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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Wow, it certainly sounds like Smokey is somehow terrified of everything. Not being familiar with Quaker behavior at all, I hope Dave007 chimes in on this or someone else with one. Normally after a frightening incident, birds may be on high alert for hours, but not normally days.
  2. Thats wonderful news Deb! I am so happy for you and Romo.
  3. I haven't posted here in a while of what I am trying to learn with and from Dayo on his cognitive abilities of how he and I assume other Avian friends prefer to communicate. I have been working from home now going on my third week. I have now had the luxury of thinking about how to increase Dayo's understanding of human communication and also my understanding of how he wishes to communicate his response either verbally or through body language. My questions are direct and require only a yes or no response. One thing I realized very rapidly, was my failure to teach Dayo what "Yes" is and it is not in his vocabulary. Now I am using yes as well as no, which he knows through negative actions he may do and I have always said NO. Funny thinking about how we humans use NO much more often than yes when interacting even with our children as they grow up, reflecting back now to my childrens early years. At any rate, my first endeavor at getting this going, is simply asking him if he wishes to step-up or fly. Of course this is always when I have already prefaced the question with where I am going such as the "Living Room" to "Watch TV" or "Watch a Movie", to the "Family Room", to "Take a Shower", to "See Outside" etc. My first observations are that he with out a doubt understands I am "Asking" him "IF" he wishes to go and also what his preferred mode of transportation getting there is, namely step-up and travel on me or fly and land on my shoulder as I depart on my way to the location described. Of course sometimes if he doesn't step-up, he may opt to fly in the room I have gone to a minute or two later. Right now he never uses a verbal response. He will do one of three things to show through body language which he prefers. 1. He will lift a foot HIGH meaning he wished to step-up. 2. He will lift his foot perhaps an inch and if I then take the fake out and place my hand or arm for him to step-up, he will quickly throw himself forward and down giving me a hard pinch as he gleefully exclaims "WOOOOooooooooo" then prides himself on the fake out. I no longer fall for this one...... 3. He will not lift his foot at all. 4. If he does not lift his foot or only lifts it an inch, I say "Ok" "Fly" and turn around and walk away. Once I am about 8 to 10 feet away from him I hear his wings flapping and he is on my shoulder in a heartbeat. 5. If I turn and walk away and he remains, then that tells me he wanted neither mode of transportation and just wants to stay where he is and preen, play or whatever it is that may be going on in his mind at the time. I do hope through using the words Yes and No properly as I do this, that he will understand it is a human way of asking for either a yes or no response to a question. Considering the word no has been used for three years as a means to communicate what he was doing was not a preferred behavior, I think this is going to be more complicated than I first thought. Only time will tell this. Does anyone here use a yes/no question and successfully receive a verbal yes/no response? If so, how did you accomplish this? Perhaps you started from the beginning using both words?
  4. Having plenty of things to do for your Parrot is a must and may or may not help keep a parrot from plucking. However, a chronic plucker like Charlie and as Dave and Jay described, would not stop just because they have something to do. That is a totally false claim in my opinion by that manufacturer. I know for a fact Charlie has had more than an abundance of playful things to keep him busy, yet to no available.
  5. Happy Hatchday Tee! Is your Dad getting you a car? Forget the shrimp, it's a GreYt snack, but it's time to get in the car Dave bought you, crank up the sound system, go pick up your girlfriend and go cruising!
  6. Welcome Karen and flock! Wow, I would love to hear all about your flock and see photos as well when you get a chance. I'll bet they keep you hopping all day long and also provide you with immense companionship and wonder each day. I am looking forward to hearing and seeing more from you.
  7. Welcome Jim! I know the excitement and anticipation well! Isn't it a wonderful experience being able to visit your infant grey and watch it grow? Looking forward to hearing updates and seeing photos if you get a chance.
  8. Follow this link, it says it all..... http://www.binscorner.com/pages/w/who-says-birds-dont-have-feelings.html?ref=nf
  9. danmcq

    Help please

    Jamal - This last response is how most people like to be communicated with. It is in plain English, good sentence structure and intelligible to read, versus the way you normally post. As you know from the previous old forum, issues and negative comments towards you were always due to bad advice and some really off the wall way out there advice on what a new bird owner should do in various situations. Thus your being banned previously. We as moderators and admins have given you a second chance on this new forum. As long as you maintain good advice, readable and understandable posts, you will remain a member of this forum. But, I will say, if bad advise that is dangerous to new parrot owners and their birds continue after you have been told over and over that your advise is wrong and dangerous to these bird owners. I will ban you once again and it will be forever. I am not going to take sides on who's right or wrong, but I will say, some people have obviously grown very tired and infuriated at many of your posts content. So, take advantage of our patience and post readable and good advice, if you post at all. Thanks - Dan
