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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi Bonnie, it's great having you back!!! Dave's link is a good one and as you probably remember from your past time on this forum most of us must force bath them and sometimes they will jump in a pan or bowl full of water on their own when the mood hits them. I am looking forward to hearing about the surprise new "baby" you'll soon have.
  2. Kim, don't worry about teaching Axel to whistle. He will by instinct do it all on his own. He will also start picking up every sound he hears in your household' like the phone ring, the microwave beep, alarm beep and things you can't imagine. None of us can produce those sounds.
  3. As always, Dave is spot on. Once they gain flight abilities, they take a while to learn control such as turning, slowing down, hovering etc. Right now it sounds like you grey can fly straight, but has not mastered turning or figured our WHEN to start slowing and banking. They are highly intelligent and normally once they fly into a window, they will not do it again if they can help it. I would do as Dave suggested in limiting the room your grey is in and/or close the curtains etc. so he will not try to fly into or through them. It sounds like he is gaining too much speed by your description, which means it is a fairly long room to build up too much speed for a limited flyer.
  4. Yep, I ditto the others. It seems to be the winter months here when those show up briefly, don't know why. We never see them in the summertime. We just keep the cages super cleaned, all seed discarded goes outside rather than in the household garabage can and we ensure all bags are sealed properly. As others said, keeping in the freezer helps as well. I have seen the moths come from oat meal and other gains as well kept in the house for baking.
  5. As others have said, your Grey is acting as would be expected for a calm and evidently well socialized grey. Sometimes new owners receive a grey that was not socialized very well and are very disappointed when the grey is growling and not wanting anything to do with them. Your new baby is obviously happy, content and comfortable with the new surroundings and you.
  6. Welcome mrmontana. Judy pretty much covered it all, in regards your questions. It sounds like your home would be a wonderful place for this CAG to find love and great treatment in. I look forward to hearing what you decide to do.
  7. Thanks for sharing this latest video of Emma. It is always a joy to watch them. It has been wonderful watching her grow up under your loving care these past years. She is brilliant!
  8. Thanks for the update. That is exciting news and as others said, the words will flow. You've done a great job in raising Issac and knowing how you have interacted with him, I have no doubt he will be all that a Grey can be. There is no secret or time schedule to when they will start speaking or how fast the will progress from one to two, three words etc. and then on to phrases and making up their own sentences. My personal experience has been the first 3 years are very similar in language abilities to a human child's.
  9. Welcome Christina and thanks for joinging! Those are tough tough questions. The first thing to do is get him settled in and feeling comfortable in the new home. Depending on his age, it could be a while. Most times, the older the longer for them to adjust. Their are many things you can do to try and address the feather issue. Diet, lots or toys and interaction that give strong mental stimulation will help tons. Their are many things you can find helpful by doing a search of the forum for topics on feather plucking. Ask all the questions you wish.
  10. Welcome and thanks for the links. Pluma sounds like a sweetheart that found the home that is perfect for her. Do you by chance know how old she is? There are many things you can try in regards feather mutilation. which I am certain you have started exploring. I am looking forward to hearing much more and seeing photos as well.
  11. Could you perhaps expand in detail of how he is acting and what you are doing? A little more information would help tons.
  12. Late........But Happy Hatchday Murphy!!!! :)
  13. You can soak and wash them in a vinegar solution which will clean and disinfect them as well. Congratulations on your dream of getting a Grey come true, what a Xmas present.
  14. Welcome David and thanks for the photos. Looking forwarding to hearing a lot more from you.
  15. Oh boy, what a sad situation for that poor Grey. Even sadder is. it is happening with thousands of parrots and they eventually end up dead of in a rescue. They obviously think you are overboard in your bird keeping and therefore ignore the kind help you try to offer. The bird looks horrible! Thanks for trying to help them as much as they will let you. About the only thing you can do is offer to help by suggesting they may in the future wish to find it a home that has time to care for it and they could get some $$$ back in their pockets since the apparently are hurting for money. They are not like us. If I was hurting that bad cash wise, the critters health and welfare would be first and the credit cards wanting payments could go pound salt....but thats just me.
  16. I love the photo you added to this Poem Lyn! Thanks for posting this.
  17. I loved this video! Since He has been good, I'll bet he is getting a VERY nice gift.
  18. Gaze into my EYE... yeah thats it, now step close so I can see you better.... Cute photo!
  19. Hi Heather, it's great to hear from you again. Your situation sounds much like mine, although the birds and dogs are out together all the time. They are watched vigilantly and the birds know to fly high enough to stay away from snapping Doberman jaws. Both birds will at times fluff up and at like they are going to go into an all out attack and Dayo tells the dogs by name to go on because they will "Eat" Dayo. I would love to see an update on the fantastic photos you have taken since the last time around.
  20. HO HO HO.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Qdb6wC0Iz4&feature=player_embedded
  21. A GreYt Christmas Poem by our own Perilyn Twas the night before a Christmas tail! Twas the night before Christmas, and the Big Man in red, He knew that the grey was avoiding her bed! Her humans were weary and longed for their sleep, ...So they turned out the light and prayed for safe keep. But the Grey wasn't tired and she longed to see, Santa Claus come and put toys neath the tree! The tree that was sparkling and stood 8 ft tall, The grey told herself "I'm not frightened at all"! With her shiny black beak and her bright yellow eyes, She went to the window and looked up to the skies, The snow falling thick was a joy to behold, And could produce magic men, she once had heard told. Then cocking her head, a faint sound caught her ear, She looked up and saw Saint Nick drawing near. The little Grey flew, and swooped with delight, As Santa Claus now came into her sight A round little man, so lively and quick, She knew in a flash that it must be St Nick. She whistled with glee as closer they came, And he whistled right back - calling reindeer by name! "So Dasher! so, Dancer! so, Prancer and Vixen! Go, Comet! go, Cupid! go, Donner and Blitzen! To the top of the perch! And over the wall! Then dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!" A big jolly man with a fluffy white beard, And the jolliest laugh that she ever had heard. He and his reindeer came to land on the roof And the little grey heard sounds of bell and of hoof! As he came down the chimney the grey fled in alarm! "Be calm, little bird!" and he held out an arm! This was something she knew, so she lowered her head, And he gave her a scratch and then put her to bed. "For I'm Father Christmas, and have much work to do, Delivering treats to good birdies, like you!" So he snuggled her into her own little bed, It was then that he noticed her tail was bright red! "My goodness that tail is so red, it near glows" It's the perfect support for my Rudolph's red nose! So when comes Christmas eve, as a dense foggy night, Won't you come along, and be our tail light?" The little grey sighed, so happy was she, Santa came, and she saw him leave toys neath the tree! And as he left he could hear the Grey whisper - so slight, "Merry Christmas to all - and to all, a good night!" By Lyn Manderson
  22. No trusting my dogs at all. They would love to snatch him out of the air as he fly's by. They once nearly killed him when he was about 6 months old. It happened in the blink of an eye. Dave and Lyn - I love those photos.
  23. Welcome to the forum. If you haven't already, please browse through all the rooms for tons of information on proper care for a grey.
  24. Cute videos. I could have sworn at the end of video one, he was imitating the sound of washing the windows with the squeaky sound the cloth rubbing against the window makes. Maybe he is trying to tell you he prefers a "Good View". Thanks for sharing these.
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