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Everything posted by Talon

  1. They will do fine in the sad room. Let Fig have the safety of his home,cage while he adjusts. It will take time, and it was Figs home first, so he needs to know from the beginning how it will be so there are few adjustments. I have 3 of my parrots in the same room, and I started with one. It went well each time I Introduced a new one as they knew THEIR routine never changed even tho theres a new flock member. ALWAYS do everything first for Fig, he was there first and his routine should stay as it is. I never get a different bird out of their cage, it is always in order of who was here first, second, third, etc. they expect it that way and keeps them from getting jealous and acting out.
  2. That's exciting! I would put him in the place that he will stay in. His whole world will be different, so you want to limit changing things once he gets to his new forever home. Keep us posted. And pics ASAP!
  3. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for makeing us feel like you were taking us with you!
  4. Talon


    All my birds are allowed to be on my shoulder. I always keep my face away. Occasionally they will try and bite my ears, when they try that, I quickly move my head and tell them, no biting. They now know what that means, and if they chose to ignore me, being a dancer, I spin around quickly and send them flying off like they are on a fast merry go round. Works every time.
  5. Talon

    Potty training

    Tell him to get use to it it's a new way of life, and goes with the territory. With 4 parrots, 3 that are free flying, my bedtime routine is to go thru my house, and clean up the potty, that includes asking it off the furniture if needed.
  6. Congrats on your new addition. My first bird s a tag, and sge is a sweet, comedian! I adore her. I don't put my birds on a strict bedtime, it varies depending on when I work till, but I do cover their cage at night with a dark sheet so they always know its bedtime, works well for me.
  7. Well, I have a female, so I think I'm safe?
  8. If you start making sense, you may get replies.....I see you are from the US.
  9. I too have a son with asthma, but the birds don't present a problem to him. I have 6 birds, 3 cats, and 2 dogs as well as 3 kids. I do have several air cleaners through out the house just for piece of mind.
  10. I guess this is a good reminder to dig mine out and start running it again...Thanks for reviving this.
  11. That was the best laugh ive had in a while. Thank you!!!!!
  12. Talon

    My new house

    Very nice! Seems you got the stamp of approval. I have the same one in sandstone for Talon's day cage. She likes it too!
  13. Judy, I LOVE this! So true, and your timing is excellent. Many here need to read this, seems there has been too much loss these days.
  14. YES!!! I always look so forward to reading this. Now it is officially Thanksgiving Season.
  15. Talon

    Sad news

    This is sooo sad. I live 35 minutes from where this happened. http://www.wggb.com/2012/11/16/springfield-fire-kills-exotic-birds/
  16. WOW! You soooo understand. I feel exactly the way you do...THANK YOU for the BIG smile you put on my face when I read your post>..
  17. Hi everyone, I am happy to give you an update. I had taken my kitty to the opthomologist and she put him on eye drops 3 times a day. His eye pressure was 10 in 1 eye, and 65 in the other. She said he was in extreme pain. She was certain that the eye drops wouldn't help since he had been so long without eye drops, but she wanted to give it 1 week to appease me I think. We were to bring him back for a follow up in 1 week. I scheduled my kitty's surgery for the following wed after his 1 week checkup. My daughter brought him in 1 week later and the doctor was shocked!! His eye pressure went down to 15!!!! NO SURGERY!!!!!! I was jumping up and down. The doctor was stunned at the results of the eye pressure. So he is to remain on eye drops the rest of his Ice 3 times a day, and return for a follow up,in a month. Then if all looks good, every 6 months. My faithful daughter has continued to come home from work midday since the beginning to make sure he has his drops. We are so thrilled, and my kitty seems so much happier!! Imhave been able to tach him how to climb up and down the stairs, where his food, and litter box is, and how to maneuver the couches and the house. He is doing so well. Thank you everyone for your support and very kind words. I will update again after his one month checkup. I hope we get good news on that visit.
  18. This thread has turned hilarious! My greys hadn't done that yet that I have seen, they are 7, but my 3 year old amazon does it on my a lot!! Mostly this past spring....
  19. Aww. So pretty. She is young? Gorgeous look in her eyes.
  20. I have been very interested in a steam cleaner, but I have never witness the use of one and am wondering if it is messy.....that is the reason I have not purchased one yet right now, I spray a high alkaline water on them and use a scrubby pad......I can disinfect with 2.5 acid water, but I don't like to,use it as it had to be wiped down and dried or it will corrode the bars, so I rarely use it.
  21. I am considering buying one for my downstairs to save on heating costs. I know we have some experts here. Are they safe for birds?
  22. salsa is beautiful!! And Ray is right, those eyes.......so full of personality and love.
  23. I use a real tree. Mostly the decorations and lights scare them enough so they have no desire to go near it. Nilah, my amazon, on the other hand has chewed the wires and tried to,land on the tree and climb it.....so, when we pick out our tree, I get one with the prickly needles, not the soft ones, that keeps her away.
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