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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq


    Dave is always spot-on. Time, patience and love will be the keys to your new re-homed greys heart. I am looking forward to hearing more about your new grey.
  2. Welome Cathy and Flock! It's great having you here and looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  3. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, enjoy the laugh. Do not have Coffee or Tea in your mouth when viewing or it will end up on your monitor.
  4. Thanks for starting this Jill. We all owe a ton to the brave men and women that have put their lives on the line for our freedom and to remove oppression from those who fall under it.
  5. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, they pay much more attention to all sights and sounds than one may suspect....... Anyone want to take bets on what the next sound will be?
  6. Thats wonderful news and a great update. I am so happy for you. Your doing a great job!
  7. I guess I need to check this room more often. This is very disturbing news. I hope Jay has a speedy and complete recovery from this. Hopefully when time permits, an update will be posted.
  8. Interesting information, thanks for posting it.
  9. You are doing wonderfully with Tui. One thing you cannot do with a grey or really any parrot or animal, is force them to like something they are fearful of. It is only accomplished in itsy bitsy desensitization over a long period of time as you may progress one step or inch closer each day week and just stand there praising them for being so bold. The little baby happy to see mommy may never go away, just ignore it or perhaps offer a foot toy you keep at hand to divert that attention. My wife has to ignore Dayo sometimes for 30 seconds or so because he is so happy to see her he will almost instantaneously start the gurging reflex. Right now, the way I see it based on your description, is Tui has two "Safe Zones", his cage and you. That's as much as he can trust anything right now. Thankfully he does trust you. So really, the only way to keep him feeling happy and safe is just spend the time you can with him, then place him back in his cage if you do not want him to come and bug you again until you have the time for later.
  10. The others gave great advice. One other thing you can try if that area is exposed to skin level, would be to rub 100% Aloe Gel into the skin in that area. Iy might work for you since she does not like misting with water or Aloe, but will let you touch to give scratches.
  11. Looking forward to hearing what you may find out from the parrot society. Also, if I read your post correctly, did you say they wanted to sell them all together not separately? Are they all housed in a single cage? Are their tail feather all completely red?
  12. The others have given great comments on their experiences with taking in a rescue bird. It must be based solely upon your heart and a commitment from you to provide unconditional love whether that bird turns out to be a cuddle muffin in time or just a standoffish but thankful bird for having a safe and loving environment. I purchased a suspected wild caught conure 5 years ago we named Jake. It took 2 years before he would even consider a step up..rarely and now he loves to ride around on my shoulder and give kisses, but no scratches yet..hands touching are still scary. So you just never know what "Baggage" they are coming with. But, it can all be overcome with love, time and patience.
  13. Hi Sarah, I see you live just down 198 from me, I am in Visalia. If you can, a swag light from Featherbrite like Kim purchased would probably be Ideal for your situation. It should be about 12 inches from where your bird roosts most the time. If that will not work in your application, please post a little more specifics on your situation. I can tell you, a ceiling light or fan light will be too far away to provide any uvb for your birds.
  14. Welcome Frosty and Johnny! It does sound like you are doing all things the right way and providing not only a loving home, but a great diet and and plenty of out of cage time. How long have you had him now? Looking forward to hearing and seeing much more.
  15. Welcome Mips and flock! It's GreYt having you here and thanks for posting all these wonderful photos and taking in Parrots in need of a loving home. I can see you will contribute greatly here. Did you incubate and hatch Copper?
  16. Thanks for updating on this David. I hope and pray that Shanti is found and returned for you.
  17. Welcome Sarah, it's great having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you as this journey continues.
  18. Excellent progress, good job! :0
  19. The temperature ranges for winter sound fine.
  20. Jenn - Don't get me wrong, I do kiss Dayo on the beak directly when I know he is relaxed and he expects it by leaning forward if I ask "Do you wanna Kiss". I have learned over the years, I cannot trust him if he is excited and playing, because he is in play mode and just does not realize at times it doesn't take much to pierce a lip. I also give Jake (Conure) kisses the same way. In regards germs, my kisses are dry and their is no saliva present to pass on any germs. I also allow him to eat off my plate and have never had a problem at all in regards germs passing that way either. The most important things for all parrot owners to do, is know their bird and their body language. Once you know it, you know when a step-up or kiss is safe, in my opinion.
  21. It turned out beautifully and functionally as well. Great job!
  22. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! If you haven't already, wait until you see a purple or red poop drop.
  23. Duck Tape is a main item to keep in your "Parrot" kit at all times. When applied with creativity, it adds to the unique look of previously bland furnishings.
  24. Sometimes I feel like I just came out of church after reading Dave's posts. When it comes to birds, he is the WORD. Dayo, come here, we're going in the pantry and doing some training right now, Dayo? Now where the hell have you flown to, Jesus... I have the same issue at times...
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