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Everything posted by Talon

  1. How adorable. She's very pretty! I would have no problem allowing her on your shoulder. You follow your own instincts, there is no right way or wrong way. Just what works best for you. Just be careful, and keep your face turned away, neither one of you know each other enough to trust each other, and what seems like nothing to you could frighten her and her instinct would be to bite. Enjoy her, she's lovely,
  2. That's exactly what I did almost a year ago. Guess what? Everything is still sitting in my garage......haven't had te time to put it all together yet.....ugh!
  3. I will pass this onto the tech dept. It is not as user friendly as it was before we made the switch to V-Bulletin. The search feature I mean..
  4. After researching and reading reviews, this company got terrible reviews. Guess I will look for something else, cause I can't recommend it based on what I read.
  5. Yes dan, my concerns are exactly as you stated. I am upset as to why they were set off. I know we have no mice, rodents etc. I do have an oil furnace, and hot water heater, but the furnace only runs for the hot water at this point. They were going off again once I cut the power to the house and turned it on again, but it was the basement that was not going off, only the top 2 floors......don't know who to call to check it out.....I like your advice about a new company. Guess I will look into that for starters. Thank you for the suggestion.
  6. I found it! http://www.x10.com/promotions/airsight_wide_angle_ip_camera.html?HP2
  7. Thank you everyone for the great suggestions. You really got me thinking with these good ideas. I am anxious to get a web cam going, but don't know how it works. Do i need to hook it up to a laptop and leave it in the room? And how do I stream it at qwork? Not very techie here...
  8. I had the scare of my life today. I left for work this am at 8:30. My kids were in school and my daughter was at work as well. I have a house alarm which I always set when I leave, and doors all locked. I drove home at 3:15 to quickly change and leave within 15 minutes to go teach my classes at my dance studio, as I pulled into the garage, I heard the alarms going off, I flew into the house, dis-armed the alarm and realized the entire house smoke and carbon monoxide alarms were blaring. My 17 year old son was on the back deck with his friends, he locked himself out, I opened the doors for him and we ran thru the house and searched for the smell of smoke. Nothing.....so I thought OMG! Carbon monoxide........the birds......I ran to all the cages scared to see the worst, but Thank God, all 6 seemed fine. I spent the next few hours trying to figure out what happened. I had to kill the power to the whole house to shut them down. From what I can tell from the way my dogs were behaving when i got home, they were going off all day long..... It got me thinking, now that all of us are gone most of the day, if something happened, it would be too late by the time I got home. I had my alarm system put in after I moved into my house 5 years ago. The smoke and Cm alarms were hard wired before, so my alarm system doesn't connect to them. I called my alarm company tonight, it will cost my $83@ per alarm. I have to use THEIR alarms cause other ones aren't compatible with their system. (ADT) My house has a total of 10 alarms to replace. Obviously, I can't afford that, but in hind site, it is way cheaper than the priceless flock I have. obviously, I must do this. So I have to make a decision on how many alarms I will replace and connect to my alarm monitoring system for the safety of my birds, cats and dogs. Any advice is welcome. But I wanted to share what happened, for others who are gone all day to think about....... I am quite upset at the thoughts of what I could have walked into if it was the carbon monoxide, and how horrible I would have felt, the guilt, ect for the rest of my life. I would never be the same..........I know you guys would understand, but no one else in my life understands the magnitude of the what if......I can't help but feel that this was a huge warning sign and I need to act on this ASAP. I can't risk anything happening while I am gone and not get notified to try and help. Secretly, I wanted to quit my job to stay home just in case........but I know that's a stupid thing to do, I have 3 kids also to keep a roof over as well as my flock. I am very sad and upset over all this. Oh, and I might add, that I am sure they were going off for most of the day, as my birds wanted to go back into their cages and to bed very early instead of staying up with me. They were exhausted, guess they didn't get their afternoon naps. So that tells me they were blaring all daylong...
  9. My birds love their boings, they swing on them sometimes. But my amazon LOVES to be pushed on her swings.
  10. I don't know about aloe, but garlic is DEFINITELY toxic!!!!!! We had a member here who was told he should feed his grey garlic, that is was safe for it,he did and the bird passed away quickly. Not sure I would trust any site that tells you garlic is fine....
  11. Braveheartdogs, I agree completely with you!
  12. Hi everyone, I just wanted to write about My cag Rikki. Rikki is almost 7 years old. Some of you may remember, I adopted her from a member here on the forum. I had tag Talon, and never had any intentions or desire to get another bird....(I am at 6 now). How she came to me in a nutshell: a new member joined asking for help in trying to quiet their newly acquired Grey. They complained it made too much noise, whistled too much, and they wanted to quiet it down. They were asking for advice as they didn't like the noise. Well I was furious after reading their first post and laid into them about not researching BEFORE they got this bird. If they had, they would know they make noise! In my fury, I felt they didn't deserve the bird and that I would take it as they had no clue and you couldn't quiet a grey. ( knowing this is a worldwide forum, I knew there was no chance of them taking me up on my half hearted comment. Well, next thing I knew, they sent me a pm, asking me if I would take her......as it turned out, they lived about 2 hours away and would drive her and her cage to me.....so that is how I ended up with Rikki. (she was 2 1/2 years old and I was her 4th and FINAL home) Looking back over the first 2 years I had her, I was at my wits end with her, there were times I didn't want her due to her behavior. She was VERY moody, you could never trust her, she would bite you hard and split you open when you least expected it. She was always flying to the top of my woodwork and tearing it off in huge chunks. I almost considered rehoming her elsewhere......she was very difficult. There wasn't a lot of love between us as she wouldn't allow it. Jump ahead to the last 3 plus years, she is the sweetest bird. She is so very happy all the time, she never bites, she adores my daughter and I, no favorites with her. She will kiss you anytime you ask, or make a kissy sound. She justs wants to be with you and be cuddled. She no longer is moody, no longer bites, no longer chews the wood work. She is a typical cag as new things frighten her and she is a nervous cag if everything in the house isn't in it's place. She will do anything I ask ofmher, she is the most loving grey ever. In hindsight, I see it took her as long as she was old to realize that she was in her forever home and to adapt to us. I suppose she never really trusted that she would be here and not sent off to another home as she was before. Her history, she was bought in a pet store very young, bonded to a very nice couple, especially the husband, but he died of a terminal illness when she was 2 years old. The wife couldn't keep her, she had no time for her, so she passed her onto another couple who had her for 5 weeks then gave her to me. I think she was angry as she missed her bonded owner very much and her home. It took her so long to relax, but I wish I had known then what i know now ....maybe her transition would have been easier for her and us. I feel very bad about that, I wish I was more understanding and patient with her back then. The lessons I learned, it takes a long time for a rehome to really settle in to their new envirement and feel relaxed enough to be themselves. And that know matter how many parrots you have, no matter how old you are, you ALWAYS have something to learn about them.
  13. I don't have nicknames for my birds,but my kids nicknamed one of my dogs Bubba.....his real name is Rocky, now when ever the birds see him, they say,Bubba....
  14. Those are too funny! Love the comments you guys came up with.
  15. I would never use any ointment on my birds that they would most likely ingest by preening at it.
  16. Talon


