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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Judy hit a key point and the others gave great advice as well. Dogs are not Sadies friend in her mind, thus the need to keep yours away and out of sight or at least at a far distance so she does not feel threatened. I am looking forward to hearing an update on how the homecoming has gone.
  2. Oh Boy, I know the intense anxiety you are going throughDdavid. It sounds like you are using every resource you can to find Shanti. Thanks for keeping this updated amongst your frantic search.
  3. Dayo eats all meats we do, which is what all the others above already mentioned, barring sushi. I only eat well cooked meat.
  4. Dave is sooooo right, as always. In the blink of the eye, your lip or other facial spot can be bitten through like butter and it is not really a violent act by your Grey. They are simply excited and as you get more excited, so do they. When Dayo is excited anplaying or pissed, he is not allowed on my shoulder and I certainly do not put my face or any other body part near him. I know he will bite playing and it will draw blood. I sported a 3/8 inch smiley on the side of my nose until healed due to a bad mistake on my part saying goodnight about 2 years ago.... fortunately it healed in a few weeks with no scar. I also had my lip bloodied around that same time period a few months earlier and he was just giving me a "Kiss"... Please listen to what Dave said and take it very seriously. The do not know they are inflicting as much damage as you may receive in such soft areas with a beak tip pointed like a knife tip just giving a love nip like they do to their wild mates..
  5. How very true. I watch that show from time to time as well. It is a very serious mental illness with tragic results not only to pets if involved, but there own family as well.
  6. Azzie - Are you certain you really have a Grey or perhaps it's just an imaginary friend, as in childhood. Not showing up on a photo, normally indicates somethings not really there.
  7. Hahahahahahahahahaha ....... Jill - You know... Cute photo.
  8. Great suggestions by all! I like the "Destroyer" term, very appropriate.
  9. danmcq

    Kito Tricks

    What a cute video, she is one smart cookie!
  10. Her weight of 509 is not heavy for a grey. It all depends on if the are small, medium or large framed. YOu may want to seek another vet if the one you presently use thinks 509 is some type of an over weight flag. Greys can weigh into the 600 gram range. It sounds like you are doing wonderfully and she is a beautiful Grey.
  11. I edited the url's for you. Just copy and paste them in the thread is the easiest way to do it. Great videos, I enjoyed watching them and thanks for posting them.
  12. A house full of pluckers is not a good sign of how they are being cared for. I hope to hear the news that your offer was accepted and your new Grey is at home.
  13. Nice job on the setup! Thanks for sharing it.
  14. LOL! What a funny mental imagine you painted. Thanks for the morning laugh.
  15. It sounds like the honeymoon is over and you are seeing his true character. Just go slow and easy. Let him come out on his own, choose and if he wishes to interact with you, if you ask for a step-up and you don't see that foot come up, just tell him it's ok in happy voice and do something else so he does not feel threatened by a demand and he see's you respect him and his body language. Just accept him for where is is, who he is and he will respect you back for doing that. This is the only way a relatioship, no matter what level it winds up being will develop into all that it can be. Imagine if you were rehomed and everyone just expected you to act like one of the family? It wouldn't happen until you found you place in there environment and you would interact with them at your comfort level, not theirs.
  16. I loved this video! Thanks for sharing it.
  17. Those were good videos Jan. I especially enjoyed watching the sketch being made.
  18. It is a fairly well known fact that African Greys will actually shed a "Blood Tear" when stressed. As Dave has so well put it, any other symptom of the eyes should be checked..
  19. I believe he has made GreYt progress, like Barbara stated as well. He is indeed a diamond in the rough.
  20. I believe after you let a parrot go, you cannot just expect to try and track them down almost a decade later and try to get authorities involved in retrieving a bird you gave up so long ago. Most rescues have very clear contractual paperwork you must sign away your rights to that critter and thus the organization is fully responsible money and time wise from then on until re-homed. I do not feel one bit for this guy. Coco needs to stay where he resides in happiness and obviously well taken care of.
  21. Hahahahahahahahahaha, go Spock!!! You'll know whether it was a Grape or Pomegranate when you step on one.
  22. They do want to be with you almost all the time at that age. If you really must do something besides cuddle, you can either place him on a stand or back in his cage while you take care of business. Enjoy these baby months.
  23. Great story of just how intelligent and cognizant of everything going on around them. Thanks for sharing this.
  24. Oh it will get pooped on. We change his box out about every 2 weeks. BY then our Dobermans have gone through another box of them. We clean the top off every day.
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