I like that cage but I would like to see Clare go with a slightly bigger one, we all know bigger is better for grey cages, it is 80 cm wide but that only works out to 31 inches, Josey's cage is 42 inches wide, if a bird is going to be housed most of the day while the parronts are working then it should be big enough but this is a popular style.
I think he looks like a fine looking grey from the pictures you shared of him but that vet visit is important right now and the diet can be worked on gradually for it is going to take time to get him onto a healthy and varied one.
Thanks for sharing the pictures with us.
Time is what will do the trick, it just takes time to form a lasting relationship and build the trust it takes for them to feel at ease around you so be patient and it will come. He may not ever want to spend a lot of time sitting on your shoulder or whatever, they are each different in that respect. Just continue to do what you are doing now and be patient.
Basil is a cute little quaker, I have never had a quaker but know a lot of people who do, they are great little birds, thanks for sharing a couple of pics of him with us.
Hello Sn4pp3r and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new to you grey.
So how many birds do you have right now, have you had birds all or most of your life?
You have come to the right place looking for advice and do read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.
We love pictures here so if you have some of your other birds you would share with us we would love to see them.
Hello Ian, we haven't seen you in a long time welcome back.
I live in Virginia but in the southwest area and do not know any pet stores in your area but there must be some, have you tried googling it and maybe the yellow pages of the phone book will provide some locations near to you, best of luck to you and don't be a stranger now ya hear.
The bigger question is can YOU, wow it won't be long now!
I have never heard of red palm oil being added to the babies formula but then I have no experience with handfeeding either, that is a question that maybe Jay can answer.
Lambert, this is an open forum and anyone can post and share their opinions and if you thought Bonnie, aka JjsHoney, was over reacting to a bite that was received then that is your opinion, but the members here will continue to support anyone who asks for help and that includes you if you ever feel the need for we don't discriminate. For an example Jay has been bit many times as he has many birds more than you do but he tries to be helpful and supportive to anyone who asks and I would like to think that everyone else would to.
It would be very helpful if you could find out more about her past for it might explain a lot of things and be very useful to try to work thru them and I can imagine that Dave will ask that also.
Hello Eileen and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Quinn.
Don't worry about the nipping as all birds do that besides its just one way for them to explore and he is checking everything out right now so allow him a little leeway.
Please read thru the many threads here for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.
We love pictures here so if you have some of Quinn you would share with us we would appreciate it.
Jay is right, you need to take this grey to an avian vet as soon as possible to have her checked out but she does need time to settle into her new home. She could be going thru a heavy molt right now but from the way you describe it sounds like she is plucking her feathers, that could be due to the stress of going to a new home.
One thing I want to point out is when she freaks out at any form of water or whatever please do not freak out yourself as that will only increase her stress, try to stay calm and not over react for they sense our stress level and it will only make things worse. It will take time, lots of time to gain her trust so just be patient and it will work itself out.
Paul those are great pictures of your baby and Murphy, he is doing great and having a wonderful time, this will be the first of many such outings it looks like, thanks for sharing the pictures with us.
I am so sorry about the loss of your sun conure, I share my house with a grey and a sun conure, she was my first parrot then I got my grey, she is fully flighted but only flies when spooked but I love to see her fly.
Your vet is the best source of advice on what pellets you should or shouldn't be giving to MoJo so I would go with her recommendations but maybe some of the more knowledgeable members will have an opinion on it.
You have been calling the bigger one Jackson haven't you, seems you have that one named but if the other mom is going to take the smaller one then she should name it herself in my opinion.
Jay is right, you give more vegetables than fruit to a grey even if they like the fruits better, more nutrition in the veggies versus mostly just sugar in the fruits, I have included a link to a thread that lists most of the vegetables they can have.