It sounds like she is doing great but don't worry about her sitting on the edge of her bowl to sleep, I imagine you have other perches for her to sit on but for some reason she prefers there right now, do you have a boing in her cage as there is where my grey sleeps and she has other perches she can sit on.
Doesn't surprise me about the reindeer thing for they quickly figure out how to manipulate things to make them work, after all she has plenty of time to practice, you may be moving that reindeer soon I bet.
It doesn't take long to take a sip or two of water so I imagine she is getting her water when you are not watching, after all you can't watch her 24 hours a day and she may not have been after the water from your finger but the taste from your skin, even the salt on it.
I hope she gets a clean bill of health from the vet tonight, be sure to let us know.