in the precautions your taking to avoid spreading the disease to your other birds. Looking forward to updates as you have them. :-)
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