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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. You have a very good looking Tag there. Thanks for posting the photos. :-)
  2. Welcome Chelsea, it's GreYt having you here!! Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  3. Emma is certainly having fun trying to get those pieces out of that box. She would really appreciate it though, if you would please let her concentrate when she is at work. Thanks for posting the video and the GreYt suggestion for toys that will keep our Greys entertained. Karma to you.
  4. That is terrible abuse by his previous owners. It means they basically reach the point they hated and neglected him, poor soul. From what you say in regards he is conversing and taking food from you gently, you have made tremendous progress in just 2 weeks. He is happy not being covered, being made to feel a part of the flock and is learning that not all humans are the enemy and not to be trust, atleast they are ok so far outside his home, the cage. You may not need to change his cage placement or toys if he seems calm and not cowering from a toy or as he just sits preening in his cage. Time, patience and love may be all that is further required. :-) Please keep us posted on his progress.
  5. Hahahahahahaha, I feel your pain Char. Dayo has been saying "Lets go pee" as the second phrase he learned a long time ago..... :-) {Feel-bad-00020068}
  6. How old is he and do you know if he was abused in any way or just left in his cage constantly by the previous owners? First, it is going to take time. The combination of new cage, new toys (he may be afraid of, cage placed in window etc. could all be causing much fear and anxiety in him. You should try just sitting right next to the cage and read, watch tv, talk to him etc as much as possible so he comes to know you and that you pose no threat. He could also be Cage aggressive. Have you tried letting him come out on his own? Can you handle him once he is out of the cage? There are many things you could try to calm him down like move his cage to where it is against a wall, not by a door and farther away from your macaw , take some of the toys out if he seems leery of one or two particularly etc. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  7. Acapella is right, the longer she is there, the more you will see of what's really inside her. :-)
  8. I can not think of any way to get a grey to not chew on something they find desirable, other than covering it with towels, sheets etc when they will be out. The only other way is to make that couch off-limits completely and remove him a 1000 times if it takes that. It does mean the arm will be off-limits to, I don't think he will see any difference between it and the rest of the couch, unless you place a towel there perhaps so it looks different and only allow him on that one spot. This too will take moving him to the arm a 1000 times until he "Gets It". Perhaps his favorite treats would speed up the process for each time he goes and stays there.
  9. Sometimes when they are young, they will let you get them in the shower with you. It does not mean they enjoy it or welcome it. They are just a very young baby complying with their Parront. It does not take that long for it to change. You will probably need to start misting with a spray bottle while your grey is confined to the cage or roll the whole thing outside, put a nozzle on the hose, adjust it to a cone position and let and fall like rain upon your grey. They still don't like it, but it is necessary. I follow up by spraying mine down with Aloe from a spray bottle to get the skin nice and supple.
  10. LOL!! Love those photos. :-) Dayo loves his ice cream too and gets a little when we have some. He also loves frozen fruit bars...ummmm ummmm.
  11. Welcome Matt and Dafney!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) You are doing just fine by being patient and letting her come around according to her own time schedule in interacting with you and the new flock. It is very wise to leave the trimmings for a later date so she does not associate the new home with bad experiences. You may also want to read some of the posts on this forum dealing with wing clipping, nail trimming etc. which continue good advice and different points of view. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those photos. :-)
  12. Thats wonderful news Lyn!!! :-) Thanks for updating us.
  13. Very cute video of Emma playing on her Atom. Thanks for posting this. :-)
  14. A traditional Yoruba Tribe legend of the African Grey "In many west and west central African cultures, the African grey parrot is considered sacred. . ." According to a legend from the ancestral culture of the Yoruba people of South Western Nigeria, the Republic of Benin, the Republic of Togo and Ghana, the African grey parrot which is known as Odide was not always grey, nor did it always have red tail feathers. God decided to have a contest to see which bird had the most beautiful feathers so all the birds in the world began preparing themselves. They sought to improve their beauty by adding things to themselves or trying to enhance their colors. At that time the Odide, which was white in color, made no preparations at all. This caused the other birds to wonder, why were they working so hard and why Odide was doing nothing at all. All of the other birds began to worry. They were afraid that if Odide entered the contest they would all lose. So, all the other birds got together and decided to spoil Odide's natural beauty. They first tried to spoil Odide's beauty by dumping ashes on it as it flew through the trees. This did not seem to have any effect..... Next the other birds went to the Sorcerer to get an evil charm which would turn the Odide's tail feathers red. The other birds were quite sure that the Odide would not enter the contest now, since they had spoiled its natural beauty. On the day of the beauty contest the Odide entered any way in spite of all that had been done to it. Much to the surprise of the other birds, God awarded the prize to the Odide because it came to the contest even though so much harm had been done to it. God said that the Odide was indeed the most beautiful bird, because true beauty is on the inside. In many west and west central African cultures the African grey parrot is considered sacred and its tail feathers are a symbol of or an emblem of royalty. When Kings and Queens are crowned and members of the priesthood ordained at least one tail feather from the African grey must either be in the crown or some where on the person being crowned or ordained. This is done to remind them that true beauty comes from within.
  15. Thought I would resurrect this GreYt story so others would know it exists here.... :-)
  16. Never give up hope, even though I know how the pain, fear of what could have happened and anguish really starts to take it's toll. It is a very sad and remorseful feeling that you just can't seem to shake. Hang in there, were all rooting for you and praying for your grey to be not only found, but returned to you.
  17. GreYt photos Carol. Everbody needs that somebody to love, so now both your Greys have that someone. :-) Thanks for posting these.
  18. Very nice photos. Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  19. Abula YOu wrote: "i did research and mum only hates the food and feathers that goes every were and the poop" Food - Get a cage with seed guards around the bottom. This will help alot. Also, place food bowls on the bottom of the cage, but make sure they are not under perches to ensure they are not pooped in while your out. Feathers - It's a bird and feathers, especially the down and smaller feathers come out fairly constantly and will fly around when they shake off. When pulling out the cage tray, spray it with a water mister first so the feathers won't fly out as you walk with it. Poop - Try to keep your grey on playstands with trays to catch the poop. Training to poop on command is possible, but difficult to get a real consistency. Place towels anywhere you are going that he may sit like on an arm chair or couch back. Then just wash them.
  20. Congratulations Pat, the first word is alswys so exciting!!! :-)
  21. It does not look like plucking to me. But, it does look as if the tail feathers have been damaged from rough play or they have been barbered by her.
  22. Hahahahahahahahahahaha, isn't having a Grey just like having a young EVIL child....
  23. Welcome rxe!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing more photos when you get a chance.
  24. Very cute video of Rexxy trying to destroy that evil ball. :-) Thanks for sharing it.
  25. Hi Carol, it's GreYt hearing from you again, you were missed!! :-) You have got one busy life right now, but it sounds like your still enjoying those two immensely. They look GreYt and sound like they are a hoot to have around to fill your down time with joy, laughter and love. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/06/19 15:33
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