    I will add my 2 cents in. I feel what you are going thru. I had a very unusual work schedule for many many years. It allowed my birds to be out most of the day every day. They are free flighted, I live in a big house, have many tree stands, boings, perches hanging every where. It looks like I live in a ginat bird cage. Well, this past summer, finacially, I had to take on 2 more jobs. I now work 3 part time jobs and have my own dance studio that is open 6 days a week. I get up most days at 4am, head off to the gym or go running. After getting home, showering & my kids off to school. I am able to let them out for about an hour for breakfast and time with me. They are then in their cages again until 5 or 6 ish, and then many nights off to teach classes and home late. I was so worried about the effects of this schedule change, but tried not to show it to them. It has been about 3 months, and they seem to do just fine, in fact they expect it. I do leave the tv on or a bird sitter dvd, and they do like their afternoon quiet time. Sometimes my daughter will let them out right before I come home, and when that happens and I walk in the door, all 3 come flying over to me and spend the last bit of time with me as much a spossible. Those nights, I feel so loved by them.... I think you will be suprised at how adaptable they will become.
  17. Mine came with a perch, and my birds are very good about it if I continue to talk with them while they are on it.
  18. I love ringnecks, they are so beautiful! Can't wait for pics!!
  19. Talon

    Its true

    That is too funny! i have heard they can outpoop all birds!
  20. Talon

    The winner is

    THat's funny! Sometime's Nilah will be the last to start breakfast, but dinner is her's. She can outeat my greys times 3!
  21. Talon

    Its true

    hee hee!! Talon can out poop my 3...she's the smallest of the flock!
  22. Talon

    Duskey conures

    Awww. pics please...
  23. Welcome to the world of being a parront. There really is no way to stop, you can try, but they will continue to do it no matter what. Many of my shirts have holes in the shoulders. I can't buy anything with sparkles or glitter or beads, they will go nuts trying to pick it off. The good clothes go on when they are in their cages and I am headed out.
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