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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Coral and Georgia!! Bless you for taking in a young grey in need of a loving home. The bite is pretty much the only way a bird has of letting another know they do not wish to do whatever is being requested and is normally more of a pinch or just hard pressure to let you know. You will quickly learn her body language and know before you request something like a step-up or a head scratch whether shes wants to or not. At one and a half years old, they are just starting to express their Independence and come into their own like a human teenager trying to figure out boundary lines. Also, only having had her a few days, means she is getting used to the new home and people. You will not see her entire personality come out for weeks probably. Greys do not take change very well or new items like toys etc. depending on how well they were socialized and introduced to change and lots of people when they were infants to a year old. Just keep this in mind as you may see some reactions to things with a scream or flying away. I love the photos and appreciate your sharing them.
  2. Welcome Pradhu, it's GreYt having you here! Your baby is certainly under 6 months for sure based on the darkness of the eyes. Baby Greys are somewhat curious of some things, but greys are much more reserved than other parrots. Also, your baby has not been home long with you, so he is still trying to get used to the new home, cage and people. You are actually fortunate that he is as involved with you as he is. Once he gets more settled in and used to the environment, he will become a little more curious and exploratory. Each grey is different and so please do not try to make your new baby fit into molds made by some other forums on them.
  3. Cure photos and it looks like she was having fun with those new toys. She is beautiful. Thanks for sharing these photos with us.
  4. Yep, that poop looks like it contains all the above ingredients. Just wait until Spencer decides to eat all the "Red" pellets.... guess what color the Poop will be? It looks perfectly normal considering the grapes, veggies and orange consumed. More liquids in equals more fluid type poop. It is endearing to see you love your baby so much that you are inspecting each one. Your going to be a GreYt Parront!!!
  5. LOL!!! Once they decide an object is "Ok", you cannot stop the progress.
  6. That's wonderful news Karen, your doing great job!
  7. Rose - I know you will be busy just ensuring your new baby is feeling comfortable and enjoying the new home and flock. I look forward to seeing an update in a day or two. Of course, there is always the babies nap time you could squeeze in an update.
  8. Wonderful news!!! I have to say you are very patient and doing things very carefully to make this transition for Zoey a positive experience that you will both enjoy for many years. I am looking forward to hearing and seeing much more as this progresses.
  9. WOW and welcome Roseanna, Flock,, Mare with child and the whole ranch. Your timing seemed to be impeccable in deciding to finally get the bird you had been considering for quite a long while. The cage and setup is wonderful. I suspect you may have already brought your new baby home and are getting settled in now. Your paintings and artwork is beautiful and thanks for all the photos. I am looking forward to hearing and seeing much more as this all unfolds. With a new baby Grey to update us on, a mare about ready to pop and all the other critters, interests and hobbies you have I am certain there will be many.
  10. Way to go!! Now that's what I call patience and keepin on keepin on.
  11. danmcq


    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I know that well too. Maybe we should all start a "Grey Pumpkin tossing contest".
  12. Your doing great Kismet! I offer pellets as a side and occasionally through out the day my grey will eat 3 or 4. On veggies, legumes, fruits etc. I have seen that there are days he will pig out on yam's and leave everything else. Then other days he will consumes legumes and carrots and on and on. Some days he gets raw, others he gets cooked. I know it may seem strange, but they seem to prefer a wildly varied diet just as us humans. Well, for that matter so does my little peach front conure. In regards seeds and nuts, they are available to both of them as well through out the day. Sunflower seeds have their good points, as does other seeds and nuts. The key is a variety and moderation.
  13. Hi Donald, It could be a year to a year and a half before all the Primaries are molted out. There is a molting order (Kinda) and that is when one primary molts, the corresponding primary on the other wing will molt also soon after wards. This is done in sets which keeps them balanced in flight naturally. If a feather becomes damaged at the root, it will molt out and be replaced pretty rapidly. But, clipping does not damage them enough in that sense to cause them to molt. The good news, is as your baby tries flapping and exercising (Which you can encourage) the muscles will build and a more controlled flight to the floor will become possible. In fact, if the muscles are built up enough and the clip is not too short, over time you will find the distance increase. It's wonderful that you have started getting her used to the harness at such a young age. It also sounds like you are being careful in making it as enjoyable as possible, so as not to make it nearly impossible to get a harness on due to a few bad experiences.
  14. Welcome First Penguin! It is good to see you have already been researching and found the importance of getting your Grey from the right breeder. YOur list of things to look for is spot on. Since you have a year to mull this over before moving into a larger home, you will have plenty of time to consider the requirements for an additional parrots care and maintenance requirements. One thing about a Grey, is they require a lot of personal attention. They want to be with the flock at all times, whether sitting on you our perhaps just perched hanging out in the same room. Also, they may or may not get along with another parrot. But, you can learn how to handle that as well. Looking forward to hear more from you as this progresses.
  15. Thats wonderful news. I am so happy for you and David.
  16. Welcome Don and T-bird!! As Azzie and Judy said, It does sound like a normal love of a Grey for you. They will sometimes do this when you have been gone a while and come back. They are just expressing their love for you. How old is your Grey and how long have you had him-her? It's GreYt having you here.
  17. Jay and others gave great advice... We use Dawn and hand wash them here as well.
  18. Cute photos! Thanks for sharing them.
  19. Great update! LOL @ at the nose pinching, what a wonderful and quick way to stop snoring.
  20. Welcome and thanks for giving this poor mistreated soul and safe and loving landing place.
  21. Welcome and looking forward to the update on your new babies vet visit.
  22. Thanks for the update. You are in good care with the vets recommendations and care.
  23. Michael Dalton has been researching his B&G Macaws speech abilities for 19 years. He also goes on the road and speaks at conferences. I belong to a yahoo group he started and have followed him for a while. A Local News Station in Florida covered him and this is not only a great wrote up, but also video. http://www.myfoxtampabay.com/dpp/news/local/parrot-talks-interactive-092810
  24. danmcq

    My confusion

    In addition to Jays great thoughts, he may want a light scratch from outside the cage. Then you would not be physically intruding into his cage. You have made great progress and thanks for the update!
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