  10. Great comments and thoughts Jack!
  11. Hi Crittergirl, You have an older Grey that needs some time to adjust to everything in the house, not just you. So Gandolf is soaking everything in, seeing how things flow, getting used to sounds and determining who you are, your emotions (I swear they are telepathic) so if you are nervous, afraid etc. they pick up on it instantly and react accordingly. Gloves are the worst thing you could put on, they scare the heck out of most birds. Toweling is also something you want to avoid when possible and the easiest way to avoid it, is to avoid any situation that will send him flapping down to the floor. The cage is his only place of security that he feels even the remotest safe in or on. So you need to watch his body language very carefully as you approach and watch for any feathers fluffing, head down, eyes pinning etc. When you see that stop, you are entering his comfort zone and if you continue and especially if you start reaching for him, he is going to jump to what he considers a safer place, namely anywhere away from you, the threat he perceives. It will takes weeks of patience just being as close as you see he is comfortable with, talking to him, watching tv, listening to the radio etc. near him probably sitting in a chair or something. He will eventually start getting closer to you and he will determine when the day comes he will touch you on his own and perhaps even climb down and walk to you. Just slow and easy is the best advice I can offer. It is the only way you will ever build trust with Gandolf.
  12. Welcome Rick! Why don't your introduce yourself in the welcome room when you get a chance. Most Greys do not start talking until around a year or a little more old. My Grey said his first word at around a year old... "HELLO". I guess announcing to all, the speech neurons were now online as a test message. After that they just start practicing and using what they fins useful or just fun to say. You'll hear faint mumbling as they calibrate and most times when you are not in the room or are not looking at them. It's GreYt having you here and I hope to hear more.
  13. Very cute video. Ecko is certainly trying his hardest to stuff himself down in that bowl. Thanks for sharing this.
  14. Welcome Jim6881, it's good having you here. In an environment where there are perhaps many people around and interacting with the babies. It is possible your baby experienced something that frightened him. I would ask the breeder you mentioned or the store what may have occurred. But, even with the behavior you see. That is a baby and it he will come around easily with patience and calm environment in his new home surrounded by those who love him, instead of people poking and prodding at him. Why don't you tell us a little more about your self and what you may have found out from the breeder or store.
  15. Well Judy, the clock is SLOWLY ticking and you will be on your way Tuesday. I truly am happy for you and hope to hear and see all of the wonderful sights and stories you will have to share of this trip of a lifetime. Enjoy, be safe and Godspeed to you!!!!
  16. Great looking Popsicle, regardless of what Diego thought of it. I don't know about others Greys, but Dayo hates orange juice and always has. It's hot here in California too around 104 today. He loves eating the natural fruit Popsicles made by Dryers. He just lavishes the Pomegranate and Grape. When were done eating it, he then chews the wooden stick to pieces.
  17. Same question as GoDiego, what did he inject with and why? LOL @ Ray!
  18. Nice and replies! Dayo is 3. DNA sexed male and had him since he was 15 weeks old visited him at the breeders almost daily from 5 weeks old onward. You see his picture in my avatar. His favorite foods are walnuts, peanuts, almonds, peanut butter extra crunchy made with palm oil, apples and grapes along with some mango and Yams. All are treats to him and he gets the nuts sparingly. Toys he loves to bash and get crazy with are large bells, cat type acrylic balls with bells in them and hanging off of ropes upside sown. He also loves chewing wooden toys to sawdust. You can read and see many photos of him in the journal/book I started writing on this forum at : http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?160392-Dayo-Writing-a-Book-for-his-future
  19. As others have said, if this inactive sedentary behavior is still there, go get an avian vet to check out your grey. Most babies at yours greys are kinda like puppies, they will rock and roll for a while, then take a nap, then rock and roll etc. You get the picture. If your grey is like this all day long and not wanting to play or explore, something is wrong.
  20. I would find a true Avian vet. It is obvious the vet you are presently seeing is not very knowledgeable of Parrots at all. Even a smaller bird like a cockatiel or conure can live to 25, much less a larger parrot that could possibly live to 60 or 70 years old. They do not even reach maturity and breeding age until 5 or 6 years old.
  21. Wow, what a new adventure for you both. Thanks for sharing this.
  22. LOL, this is ground control, Tango please go to a cruising altitude of 5 feet and stop tormenting the poor non flighted humans in your way, fly around them politely, you are allowed to use your best Pterodactyl scream though as a horn..., Salsa please bank left and descend to 7 feet, Joey just remain at you 6 foot altitude and watch out for that human tree in your way. Thanks for sharing this aerial mad house taking place.
  23. Most all of us use 100% natural Aloe Juice, not from concentrate. YOu can buy it in one gallon jugs from walgreens, walmart etc. The misting is done using it straight from the bottle full strength poured into a misty bottle. For actual exposed and irritated areas, 100 Percent natural Aloe Gel can be apply which will soak into the skin and sooth it.
  24. Welcome Texas Dude and the whole damn jungle forest of Avian friends that reside there! It's GreYt having you here. Nice photos of your baby grey. Looking forward to hearing and seeing a lot more from you.
  25. Welcome Karkar and Flock! It's GreYt having you all here. Having had Gabby 16 years from a wee baby I'll bet yo have tons of stories,helpful information, photos and videos to share. I hope you do and look forward to hearing and seeing more from you soon.
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