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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Very nice photos of Chikki, he is a fine looking grey. As others have said, it will take a little time and patience for him to adjust to the new home, cage and most impactive change of not being able to fly. Thats is always a shock to them and takes some time for them to adjust to. Can he fly a little so he does not hit the floor too hard if he slips and falls? Thanks for posting these photos.
  2. There's some good reading there. Thanks for posting this and karma to you. :-)
  3. Apollo is a beautiful sherperd. Please update weekly as he grows. :-)
  4. Wow, you have made GreYt progress with Sam!! He has fallen for you head over heels. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  5. Thanks for the update.... it's about time and we want to hear them more often. ;-) GreYt hearing from you agian!! :-)
  6. Judy is spot on. The box needs to go or if you are considering purchasing an adult Grey in hopes of breeding, then the box and the greys of course will need to have a breeding cage with the nest box in it and good perching support for the magic to happen.
  7. This is a GreYt video of Emma really chatting it up. I love the old macdonald. Thanks for sharing this. Karma to you. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/06/18 15:18
  8. Happy Hatch Day Tobie!!!! <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/06/17 04:08
  9. Great photo of Bella suited up. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  10. Very cool Pat! Can't wait to see photos of your gang mixing it up on that atom. :-)
  11. If your Grey is distracted by his cage, then using a separate room makes perfect sense. My Grey is not distracted by his cage at all. Now if their were other people there, he would definately be distracted. :-) Doing things with your Grey always builds that relationship.
  12. I ditto Pat, hows the search going? It's been a while, but don't give up and just hang in there. After a week it is hard to keep the attitude up and the hopes high, I know. Just hang in there!!
  13. Yes, being flighted has nothing to do with being able to train a Grey. For the most part, they will only fly from you if your trying to place them back in there cage or force them to step up when they do not wish to. Are you using a particular room to train in for a reason? A little more information on what you are trying to train him for would help. :-)
  14. Awww, that Greyt Pat!!! :-)
  15. Uh Oh, I better stop Dayos reading lessons. :laugh:
  16. You have made GreYt progress with Stormy. It is always wonderful to hear from those that have put so much love and patience into rehabilitating one of these Greys or other Parrots. :-) You wrote" "At times (he hasnt done this for a few months now) he would just flip out. Screaming, flapping all over either inside his cage, on top of his cage, or even on the floor. I dont want him to have to live in fear, or have these explosions of psychosis." Something has to be triggering this type of behaviour. Something your wearing that you don't normally, sounds not normal etc. You will really need to be paying close attention to details with all your senses to figure it out. The other possibility, is there is an underlying health issue that truly is causing a type of psychosis or similar mental change. Has he had a complete blood work up and exam?
  17. Caitlin - Loved that video of Slater!! What a charachter he is. :-)
  18. The others comments are good. I always find shooting at Dayos feet get him to hopping.
  19. Caitlin gave GreYt advice and comments. I have nothing to add to her comments. :-)
  20. GreYt idea, thanks for posting this!! Karma to you. :-)
  21. LOL - They do know how to get our attention, don't they. Just wait until she gets bored on your shoulder and gives your ear a "little love pinch" on your ear to get your undivided attention. :-)
  22. That video looked like a happy dance to me, was that Boesman? They are both cute all wet and putting on their best poses. :-)
  23. Yes, at that age theres no telling what he is trying to do. He could just be having so good old kid fun by doing drive by's. But, it is ceratinly something to be cautious of when visitors arrive. Don't wntn any eye put out. :-)
  24. That sounds like a good solution Penny! We don't need curtain, since the guest shower/bath has sliding glass doors. But, we do have cloth crocheted ornamental curtains hanging on the outside. Dayo loves to climb up them and then kind of roll himself up inside and create a sling like a hammock and lay in it for a few minutes. Can't any holes he probably made while biting it, since the design is full of holes for the pattern anyway. It's mine and Dayo's secret, unless Kim notices some cut threads in it one of these days. ;-)
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