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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Just do a web search and it will come back with sources in your area.
  2. It's good to see you do have a heat source. Yes, the heated perches are specifically made for parrots and are safe.
  3. Is the plan to keep the bird pretty caged all the time? They really need to be where people are all day long, which I would assume would be in the house. In regards temperatures, Kim is right. Isn't it cold there during the daytime in winter months as well? Perhaps you could put an oil heater or the like out in that area to heat it if you must keep your grey out there. YOu can also purchase heated perches for parrots as well to keep them warm. It's really not good to get a parrot if it cannot be with the "Flock" during none sleeping hours.
  4. LOL - Getting much studying done? Thanks for sharing this Robin.
  5. Welcome Marcus! IT's GreYt having you here. It is always wonderful to hear of someone taking in a Grey in need of a loving home. He could not have landed in a better one, from your description. I do hope to hear more from you and see any photos you would like to share as well.
  6. He does indeed appear to be singing the blues, great photo!
  7. Man Robin, what a way to get you anxiety raised about 10 bars! I love the ending, this a great story with a funny ending.
  8. Thanks Roseanna, it is always good to read this once again. Especially for new grey owners that probably have not.
  9. The others have given great comments. The best advice I can you, is to go and visit each bird you "Think" you may wish to re-home and see how they interact with both of you. It will give you some insight as to whether they completely hate one sex or they other or are a little more social with both sexes, but will still lean toward one sex as the preferred. As others said, you just don't know what baggage the bird may carry. The only way to know just a minuscule insight to the bird is to visit, if it screams at one sex, but not the other, walk away or accept that only one MAY have any interaction with that bird. This is just a suggestion. With a re-home, you only see the tip of the iceberg when visiting. The best re-home scenario would be a bird that is very well socialized, likes people and for some extenuating reasons out of the present owners control, they must re-home their much loved bird.
  10. All great comments from everyone. My two cents as the "Other" person in the flock that is a full member, but not the chosen one. Mike needs to accept his position and quit trying to force things on Yoshi. It only builds frustration on both parties and Yoshi can sense the tension and nervousness instantly, even if Mike is trying to hide it. If Yoshi declines or seems disinterested, mike should just leave her alone and respect her wishes. If you continue to try and force interaction, a bite and hurt feelings are going to occur every time. You are the chosen one and Yoshi's snuggle muffin. You can take her and probably twirl her around on your finger like a key chain or snuggle and kiss her with reciprocated enthusiasm from her in return. Let Mike try any of this and I guarantee those same things will be rejected. I live as the #2 and love Dayo with all my heart. I love it when he decides on his own to interact with me for "Moments" in touching, scratching etc. They are very short and far in between. But, I learned long ago not to try and decide when, where and how often. It did not work, pissed him off and I cannot count the bites I received, not because he is mean or hates, but because I simply did not respect his wants and the relationship he had with my wife as his cuddle muffin. The more I tried, the more violent Dayo became towards me. I can guarantee you, if things continue like they are with tension building not only between mike and Yoshi, but with you as well, it will become much worse. Yoshi can sense the tension in the atmosphere and it makes her apprehensive as well. My best suggestion is for everyone to chill out, accept Yoshi on her terms and just enjoy the beautiful sentient being you have been blessed with. If people want a snuggle muffin, get a dog they like everyone and will take food anytime offered. A Parrot, well they are a very wild creature and act accordingly.
  11. Hi george and welcome! The trust level just went to zero with the blanketing to get twizzle back in the cage. It is going to just take time, love and patience to regain trust. The others gave good comments regarding this as well.
  12. It is a cute folklore story and I never tire of reading it once again. Thanks for bringing this back to mind. :-)
  13. At a year and a half old, your grey is not becoming sexually active. The behavior you see just means she loves you a lot. It is not sexual maturity and hormones until they are between 5 and 7 years old. The change in personality you are seeing, is your baby is ... well not a baby any longer and you can view it as a child trying to figure out where what she wants versus what you want ends and she can get her way. At this age they are learning to interact more closely with the flock and see what is acceptable behavior or not and how the flock communicates when a conflict of interest pops up, like maybe she does not want to step-up or twirl on the finger and a bite is how they start letting you know that. They watch your reaction and if it is one that excites them with lots of Ow Ow Ow's from you and jumping or flinching a lot, they get a reward and will increase the behavior for more good times. This is just the start. Most go through terrible twos and boy will you be in for a time of learning how to get your message across or possibly accept her desire to NOT do what you want when you want her to. The dynamics will continue to change for the next 3 or 4 years as she ages to complete adult maturity. We are here to help as you run in to these changes, if you need it.
  14. Welcome Crystal and congratulations!!! That is a very healthy and happy looking clutch of baby TAGs. Thanks for posting the photos and I am looking forward to hearing updates.
  15. Birdtricks is not a good or professional recourse at all. If your going to go with one, I would recommend Goodbirdinc.
  16. danmcq

    My confusion

    That wonderful. Thanks for the update.
  17. And it's wonderful that you wish to learn all about your baby grey, what to feed it when you get it home and how to make that transition as smooth as possible. Each breeder is a little different in how and what they feed their baby greys or other species once they can safely consume a non-liquid diet. The breeders I have worked with offer a little various fruits and veggies like peaches, plums, grapes, apricots, broccoli, kale, dandelion, carrots, yams etc. to get them used to a plethora of colors and textures. They also offer items like 15 bean mixes, with some oat groats, wild rice, flax seed etc, fully cooked along with pellets of various types, a little seed and nuts. You can find a ton of information in our nursery and food rooms that many members have posted over the years.
  18. LOL @ Ray!!! Dayo will hold his until he just can't anymore if we do not get him out of his cage in the early morning.
  19. Hi Poshey, the breeder will introduce the appropriate food items as the baby grey ages. Most offer them what is called abundance weaning and it makes for a well rounded grey used to many different types of foods once they are ready to go home. You should ask your breeder how they handle this.
  20. Your all doing a great job in taking your time and making it a gentle experience as possible.
  21. Great news on getting the scale and the weight gain. Your right, most all digital scales auto-calibrate each time you turn them on.
  22. Cute video and loved the soundtrack. Thanks for sharing it.
  23. Yeah, Kim is his cuddle muffin. I think he uses my voice in hopes of entirely replacing me.
  24. As with Ray's Grey, my Grey has chatty times as well and many others times he is just playing, kicking back or preening. Greys are actually one of the least noisy parrots.
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