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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. What a wonderful ending. It is so surprising that that actually got her back. They can soar hundreds of miles a day. Having Vultures and other massive birds aloft here in California is just a daily event with pilots always aware of them. During migration months, there are literally thousands of these birds soaring over.
  2. Welcome Sara and Flock. What a wonderful story to read. I love the way the two of you just had that "Spark" the moment you met and it has continued since bringing her home. Norma is going to enjoy a life filled with love, the companionship she has always yearned for and live a wonderful life in her new home with you. Thanks for the photo, she looks great. I look forward to reading much more from you.
  3. I hope Jack will respond with photos. But in a nut shell, it is "Grafting" in feathers from either dead birds or ones you have collected as they molted. They are precisely trimmed to length and match primary to primary for example and the shaft of the primary on the bird receiving it it trimmemed for proper alignment and the two are "Spliced" to each other using a tooth pick slid inside the shaft or similar item inserted into one shaft then the other and super glued glued. Then you proceed with the same process for each following primary that was clipped or damaged. Photos really illustrate this process the best.
  4. What a wonderful thing to have done and the appreciation was shown also immediately by the B&G Macaw. It would be great, if you could you any photos you may have and the description of imping for those that are unfamiliar here of that process. Thanks for a great post Jack, you've been missed here!
  5. Congratulations! As Jane said, they will lead the path and determine how the flock will all interact. It's wonderful that you have been taking Echo wit you and see excite in him during the meetings. I am looking forward to hearing updates and seeing I suspect the ton of photos you've taken on your visits.... come on, you know you have!!
  6. Judy's spot on. He is growing into adulthood and the baby grey is slowly vanishing. My Grey Dayo is 3 also and he has cuddle muffin days, let me sit and pnder the universe days, Lets play and then I nail you days and then of course are the previously mentioned rolled into one days. Just get very good at reading his body language and ASK before you physically engage, you'll be able to tell by his body stance if he wants what you just described. :-)
  7. At 3 he is not really hormonal yet, but as Judy said, when they started getting too "Friendly", just stop the contact for that moment. It's wonderful how he is starting to feel comfortable and loved.
  8. Awwww, thats a big step forward. I am so happy for you!!
  9. Wow great story. So Corky placed a deposit on your wife first, then your wife reciprocated, sounds like a great contractual agreement to me. Thanks for sharing this. I look forward to hearing the 10 years worth of stories, photos and maybe some videos you might have to share as well. We all love reading of others greys.
  10. Loved the video. Biscotti is very entertaining. I would have been rolling on the floor laughing at this flurry of good birds, cantaloupe and what sounds like crack-crack corn amongst all the other words and sounds. Thanks for sharing this.
  11. LOL!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "If you think that way". What an odd encounter, thanks for sharing it.
  12. What a huge breakthrough!! Tui sounds like he is turning into to one wonderful grey under you loving care. Thanks for the update.
  13. What a wonderful thing to hear! Defo on following the blog. Thanks for posting this update.
  14. Dayo has the same opinion as Spock..... Pellets are for throwing most the time. He will occasionally eat one, conclude they still taste like cardboard and go back to tossing them to the dogs.
  15. Glad you two enjoyed it. Judy - I do get a break now and then. I am also not so old, that I have become multi-tasking deficient. I can talking to users needing technical support, answer support emails, live chat for support, eat a sandwich, shoo off dayo and watch youtube at the same time without any one of those tasks suffering...................... That I am aware of anyway. :p :p
  16. Loki sounds like she is doing great! The change in schedules will take time to figure out on your part and Loki's. It is hectic at first when everything changes at once like that, but you and Loki will adapt soon enough. I would love to see some photos and hear more when you get time in your suddenly full appointment book.
  17. Welcome to the forum and congratulations on bringing home your first grey. A few observations reading your posts. First it seems Solomon was purchased from a pet store, not a breeders home. This raises many things to mind in regards the behaviors you are seeing. That bird has been subjected to many different strangers sticking fingers in the cage, perhaps banging on it, sticking their faces up close to him etc. He has also been transported to that pet shop environment which I am certain is very different to that of the breeders home. Stuck around many different creatures, sights, objects and sounds etc. He was probably terrified most the time. Do not think this is just Grey phobia either. I can not count the times I have seen conures, amazons and macaws stuffed in cages at pet stores and cowering from the morons sticky fingers at them, kids screaming at them etc. Any bird reacts like that to such an environment. The things that pet shop person told you regarding the care of a grey was completely uneducated and wrong, as you suspected and did well in not following their advice. The most important thing you can do, is just let Solomon come to the realization that he is in a safe place that is calm, loving and not intrusive into his space. It will take more time for him to understand this is not just another hell hole he has been subjected to since leaving the breeders. I would love to see photos of Solomon and please read the content in all areas of this site to further familiarize yourself with proper interaction, feeding and health.
  18. Thanks for the update. Love the African based names. I am looking forward to hearing more and seeing those photos of them.
  19. Nice shot of Willow! Thanks for sharing it.
  20. The more you change things up and expose baby greys to new things, the chances are greater that they will be somewhat less fearful of new things or moving things around. All I can say right now, is as my grey ages (3 yr old) he has become increasing alert to something as small as a fly doing a drive-my, strange sounds like the neighbor firing up his weed whacker or me walking in the house with something strange in my hand. I can only assume, it is due to his reaching the point as they do in the wild, of leaving the protection and guidance of their parents to fend for themselves, find a mate and continue the cycle of life. In the wild, that "Phobia" everyone talks about in greys, is what gives them better odds of survival in Africa, the continent which more predators and animals than anywhere else in the world and they are each looking for their next meal.
  21. All have given great answers and advice. The good thing about caging them at night as pointed out. Is a night fright of any type can occur from a strange sound, earthquake literally "Night Frights" and send them dashing in the dark. If outside the cage, they can gain a lot of momentum they could not in the cage and easily break their neck. They do not have good night vision at all. If we have trouble getting Dayo to calm down at night for return to the cage. We turn the lights off in the room, he sits blinded basically and when we approach talking sweetly and he feels one of our hands gently touch his breast, he steps right up feeling safe and secure.
  22. It's all about mine, mine, mine, mine, whats yours is mine, whats mine is mine, if I see it, it's mine, if I think about it's mine, it's ALLLLllllllll mine!!!!! PS: Elvis will not eat and swallow the rubber. You will just find very small pieces everywhere if he does finally decide to rip it to shreds.
  23. Welcome Hettie, how are things going between your established Grey and the newcomer?
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