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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Wow, now that really shows Koko's determination and willingness to do whatever it takes to get to her Mom. It also shows she put that large Grey Matter to work and figured out just the right path to take, regard less of the peril involved in braving those slippery rails, jumping across deep crevices between rails and god knows what evil monsters could be lurking at any point. Thanks for sharing this story of Koko's great adventure of getting upstairs. :-)
  2. He is definately smart and very in-tune with you. :-) I'm hoping he keeps it up for you.
  3. Poor Willow, it's always gut wrenching for us to see them grimace and struggle when going through a procedure like that. They just don't understand that it's to help them. It's good to hear the vet believes it will only be a month or two for it to be corrected. Karma to you for taking such GreYt care of your Grey. Thanks for for the update. Keep us posted on how her attitude is doing. :-) I have no experience with red bellies.
  4. You have made GreYt progress with Gil. It's always heart warming to hear of a rehomed Grey doing so well and flourishing in their new loving home. Thanks for posting this update. :-)
  5. Congratulations Carol!!!! Those photos of your new Twins are wonderful. Your breeder did indeed do a GreYt job with that clutch as can be seen in all the photos. I'm so happy to see how they just readily clung to you and started exploring their new home. Now, I can just picture those two getting their "Guitar Hero" act going and playing "Air Guitar" as they rock out with your Daughter. :-) Thanks for posting all these photos and sharing so soon. :-) I don't know how you are standing it at work, it will probably be the second longest day in your life. The first was yesterday waiting for that plane to arrive with your babies.
  6. It's the BIG Day!! Congratulations Carol!!! You know we will all be looking for photos at 12:01 am in the morning now.
  7. Thats is a HUGE step for Maxi!! Congratulations. I can just picture the big smile on your face and Maxis excitement of making such a long flight and maneuvering as well. :-)
  8. You BOTH will be surprised when those mumbles turn into the first word or phrase after the calibration phase is done. The the addition of words and phrases will speed up over time as they learn how to verbalize each consonant and vowel. :-) Dayo didn't even start mumbling until about 11 months. Whats odd is I clearly heard him say "Hello" only once when he was 5 months. So hang in there and just read what your in for. Sometimes them being able to verbalize what they want or how they feel is not a good thing in regards our human ego or feelings. ;-)
  9. The Grey, by far in linguistic abilities. However, intelligence wise, I believe many parrots and some birds are as intelligent as Greys. They are just not able to vocalize as well.
  10. Azzie from the sounds of how you are associating actions and items with words, your doing a GreYt job and your right, your Grey understands them. :-) Another example of Dayo and proper word and phrase association. When I microwave or take something straight out of the oven or skillet, Dayo will either fly to my shoulder or down to the counter top near buy. Then he starts his comments: Dayo - Just wait a minute, it's Hot. Me - Yes, it's hot. Dayo - Ok. lets eat Me - It's still hot (as I'm blowing on the food just dished up) Dayo - Lets go eat ( Normally to the living room) Me - Just a mnute Dayo - Still hot? Me - Yes it's still hot (note, this is all in about 30 seconds) he is obviously impatient to get at that food. :-)
  11. Awww, Congratulations to you and your Daughter Pat!!
  12. These are very cool photo editing work, Natasha and Timotian!! Thanks for posting these, I love it!! :-)
  13. Thats wonderful news to hear!! :-) LOL @ the "If cats could talk".
  14. Fingers crossed here that the vet can use a pair of narrow foceps to snatch that button piece out of the crop.
  15. This is a Great and very important topic. Thanks for posting this! One note on the installation of any natural gas burning device such as an Oven, Central AC, Central Heat or other such unit. The first time any of these devices are "Fired Up", all the chemicals and oils coating the internal parts i.e. burners and the manifolds feeding them are coated with oil and other protective chemicals so they do not rust and the surfaces stay undamaged from the environment. Birds and animals as well as people with respiratory issues should be moved outside until the burn is fully completed, normally around 20 minutes and then air the house out for a good hour before returning birds or critters inside. We had a new central air and heat unit installed a year ago and had to move all the critters out. Karma to you for posting this topic!! :-)
  16. LOL!!! He sure did let you know how he felt about that mister!! :-)
  17. Pat and Judy gave good advice. Act normally and don't crawl. He either needs to let you approach normally or he doesn't get fed. You must be able to do so eveyday as you know. It's going to be pots of time and patience required, Next time, perhaps don't get too aggressive at chasing him around or cornering him to get a step up to the perch. It will take longer, but it can be done over more time before he gives up on his own and finally just steps up so you can take him back with out any drama. :-)
  18. Great article David,thanks for posting it!! I love Mocking birds and we have tons of them where I live. Their night songs are amazing to listen to and sometimes two will sing back and forth with a plethora of diffent pitches, rythyms etc. I guess, like humans, sometimes they just don't like the way you look and think you need an a$$ whoopin.
  19. It's good to hear the vet visit went fairly well. Did the vet say specifically "What" deficiency your Grey had in terms of nutrition? Did she draw blood to come to that conclusion? It's' greyt to hear you are working on the diet by provides good varied foods like veggies, fruits etc. Thanks for the update. :-)
  20. Hahahahahahahah..............I mean, are you serious? ;-) The only solution to that would be a flight suit, but then you need to be able to get it on your bird, then get the diaper like a baby to keep him clean. :-) Clipping does not stop pooping in various places. They climb and wlak if not filght and where they go, so does the poop. :-)
  21. What a cute story. As Pat said, they do indeed know what the word means long before you hear them say it, much like a human child. Becare though, once speech has been mastered, then the orders start coming in.
  22. Tuki is an adorable baby Grey. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  23. LOL Ziva and Pat! They definately hate it when we all go to work don't they? Unfortunately for us, they are just so smart and able to vocalize their feelings and accordlingly make us feel guilty. Just imagine if your Dogs, Cats and other critters could talk, you'd be sobbing before you ever got out the door. ;-)
  24. LOL Jane - That sounds similar to the conversations I have with Dayo over the Phone. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
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