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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Good comments on height and sentinels. Crows and most other birds do the same. They work as a team for survival.
  2. ALL beans must be cooked before being fed to your birdy. The all contain chemicals which are removed during cooking. This is a good post and loved the videos. :-)
  3. Many Greys abhor water. My Grey hates it as well and will once in a blue moon jump in a pan full of water and get a little wet and frolic. So, as you I either mist him or spray him and the cage outside when it's warm once a week then mist him with Aloe Juice 100 percent strength afterwards to help with making what skin it does contact supple and non itchy. When I have the time and am home, I soak him 2x a week.
  4. Very cute and funny!!! Thanks for the laugh. :-)
  5. You sure it was Chocko whistling and blowing kisses? Cute story, thanks for sharing it. :-)
  6. Happy Hatch Day PRECIOUS!!!!! :-) I hope your flock throws a huge blow-out for you today. Just watch the "nectar", some bad birds like to spike it.
  7. danmcq

    Broken back?

    Thanks for the update. Prayers and positive thoughts continuing for Vree. :-)
  8. What a leader of the flock you have turned out to be Joey! But, the clap on, clap off only usually works for those high-tech light thing-a-ma-bobs and TV's. :-) I suspect Spock is leading you down a path for ulterior motives yet unknown. Be careful, those Vulcan minds are very logical and known for being 21 move ahead chess players. Enjoy the clap-on-clap-off control while you have it. I suspect it will suffer a malfunction soon, when Spock pulls the cord.
  9. Cute photos!!! :-) There is no doubt they miss you. Your their flock and they feel very alone with out you around. :-)
  10. Very good videos of the flights. Thanks for sharing them. :-) The experience of Cocoa getting the line caught in a branch and stuck 10 feet off the ground must have made you're heart jump out. Top that off with a pack of crows attacking and it could have turned into a real disaster. Your quick thinking and actions paid off. Something to think about with harnesses.... stay away from any thing in lines-birds reach like trees, poles etc. that will snag the line and trap your bird. :-)
  11. JillyBeanz wrote: Thats your mistake. You must "Change Up" on them constantly so they do not know what's coming. Your right, they are highly clever and once you've tricked them once, they remember and don't fall for it a second or perhaps third time. Always praise them for going back in the cage even if they bit the crap out of you. Give them a treat like a small portion of fruit or nuts they love to show returning is not a bad thing. Once they think getting returned to the cage is a bad experience, it will always be a fight. I'm not saying I have Dayo looking forward to being caged every time, but the flesh ripping bites have almost stopped with just very hard clamp downs as a sign he's not happy, but likes the treat and praise once in the cage. BTW - Once he's clamped down like that on your finger. Twirl him around like a key chain.... BIG FUN for both.
  12. danmcq


    Wonderful news!!! Answers and treatment that is correct at last. :-) Know you and Charlie are in our thoughts and prayers for quick healing.
  13. I have been friends on FaceBook with "Cosmo Talks" for a long time. IF your on FaceBook you should add her as a friend. I thought I would share the link to Cosmo's website for your perusal. There is lots of good reading, some videos and they are offering of her just released book, which is on my "Ordered and waiting list". :-) I hope you finding it entertaining and amusing. http://www.cosmotalks.com/
  14. It's GreYt to hear Mojo enjoyed the shower and experience. My Grey abhors the water itself in showers or misting. But, he insists on going with me to shower and sits on the shower door and watches. If a drop or two of waters hits him, he fly up to the towel holder once watches from up near the ceiling. He will jump in a big dog bowl or pie pan on his own and splash around thoroughly enjoy it. But, he is in control and thats what seems to be the difference. He gets misted with Aloe locked in his cage or outside in his cage when it's warm whether he likes it or not. They need a good soaking at least once if not twice a week.
  15. I agree Jay. It's much better to ask for clarification if you don't understand, than to make derogatory statements as Lambert did. I just chose to ignore it and answer Rudy's question as all the others did as well with good comments. :-)
  16. You could try some of the Harrison's Birdy Bread mixes as a step towards pellets. Their breads are full of the same contents as the pellets, but softer and in different flavors. Also, you can take some Harrisons pellets and place them in a baggie, smash them with and hammer into small bits and mix in with oatmeal, your own birdy bread, eggs etc. if you desire or think he needs the minerals and vitamins from the pellets. I stopped worrying over the common promulgated theory that pellets are superior to natural foods a long time ago. As long as your grey is eating a well rounded diet of seeds, nuts, veggies, legumes and a little fruit, along with some UV lighting or outside sunshine, your fine. :-)
  17. danmcq


    It's great to hear this new specialist has gained your confidence and is studying all aspects of Charlies condition. I pray you will get a definitive answer and solution at last. You and Charlie have really been through a lot over the last months. I am looking forward to the update.
  18. In your special circumstances and what you describe you are looking for in the personality of a Parrot. An Eclectus is a good choice based on the premise you need it to accept passing and handling from others, such as your Mom or friends. They need a special diet due to having an uncommonly long digestive tract. They need fiber, fruits & vegetables in their diet. They cannot thrive on a mainly seed or pellet diet. Fruit, veggies, fiber etc. must make up approx. 80% of the total diet. They are much more the cuddle muffins and not nearly as high strung and nervous as a Grey. If you have the chance, I would suggest you and - or your mom visiting a breeder with an eclectus or friends and see how you like them. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/03/27 15:00
  19. Hahahahahahaha, thanks for the morning laugh Jan!!!! That will teach you to get wrapped up in a movie and forget about Tobie!
  20. Rudy you asked what + what = Timneh> Answer - A Timneh is not a mixture of two different Parrots. There are two subspecies of "African grey parrot" - The Congo African grey (Psittacus erithacus erithacus) and the Timneh African grey (Psittacus erithacus timneh). Your Timneh is smaller than a Congo and the Tail is not bright Red. In regards adding another Grey to your flock, there is never a guarantee they will get along. A "Timgo" is a hybrid some breeders try to produce by breeding a Congo and Timneh together. As with any Hybrid,health issues would be something to worry about and they are hard to find due to the unlikelihood of a Congo and Timneh becoming "Lovers".
  21. GreYt Fight photos. Thanks for sharing these. :-)
  22. Thanks for sharing this cute "Sleep Bowl" story. :-) The stories others shared with photos were also enjoyable.
  23. I got my "Wings" from Dave. They work GreYt, sometimes I get too much lift though and hit the ceiling in excitement. ;-) Dayo just flies by me laughing.... and says "You Ok?"
  24. I moved this to the bird food room. In response to your questions: I use 3 bowls for foods. 1 - A seed nut mix and I place about 6 in the shell pine-nuts on top of the mix. 2 - I place a bunch of different chopped up veggies and 6 bean mix. 3 - I place Harrison's Pellets in which he eats randomly. Lastly of course he has a water bowl. In the evening, he eats some of our dinner and desert later. :-) I do the same for Jake the conure as well.
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