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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I agree with the others, it is baggage coming out that you are starting to see. This poor bird was obviously living in a hostile environ in which the previous owners had no clue obviously about interacting with a parrot, thus the frustration and anger you hear in Marcus's voice. They are very empathic and know our inner feelings, even if your trying to hide them. It is not so much needing to change the wording, it is now going to be a long and patient path to get him to understand not all humans throw a fit when he chooses not to step when asked. Just speak to him softly and kindly when he is doing that and let him know it's ok. If you become frustrated with the noise, he will start thinking this home is the same as the last.
  2. Hey Jill - Good to see you back after your vacation.
  3. Oh no, I hope your much loved grey is found soon. The winter wheather in MA is already setting in and thats a very cold and harsh environment for a grey to be exposed to. Did you cross post on the parrot 911 and other boards such as craigslist, print and post fliers all over the area etc? Please update us if you get a chance.
  4. What a great update and news! Your vet sounds very wise and logical in his comments and thoughts on the pros and cons of trying to repair the now healed break. I look forward to seeing those photos and hearing more,
  5. It looks like a nice setup and you have put a lot of thought, time and money into getting it all ready. I see nothing that would throw up reds flags or missing. The bottom line, will be how you see your new baby reacting once you get him\her home and settled in. As you observe likes and dislikes, you can adjust things by adding, removing or shifting things around a bit. It always nice to see a new bird owner taking the time to research and ask questions before the bird comes home.
  6. Thanks for the great update Kevin! It is wonderful to hear you found the root of the problem, namely cage placement. So many things hat seem like a "Good Idea" to us, such as a cage placed to enjoy a wonderful view outside and be in the main activity area of the home is sometimes stressful to the bird. Who would have guessed but you. It is so critical for owners to go back through their mental list of cause and effect when something like plucking suddenly starts. As you noted, we try to help with all the list of htings to try that have proven to be helpful in many cases, but not all. I woul dhave never thought to ask you to rerun his cage to the basement. Great job!!! Dorian sounds like a real character and I hope you can find the time to pop in more often and share some of his antics such as the fun game of throwing things off the counter top.
  7. LOL!!! I will never change and I will continue to take bites. Dayo enjoys giving them as well and he would miss the embellishment of the hunt for easy prey and placing another notch in his Cage. I have become a sadist perhaps?
  8. The wonderful news, congratulations!
  9. What an excellent observation and response. You will find many things, I am sure that will come up that he has learned from his previous home and that is how he is going to interact and expect to receive a response from all humans. You will learn them all over time and he will adapt as well to your methodologies, terminologies, body language, tone of voice etc. It is going to be a wonderful learning experience for you all.
  10. Well, welcome to the "Bite Me" club as an official member. You did everythig right and I doubt you will ever fall for that one again and perhaps, just maybe, no guarantees, it won't happen again....NOT. He sounds like a real sweetheart actually and your making one great Parront.
  11. I work in my home now full-time doing technical support engineering for software. My grey sits directly behind me. Most people ask, if Dayo happens to be talking or whistling, and I just comment with "Yes, my Parrot is giving me advice in regards your problem" and most just laugh or I have ran into some Parrot owners as well and that spins off into another whole conversation. I understand depending on the industry your husband is consulting in may frown upon the slightest background noise. So the solutions others have mentioned could work for you and him. 1 - Move husband into one of the rooms and close the door. 2 - Move Chili into another room and close the door during work hours. IT would be no different than going to work out of the home all day and returning home in say 9 hours. The way you describe the toys and items in the cage, there would be plenty to keep Chili busy. 3 - I use a noise filtering headset that cancels most of Dayo's chatter due to the microphone being directly at lip level and the filters take out most of threat except for louder sounds like whistles or loud volume "See the Crows!?" I am positive if you get together as a family and discuss this, a workable solution will be found for all.
  12. Hi Karen, it's wonderful to see you are trying to help in this situation where hoarding seems to be a problem. The SPCA etc. can give you specifics on what they need information wise to take any action. Do you know if the living conditions of those birds are less than desirable? That would be #1 on a list. But as you say, unless there is a limitation on the quantity of birds a person is allowed to own, they may just do the same as the case you mentioned in regards once things are cleaned up (If bad conditions exist) the birds would still be left with her. Please keep us updated on what you may find out.
  13. Thanks for posting these photos and videos. I enjoyed them all. Youhi seems to have a great time playing iwth the toys in the cage and flying up to the Bannister.
  14. It's great to hear Murphy seems to be starting to enjoy his showers. Unfortunately, Dayo still hates water no matter if it is in the shower (He just sits in the door and shutters if one drop hits him), if I mist him during the winter months he bites the bottle viciously while I get the job done and outside when warm I spray him and the cage down which he hates as well but sits there until I'm done with a look of "Lets just get this over with ok?". He will give himself a very short bath when we put a pan of water out for him. But, it is only his belly he seems to like to get wet. As you said, patience is the key and trying various methods to see if you can find perhaps one they may get used to.
  15. Glad all the birdies came through with flying colors. I hope you find employment soon!
  16. What a wonderful outlook Dee, it is what makes you the wonderful person you are.
  17. Welcome Munch and Took! It sounds like you are doing all you can to make him comfortable and happy as possible while you are gone. I would love to see some photos and hear more about your new baby CAG.
  18. Sounds like happy campers to me and they think life is good.
  19. Indeed you are! Keep up the great work.
  20. It sounds like you have received good advice here and that your doing a great job in letting him get used to the new home environment at his comfort level, which wanting to come out of the cage and hang out is a great first step. I am looking forward to reading your answers to the above questions.
  21. It's wonderful you are so observant of him and that it seems you have a very personal level relationship with those cuddles and time together out of the cage. I am looking forward to hearing updates and seeing photos as well when you get a chance.
  22. Dee, you have my condolences and celebration as well since this was a win-win for Kopi, Juno and you in sharing each others lifes, love and happiness together. They could have not had better home and life than they did with you. You are a special person Dee and the world, humans and all critters are better off with your loving care in dark times, it makes the light shine through. I look forward to hearing from you again, once this grieving time has passed and the next journey begins.
  23. Happy Belated HatchDay!!! Sorry I missed this. It's great seeing these greys grow up over time here with members like you and knowing them from the time they were just a few months out of the egg on that glorious HatchDay. With that said, lets all join in an sing the Hatchday song to one of our cherished friends.....
  24. OH Adina - You can still pop in and say "Hi" every once in a blue moon can't you? We'll take your updates gladly even if they were 6 months a part. I do hope you stop by sometimes! You will be greatly missed.
  25. How sad, but it's wonderful that he is in such a loving home. It sounds like he does need a wider and shorter cage with some perches perhaps experiment with different diameters to see which he can get a grip on better. He will figure it out though. It will just take time to see just how well he will truly be able to get around as he learns to deal with it. Then you can modify as you see types he can use and place them accordingly. Please update on what the vet has to say and recommends.
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