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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome harmonicaman68!! Thanks for the good information and link to Parrot University. When you get a chance, why don't you go and introduce yourself in the introduction room so others will know we have a new member? Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  2. Very cute baby Grey. he seems to be settling right in from the sounds of it. Thanks for posting the photos. :-)
  3. Oh he looks so happy and healthy Pat. I can see a change, just in the short time you have had him. GreYt Job!!! :-)
  4. LOL!! I love it! I'll Artie is a little pissed about it though.
  5. Thanks for posting this adventure Shanlung. The story and photos were fabulous, as always!!! :-)
  6. A father passing by his son's bedroom was astonished to see that his bed was nicely made and everything was picked up. Then he saw an Envelope, propped up prominently on the pillow that was addressed to 'Dad.' With the worst premonition he opened the envelope with trembling hands and read the letter. Dear Dad: It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing you. I had to elope with my new girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with Mom and you. I have been finding real passion with Stacy and she is so nice. But I knew you would not approve of her because of all her piercing, tattoos, tight motorcycle clothes and the fact that she is much older than I am. But it' s not only the passion.... Dad she's pregnant. Stacy said that we will be very happy. She owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood for the whole winter. We share a dream of having many more children. Stacy has opened my eyes to the fact that marijuana doesn't really hurt anyone. We'll be growing it for ourselves and trading it with the other people that live nearby for cocaine and ecstasy. In the meantime we will pray that science will find a cure for AIDS so Stacy can get better.. She deserves it. Don't worry Dad. I'm 15 and I know how to take care of myself. Someday I'm sure that we will be back to visit so that you can get to know your grandchildren. Love, Your Son John PS. Dad, none of the above is true. I'm over at Tommy's house. I Just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than a Report card That's in my center desk drawer.
  7. GreYt Job Jill!! Also nice photo of Mr. Smarty Pants showing a "Tude" and looking good. :-)
  8. Dave is the RPO Guru, of course he is on everything else as well. :-) Dayo HATES RPO. As Dave said, we must mix it in with foods like scrambled eggs, oatmeal, drip it on pellets etc. If it's not "masked", there is no way of getting him to eat it.
  9. Tkilgor wrote: "We got one and we have a custom bird room that is large. " I would love to see photos of yoru bird room. Others here have them also and they are normally a GreYt bird environment with lots of room to fly and have fun for them. :-)
  10. AnnaBella is such a BEAUTIFUL Grey. These photos were all wonderful and its easy to see she has a LARGE personality. :-) Thanks for sharing these photos. It is always a "Treat" when you do!!
  11. How adorable!! Thanks for posting the baby photos. :-)
  12. danmcq


    hill wrote: That day will never come. There will always be a bite here and there as they communicate that they do not wish to do what it is your wanting them to. :-) Thanks for a nice update.
  13. danmcq


    Use food dye, it is safe for your birds and it is what "Bird Safe" the Toy manufacturers use.
  14. lovethatgrey wrote: Janet, There is no tray at the bottom. We place paper towels as a liner. The opening in the front is plently big to get the bird in and out. There is plenty of space for them to turn around, walk sideways a little to get to the bowls or view outside. You just need to order the correct size for your bird. One thought, most do not purchase this as a small play cage. I purchased it to simply transport Dayo in safety to the vets, car rides to friends or outtings. Anyout "Out Time" for play or interaction is done on the leash. For those that want a roomier cage for travel and outdoor jaunts, just buy a small cage that has more room, like a 2 foot by 2 foot 2 foot cage. I think both the Adventure Pack and the Packo-O-Bird are excellent products. It is simply what each individual prefers and how they are going to use it. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/19 15:31
  15. Congratulations on finding a pair of breeders in need of a good and final home. It's wonderful of you to do this. The description you give of the living conditions they will have with all the TLC you have to give them. Should provide the best home they have had their entire lives with a much larger cage than a breeders cage. Please post photos and videos when you get a chance and keep us updated onthem. What a wonderful story. Karma to you for taking them in unconditionally!! :-)
  16. Thanks for the update Pat. Harley is a real trooper! Looking forward to hearing how all the tests come back and of course seeing more photos and video's of him.
  17. GreYt reply Birddesss, your spot on. :-) Of course with a decade and a half of experience, I would expect nothing less. :-)
  18. What a fine looking Grey Biscotti is! Thanks for sharing the photos. :-)
  19. Thanks for the update Sarah. Lenny sounds like he is coming along very nicely. :-)
  20. I agree with you 100 percent Jill. These morons spewing lies they heard from people spreading them to the STUPID and ILL-Informed just make me sick. They are all like a bunch of cows just following the path over the edge of the cliff. I detest stupidity, I can tolerate innocent ignorance, but I have no patience for for blabbering fools.....
  21. Beautiful photos of those new feathers coming in. They are so beautiful in their shiny black coat with yellow head striped. Thanks for updating this so frequently. It is a BIG treat to almost be a part of it. :-)
  22. danmcq


    His taking it and throwing it, is telling you it is not what he wants at the time. :-) They are very smart. It does not necessarily mean he does not like that particular treat though. Try different things like, almonds, shelled peanuts, pine nuts, apple, grape etc. Also, he may know the name for those items, so say the name of the treat you are giving him. He will soon be asking for his favorites. You and the Grey are both making good progress for only 2 days. Just take it real slow and easy. You are gaining his trust, try to observe his body language closely so you can start learning when he is uncomfortable or possible going to bite and avoid it. :-) The do like hot food like chilies. Most seed and nut mixes have them if designed specifically for Greys. There are also "Spicy" pellets by different manufacturers. You can even by fresh peppers like Jalapenos at the store and cut them up for them.
  23. GreYt review scotty. In my experience with the pak-o-bird over the last year, your are spot on. :-) The only thing I might add to the chewing part, is Dayo loves zippers and the handles. So when he is out and we have the carrier out as well. He will chew on them. So we have to really pay attention and place the pack somewhere out of his sight. It took him about the same time, 3 days to comfortably get into it. We left it out in his favorite play area when we first received it for him to get used to it as just becoming a "Normal" item. Thanks and Karma to you for this!! :-)
  24. LOL - Well look at it this way, when you and BF get married and have a baby, you'll be used to that part of it.
  25. Lyric wrote: Man, glad I'm married and not in the boyfriend mode any more. "Oh, Hi honey, the doggy left lots of stuff for you to clean up, how was the vacation?" Hope you had a good time!! :-)
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