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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Thank you! Nilah sends her Xmas wishes to her friends too! She's already had bagels, banana muffins and blueberry muffins ! She cant wait for dinner, ham ,double baked stuff potatoes and corn fritters! Then she will finish it off with homemade xmas cookies...
  2. Talon

    To all

    Right back at you buddy!
  3. Yup, he's letting you know, it's HIS world!!!
  4. You must have well water? And we all should drink 1 oz. of water per lb of body weight daily. And Congrats, on being a cancer survivor, I am sooo happy about that.
  5. Just imagine if the unthinkable happened and your bird escapes. What are the chances that someone would find it.. And would be able to use the band to look at it. There is no database that would give the info regarding what's on the band. My belief is its not worth the risk of their every day playing when they are unattended and playing.
  6. Merry Christmas to all !!
  7. Merry Christmas to all our family and flock here! May you have a greyt day!
  8. Talon

    Storing Food

    I store all my bird food in the fridge, Not the freezer. Never have a moth, they can't survive or hatch in the cold.
  9. Look at the cost of cleaning supplies you use in a years time...........no more of that using the acidic water you make at home...it sterilizes and disinfects, clears acne, heals cuts and sores. We use it instead of listerine, canker sores, no more!
  10. It's funny, people don't blink an eye at spending that or more on a car, or spending that on maintenance to keep that car running. But spending money on your health? That's too much!!! I hear that a lot........ How much do we spend on our pets, wants, or hobbies? Add it all up and you'd be suprised......I know my wants and pets expenses cost way more in a years time....I have ALOT of pets, good grief!! lol
  11. My 14year old son who was diagnosed with asthma since he was 2 years old, was prescribed Advair twice a day every day for prevention from asthma attacks because they were so frequent. We were told by his Dr. if he didn't outgrow it by the time he was 6, then he wouldn't outgrow it . After one year of using alkaline water, we stopped the Advair, not needed anymore. His asthma only now acts up about once a year if that when he has a bad cold. In my opinion, we are saving money. I was diagnosed with hypo thyroid 7 years ago. Alsways the same high dose. My medicine is now at the lowest dose possible as my numbers keep dropping since starting the water. My step father (age 79 years old) has a condition since he was a child where his body makes too much iron and he has to give blood every 3 months to compensate for it. After a year and a half on the water, he no longer has to give blood. His iron levels are normal. His blood pressure medicine has been lowered as well. To me, I can't put a price on my health. if making payment for 14 months Can keep me healthy for my children, as my kids are still in their teens and all they have is me. I don't want them having to deal with a sick mother, they deserve a healthy mother so they can flourish without me dragging the down.....Just my humble opinion.....
  12. I have both, my amazon is tHe only one who likes the atom, all 3 like the orbit. My orbit is made out of the rope, boing ropes, not plastic like some are.
  13. Well, I have 2 bichon's. The birds sometime work in teams with the dogs I think, they work hard to get something, take some for themselves and throw the rest onto the floor for the dogs. Also they like to perch on the backs of the kitchen chair with their food bites they steal from us while the dogs impatiently wait for them to drop them onto the floor. Also, My birds love to yell at my dogs when they bark, and Nilah my amazon will be happy to bite there ears or tails while they sleep next to us on the couch......
  14. Yes, and that crazy sychotic look they get
  15. They do have their own voice, but many times they mimic their owner or someone in the family on different words. My tag has a cute, soft high pitched voice, only sometimes sounding like us. My cag has a voice like a loud hag type voice,mostly, sometimes I hear one of us in her, my amazon, has my voice exactly......every time she speaks.
  16. Yes, Janet and Dan said it best. I have 6 birds. None of them see the other as companions except for my 2 parakeets that have been housed together since we got them 6 years ago. They tolerate living together, have their little tiffs occasionally, once in a long while, they may play the chase, flying game, the "you can't catch me" game thru the house, but not often. Mostly they put up with each other.....
  17. I have both and I believe it's not always how they are brought up, but much is up to their individual personalities. My cag is afraid of anything on the counter that wasn't there for the last 4 years.....my tag is better, but my cag is fearful of anything new and some things she will just never go near. Even tree stands or perches in my house that have been there for 5 years, she is still afraid of.
  18. Very nice! When are you going to give us some hints on how to take such great pictures.....
  19. Yup, as the others have said, it was first sight!
  20. I amso sorry to hear about Luna's unfortunate accident. I am glad she didn't lose her foot or leg. I hope it heals well, and I look forward to hearing how her recovery goes. I hope others will read your story and be warned against leaving their bands on their birds. I have been a big proponent of having bands removed due to stories like this and also, I have heard of others who have had to chew their foot off to get it u stuck....My vet had terrible experiences with bands and bird leg injuries in his office. So i had all my birds bands removed. I hope you post more pictures, she is a dear sweetie, I am very proud of how she is adapting. Thank you for sharing your story, we can all learn from it.
  21. Can you pm it to me, I didnt get it

  22. Yup, here is Nilah after her much needed morning shower!!
  23. Welcome to our family. And can't wait for pics,!
  24. Great decision Lisa. You shouldn't force it, like Nancy said, they will usually tend to themselves on their own. It isn't worth breaking the bond you are trying to build. My birds won't use a bowl or pan of water in their cage, but put it on top of the kitchen table or counter and when I'm not Looking and IF they feel like it......they will enjoy it, but again usually when I am mopping the floors with water.
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