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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Welcome! What a beauty, I always have a soft spot for a tag, reminds me of Talon when she was a baby.
  2. I am short on time these days, and am looking for the fastest and easiest way to clean my 5 cages. No chemicals please. I have no problem cleaning the poop and dried food off, but would like some quick disinfectant ideas. Also step by step instructions....... Thank you in advance!! :cool:
  3. Talon

    Please help

    Terrible twos!!! It will pass, be patient and go with the flow.
  4. Pictures of OUR orange winged amazons please.......
  5. I am so sorry for your loss. One day, that heart will need another, please stay open, it will heal you..
  6. My birds lived for 6 days during te last storm when we lost power, water and heat. They did very well. Had a small fireplace for the day but went down to 45-50 at night.
  7. Hey there, testing the pm system, did you get this?

  8. Hi everyone, just felt like I needed to share this story with the people most caring and understanding in my life when it comes to pets. You guys are great in your caring and compassion, and that is what I needed today. When my youngest son, (now 13 years old) was a year old, we had an orange tomcat that would come into our mud room thru the cat door, eat the cat food left for our cats, spray his scent and leave. It was the entry way into our house, and I could never get rid of that awful smell. It was a regular occurence. Frustrating!!! So, after a while, I decided I had 2 choices, catch him and have him put to sleep, or make friends, neuter him and allow him to continue on in the neighborhood as was his home. The latter was my choice. I went out onto the porch one night and tried to get him to come to me with treats....he slowly did, and after a few nights of this, he came right up for them. Next thing I knew, he walked into my house, into my kitchen, jumped up onto the rocking chair and laid down and went to sleep. He woke up a while later, and groomed himself all while in the kitchen chair. He never looked around, never acred about where he was or who was looking at him, didnt care about our dog, just acted as tho this was his home forever. We couldn't believe it! So, he came andf went inside as he pleased for a short tiem, then I took him to the vets, had him neutered, brought him home, and he ran outside thru the barn doors and disappeared. ........he came backe 2 1/2 weeks lates, and decided he was our pet. He was the best cat you could ever imagine, nevere would harm anyone, EXCEPT he was the best mouser, critter hunter around. He would bring in rabbits for dinner...UGH! Fast forward many years later, I was getting divorced, at this time we had another strasy we adopted, he was a male and the 2 cats never liked each other. Seeing as the orange cat had the outdoors here as his home, we decided I would take the other male cat with me and Orange KiKi as he was named by my youngest would remain with my ex-husband in this house. Before I left, the cat had an eye problem, they turned pink. I took him into the vet and the vet didnt now what it was. All seemed ok he said. A couple of years later, he was diagnosed with glaucoma, my ex is too cheap to take care it, etc. I was on bad terms so not allowed on the property etc. My oldest son this last Feb. took the cat in for eye drops, and made an appt for surgery to remove the eye as it was very painful. By now the cat couldn't see very well. The day of the surgery, the cat was gone. My ex was aslways letting the cat go outside, and the cat would get disoriented asnd not be able to come home for months. The last he was seen was in July. I felt so guilty for not stepping in and taking the cat....I have been very upset wondering wehat happened to him, was he wandering around in the woods somewhere, was he dead? had he been hit by a car, or attacked by another animal and left for dead...... Well, this past Sunday, my youngest was at his fathers messing around out back in the field and he saw the cat. He went over to it, scooped it up, called me and carried it basck to his fathers, I said, keep him inside, I am coming to get him. He is at my house, upset, and confused. After calling around to get him seen asap. (you wouldn't believe the doctors that gave me appts for 3 weeks away....HELLO??? this is an emergency! I found a doctor that said bring him immediately. I did that this morning, My Orange KiKi is completely blind, no lights, no shadows, nothing. He is and has been in excrutiating pain for the past 5 years... My heart breaks for him and I feel so guilty.....I asked for an estimate ont the surgery. $1800, or he needs to be euthenized..... :( :( I was making up my mind to charge the surgery on my cc, although I can't afford it, because in my heart, I owe that cat so much more thasn ending his life. I just got my kitty back!! I am nt ready to let him go.......nor are my kids. I got to work, starting googling eye surgery, got some suggestions, called my regualr vet, and they will do the surgery for $700!!! So. my kids are all chipping in, and we are going forward with the surgery after a weeek of him getting eye drops. Than you for listening, I needed to share this with someone and you are all caring members. OH, and the cat isd over 15 years old....maybe 20....Can't help it, we are so happy to have him back!! But it is heartbreaking to see him struggle, he is getting better at getting around though. The vet says when this happens, they use ecelocation...who knew that?
