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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Linda and Flock. It's great having you hear and I hope to hear much more and see some photos when you get a chance.
  2. Welcome and good luck. If you PM Jay and get his help you will be in good hands.
  3. Your plans sound very good and well planned. I don't think anyone could have done better at taking all into consideration as you have. I hope the move goes quick and smooth for you.
  4. Welcome Medicmark! What a wonderful thing to have done in getting these two greys out of the "System". Based on your description, they are very young at 1 year old, are buddies, not a mated pair as you were told, and basically are clinging to each other for companionship and protection which is normal flock type behavior. It's also great you took them straight to a vet for checkups. Just take it slow and easy with them to win over thier trust and once this is accomplished you can move on to step-up training to get the trust even closer. YOu may also want to consider getting cages for them both, rather than keeping in the same cage. This will allow you to have one on one interaction easier and it also makes the training and trust go faster. It will also help resolve the issue of them clinging to one another for support, I hope. You have made some great changes to their diet already ready and I would recommend you go check out our food room that has tons of information for you.
  5. I am glad they were enjoyed. One thing all need to remember, is that any ones video's are just a few minute glimpses of their amazing intelligence and all miss most of the true cognitive interactions that occur with their owners that will never be caught on tape because, your engaged in meaningful talk or activities with your grey or other parrot species and the camera is not rolling.
  6. It has been a while since posting any new videos...just haven't had the time. However, we have many new members now, do I thought I would share share a few of the best (I think). I am starting to work from home full-time now and am sure happy to being allowed to do so. That 5 days a week in San Jose was getting rough after 6 years. So now in between calls, emails and programming, I'll have time to get some new ones. But, here are a few I thought some might enjoy.: Dayo having a little fun with what I call his "Boing" because he bounces and thrashes on top of it. It also shows the advantage of flight in situations when they accidentally take a fall: http://www.youtube.com/user/dmcquill#p/u/9/Ar-YwabZYxw Teaching your Grey useful things that make them feel like the are "Helping Out" the flock is good for them and gives them a feeling of accomplishment. Dayo opens a cage door: http://www.youtube.com/user/dmcquill#p/u/13/nxsIbjhq_dQ Dayo learning how to turn the water off initially. Now he scrambles to get over to shut it off if someone turns it on. He loves the praise: http://www.youtube.com/user/dmcquill#p/u/28/4xqyUlth5N4 The problem of them knowing how to turn water on and off: http://www.youtube.com/user/dmcquill#p/u/23/TQgqmc72NBo Dayo ensuring the dogs it's ok: Dayo and Jake discussing how it is Jakes cage.....NOT!: http://www.youtube.com/user/dmcquill#p/u/25/FnSa5Iu3ink Dayo loves music and dancing, as yours will too if you introduce them to those concepts: http://www.youtube.com/user/dmcquill#p/u/4/l5p9U710ab8 After a hard day of rocking out, chasing Jake and assuring all is well, Dayo enjoys blanky time with his cuddle muffin.... my wife of course: http://www.youtube.com/user/dmcquill#p/u/22/RSgmTM7AkEY
  7. Dave is spot on as always. Only time will SLOWLY and at a distance get your grey desensitized to the objects.
  8. I hope you find your much loved Grey quickly.
  9. What a perfect home to have landed in! You are doing everything right. Just don't be too shocked if you start seeing a few changes in his personality as he becomes more confident in his new home, flock and surroundings. Right now he is still in the honeymoon mode and is stusying you much more than you have studied him, I 'm positive. he is watching and listening like a hawk. They are just so damn smart, that in a few more days or a week, he will have the entire environment figured out and will start asserting himself where he knows he can. He will also start testing so be on the lookout at all times in regards his body language. Based on what you have said in regards his language and cognitive skills and also the eye coloring, he is not a baby grey for sure and is probably at a minimum of 3 or more years old. It is great that you are truly trying your hardest to find his heart broken owners. There is no doubt this was a very well taken care of Grey from your description of his mannerisms. Your doing a GreYt job, keep it up! I am looking forward to hearing many more updates on him.
  10. I am so sorry to hear this. The good out of this, is he was deeply loved, felt secure finally as he could in your home and at least was properly taken care of with the vet attention he needed. I hope you know, you did all you could to try and provide him what you thought would be a home he could finally feel at peace in, love and security. You and you Mother have my condolences, tears and heart felt thanks for all you did.
