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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq


    Your right on track Leia. Keep offering it and she will stop eating once shes had enough, as your observing. Monitoring her weight is important at all times, especially so when the weaning process is starting to come to an end and she is switching over to the foods you are offering her. It's GreYt to hear you are doing that. Every Grey is different, just as Dhorges Koko illustrates. Some will like to be given a hand feeding sometimes through out their lives. We continued giving Dayo baby food from a spoon well past the time he was weaned and still offer him some in the evening s at times. In the wild, you will observe mates feeding each other at times. It is the ultimate sign of love and affection. So, just thought I would make you aware that at times she will or may beg and bob her head, meaning she would like a feeding spoon fed to her. :-)
  2. Well, Dayo loves his Daddy, but he is obsessed with his Mommy and she is the he normally shows very close affection for. he will dance around on her legs, pant and regurgitate for her when she gets home after work and lets him out of the cage. he will fall into such a deep sleep in the evenings laying on her chest as he is fully down, legs sticking out the back and wings parted that sometimes he will start to roll off. He loves her so much, she can lifts his wings, flip him over and rub his belly, tickle under his wings etc. I am not allowed these types of interactions at all, he will try to box with me over such a sick insult from another male. ;-) With me, he likes to play and rough house with dad like all kids, the occasional allowance of a scratch is granted but only for 5 seconds at the most. Then he just wants to sit on my arm or knee and preen and sometimes falls a sleep on one foot.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/01 15:14
  3. Char gives GreYt advice on how to solve that issue. Tyco does have the Devil in him at times it seems, as most Greys do. :-) Thanks for posting this Pat.
  4. Very cute story. It's hard to keep track of the flock when the split up to different areas on a her like that. :-) Thanks for sharing this story of Koko and flying back and forth bewteen the dispersed flock.
  5. Welcome Misslea!! It's GreYt having you and your flock here. :-) Give your Grey a little more time to settle in and see how it goes. Perhaps the last woman of the house did not treat him so well. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  6. Welcome Tajee!! Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  7. Wow, what a beautiful zon you have, it's wonderful to see they get along right now. :-) Hawkheads are very rare, my Breeder raises them as well. They have a hard time getting more than one fertile egg out of a laying of 3 or so. Thanks for posting these photos. :-)
  8. OMG, how horrifying!!:ohmy: I am so glad you clean his mouth out good and the vet knew exactly what to do. :-) GreYt Job!!!
  9. Janfromboone wrote: Jan - Click after the {/quote], than hit the {Enter} key and start a new line. Then your comments will show up below the quote. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/06/30 20:44
  10. TinyTimneh wrote: Hahahahahahahaha, I can mentally picture that!! You MUST get a video of that for all to see!!! :-)
  11. Yes, I believe we are, I quote from the article: "Between 1994 & 2003 more than 450 000 parrots were captured and exported under controls that required a permit from a national authority to certify that the export was not detrimental to the species in the wild." 353 heads and 2000 tail feathers are nothing compared to the numbers that were being captured to export out to other countries. They very well could have been from Greys that Died died in those very small transport boxes they shove them all into to transport them out of the capture site. Now, someone needs to go decapitate that witch doctors head and stop the senseless treatments he is performing for his mentally ill brother, which I suspect the witch doctor suffers from the same ailment as well...
  12. 1 - If you don't have one, get an alarm system on your house. 2 - Get a gun, no worries about any spray getting to Annabella or the burglar getting to you even pepper sprayed. 3. The pepper spray is not toxic to you or to her and the way you have her setup in another room she would probably not even get a whiff. But, she might like a shot or two straight in the beak...they love Hot Stuff!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/06/30 15:54
  13. I loved that video of Whisper!! :-) Do you say TicaTicaTicaTicaTicaTicaToo when your tickling her or playing with her? She certainly loves that and the "It's amazin". Karma to you.
  14. Just shake your head as the bird is trying to land. It will train him that you head is not a stable perching or landing spot.
  15. LOL Casper - Your so right, oh here, let me remove the bird poop before you sit there... ;-) GreYt post Dave!!
  16. Very nice poem for Alfie!! YOu need to add that to a scrapbook covering his life with you as you go. :-)
  17. Wow, what a beautiful cage setup. I have never seen anything like that and love the idea. :-) He sounds like he lives a wonderful life and your right, they do indeed change all of our lives.
  18. It's GreYt to hear all is progressing well with Sunny. Thanks for the update and posting that photo of you beautiful baby Grey. :-)
  19. Welcome Hanlie and Assegaai!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  20. Congratulations!! You, Grandhild and family will be in our thoughts and prayers.
  21. It's good to hear Harvey got over the terrible fear of your parents dog so fast and stopped screaming. I hate it when Dayo screams like that, it absolutey sends chills down my spine and makes me jump if it comes without expectation, like carrying a hedge trimmer through the house right by him. :ohmy: Those screams can be so loud it almost hurts your ears. :pinch:
  22. Great photos Caitlin! It's good to hear Ecko enjoyed the bath and outside time. I can't say the same for Dayo regarding the bath, he absolutely hates it and climbs all over his cage while it's happening. he normally just settles down in about 2 minutes, annoyed as hell and wait tell it's done. Then the Aloe mist bottle comes out and he gets drenched with it. He does not mind it so much, because I let him bite that evil nozzle while misting him. I can not get under his wings, those things are shut tighter than a vise.
  23. Wow, what a wonderful story of how to use networking with all you know actively involved in finding your Grey. Introducing all in your neighborhood to Schroeder and visiting with them as you take walks now and then is a GreYt idea. Thanks for posting this!!!!
  24. Very cute video of Spock on his back. I thought he was going to start juggling any minute once you added the 3rd toy to his beak. Thanks for posting this.
  25. Very nice choice for a name. :-)
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