  9. Everyone is correct, they will never cease to amaze you at how smart they are! My 2 tattle on each other, when one does something wrong, the other on will scold them and then tell us by saying their name and yelling NO or stop it!
  10. Rocky is beautiful! Sounds like he hit the jackpot finding your home! Can't wait for the dancing video!!
  11. Hi and welcome. I see you are from NY. Have you looked into the Bird of Paadise store in NJ? That would be my recommendation. All birds are hand raised, vet checked and cared for by the very best. You know exactly what you are getting, are Ble to visit as much as you like and spend time with them, and they are the best! I live in MA and bought my first grey from a breeder in FL. I had her shipped to me at 6 1/2 weeks, I was lucky, all worked out well. But you have to be very careful if you chose that route.
  12. I have the same one in beige. I never open the top, as it is Talons day cage. She seems happy with it and I find it easy to clean and very sturdy. My greys and amazon never had problem changing cages, they always went right in and loved it! They watched me build them and put their stuff in it. So they were excited and curious as I made a big exciting event about it!
  13. Can you amazon owners share your experience with your amazons and molting? I believe Nilah is going thru a molt, and she has a lot Odin feathers coming in around her neck and head. She has been much quieter and cuddlier tha usual. She mostly just wants to be with me. Although she has her moments when she is her ful fledged self, yelling and chasing the others, and showing off. But mostly she is quieter than usual. I angering nasty bites when putting her to bed, which is no big deal, I know it will pass. She is eating a bit less than normal. Today she was in her cage for 10 hours and didn't touch one of her toys. She just ate her food and sat. She never touched her snack bowl, highly unusual. I don't believe she is sick at all, judging from her behaviour. Also, she wants to go to bed earlier... Just wondered if other amazons are quieter than usual when they molt.
  14. Well, i keep checking in on my birds at work, all they do is sit there in their cages, quiet as can be...I feel sorry for them.... They seem much more active when I am home during the day.
  15. I almost fell off my chair at work!! Thanks for the goood laugh on a Monday!
  16. Remember the days when we had monthly contests, sometimes in more than one room at a time? Well, we have 2 coming up soon, so get your feathers in place, your camera's charges, and get ready for a new contest to be announced this week!
  17. It is house cleaning time again here at Greyforums. I am in need of a moderator or two for various rooms. Any suggestions, please PRIVATE MESSAGE me...Thank you! It is a THANKLESS, VOLUNTEERING JOB. Very low-paying, in fact none of us get any pay....we do it because we love our birds, love to help others, and enjoy our time here. I am looking to spur some new excitement into some of the rooms.....especially the Photography Room! Any thoughts, please PM me. Thank you!!
  18. Great story! What an adorable bird.....a very lucky bird as well.
  19. "People post questions because I feel they legitimately are looking for an answer, not some half-cocked response, symbol response or one laced heavily with sarcasm." Thank you, it bares repeating...
  20. I always found it interesting how Nilah holds her food so much different than my greys do. As she eats, it is very dainty, suprising for an amazon I think. How bout it Cricket, Salsa and others?? Show us how well you hold your own food.
  21. My daughter once took a Reike class and my pets seem to get the benefits of it.....not me tho.... Nilah expects it from my daughter for some reason, on Sunday mornings....the little bugger never gets enough, she will stay like this for over a half hour if you let her. And ALWAYS the left foot only. She will let me and others massage her left foot at other times.
  22. Tonight, my daughter and I were watching tv, all the birds were in bed, and covered. We leave Piper covered only 3 sides of his cage cause he hates it! He started barking like my little Bichon who is a yippy little bugger. He barked and barked for a very long time, had us both suprised and laughing! That was a first for him!! Soooo smart! But still hates me.......oh well, I laugh about it, here I wanted a cockatiel so badly, and it doesn't want anything from me but FOOD! And I better share when I eat breakfast, or he yells at me.....lol
  23. Yes, sounds like the honeymoon period is over and he is starting to settle in and change his ways. That is normal. You can't force a bird to accept everyone. It needs to be their choice who they desire and want to interact with, and who they choose to ignore. I have 6 birds, my cockatiel I got, haes me and loves my daughter, his choice, nothing I do changes that, so I accept it, clean and feed him, talk to him while my hands are hidden, otherwise he growls at me, and accept it. My greys change who their favorite one is periodically, we accept it, and go with the flow,. It makes a much more secure and happier bird.
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