  11. Warriors of the Rainbow CREE PROPHECY Last century an old wise woman of the Cree Indian nation, named "Eyes of Fire", had a vision of the future. She prophesied that one day, because of the white mans' or Yo-ne-gis' greed, there would come a time, when the earth being ravaged and polluted, the forests being destroyed, the birds would fall from the air, the waters would be blackened, the fish being poisoned in the streams, and the trees would no longer be, mankind as we would know it would all but cease to exist. There would come a time when the "keepers of the legend, stories, culture rituals, and myths, and all the Ancient Tribal Customs" would be needed to restore us to health, making the earth green again. They would be mankind's key to survival, they were the "Warriors of the Rainbow". HOPI PROPHESY "When the earth is dying there shall arise a new tribe of all colors and all creeds. This tribe shall be called The Warriors of the Rainbow and it will put its faith in actions not words." - Prophecy of the Native American Hopi people - SIOUX PROPHESY "There will come a time when the earth is sick and the animals and plants begin to die. Then the Indians will regain their spirit and gather people of all nations, colors and beliefs to join together in the fight to save the Earth: The Rainbow Warriors." - Ancient Native American prophecy - Rainbow Tribe The sun rose on a magical new day... Over the whole earth they came, The people of every color, Sister, Brother, Father, Mother Traveling over many a land People of the Rainbow Children of the Way, with a fresh glow Finding their way Star within... More and more joined, a song for the soul... A new way to live, A new way to see, It happened this way... And a new song, It came from within If you can find the Star, Within then you will find... What is... What was... And what will be... you see, It happened this way... from within,The people of the Way The Rainbow Tribe... - Author Unknown
  12. You would have to go visit and see how well they have been socialized and interact with humans. If they are breeders, do not even think about bringing them home. They would not interact with you at all. As for gloves, never use them. They strike much fear into a bird and make things worse. I don't know if you could handle conures or not. They are very noisy at times with their screeches, so only you can answer if you would just accept that as part of the package. IN regards biting, it just depends on the bird. Some can be very bitey, some just using it as a means of conveying the fact that your not paying attention to their body language.
  13. Does the vet think he is in pain? If not and he is eating good like you said. Why not let him live out his days, weeks etc. in the surroundings of loved ones? Just asking, no pressure, only you know how he is. It;s just so sad, it always is.
  14. One thing to careful of on the light position. Do not shine it from the side. Try to get it as high vertical as you can and angle it down.
  15. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (((DEEP BREATH))) Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (((DEEP BREATH))) Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (((DEEP BREATH))) Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Whew! Thanks for the laugh.
  16. What a wonderful story of learning to fly and the excitement both you and Yoshi get from it. Just that short flight taking the wind out of Yoshi shows just how much more cardio-vascular exercise they get out of even short flights like that. They feel so proud of their accomplishments. You can just see them beaming practically. Thanks for sharing this. It was thrilling just reading it! Go Yoshi Go, Go Yoshi Go!!!
  17. Walmart won't have one, but you can check some local pet stores for avian full-spectrum fluorescent bulbs like avain sun or zoo med. It's great just doing what you have to provide more light for them.
  18. GreYT Photos, thanks for sharing them. That is one fine looking grey.
  19. Two different scenarios, the love muffin like my wife that Dayo never pulls the fake out on while she deep scratches to the skin and me the guy he plays with like a close friend you box a few rounds with, shake hands, crack a beer open and laugh about how you took a sucker punch again. I am going to try Daves comment on just touching the feathers only instead of trying to scratch him like I do my dogs.....
  20. OMG!!! That is terrible!!!! Tears for this poor grey and you that you tried so hard to help........
  21. WHAT?????? Why would that injury result in needing to be put down? What did the avian vet find was wrong?
  22. Wow Spock, you are certainly growing up now and coming to some serious conclusions about your surroundings and life. I enjoyed reading your various topics and love you final view of life. No truer said!
  23. Yup, common to Greys and I get a bite when I fall for it as well....most the time.
  24. I received a response from Dr. Pepperberg: Dear Dan-- Yes, the organization is legit....and you are correct that none of the money they request goes to help us at this time. But the money is not to FINISH the movie--it is to START the movie. I had no idea they would start by 'crowd-sourcing', but that turns out to be legit. I insisted that they make very clear the point that the money goes to them, NOT to the Foundation, so there would be no confusion that folks sending them anything helps with our research in any way. POSSIBLY, IF the screenplay is sold to a studio, AND the movie is made and makes a profit, THEN we'll get some funds. But that is three to five years in the future, if at all. Thanks for checking in on this... Best, Irene
  25. Thanks for posting this cute video. They do love corn. I have to only offer it as a rare treat. Dayo will eat Corn on the Cobb until it is running from his ears. So I limit it due to the none existent nutritional value. But, I will say I think for the most part, they just have a blast shredding it to a pile of rubble.
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