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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Very nice!! Can't wait for the pics of him on it...in bout 6 months...LOL
  2. WOW, very nice stand. I would add a spiral rope from one end to the other so he can cross it like a bridge. I have that on mine, and my birds love to perch and walk across it.
  3. Hey Dan, I forgot to dd, it didn't seem to matter to Talon where I put her cage as long as she could watch us moving stuff in and out of the house, ihad it by the window near the door, so she could watxh us go in andout, but I did move it to its permanent spot once we were a bit settled in a day or splatter.
  4. I am suprised to hear about the cage aggression and not wanting to step up. I have never had a problem with my 3, this is interesting . I have a suggestion, I bought the twisted rope perch that is about 14-18 Inches long, I made a half circle and attached it too the door on the inside, when I open the door as I am letting them out, sometimes Rikki will wait on that perch and when the door opens, she is now on the outside and then you can have them step up.
  5. Hey Dan, let me give you some advice. I moved with Talon several years ago. Treat Dayo as you would a small child. I included Talon in everything I could, she really enjoyed watching and being a part of everything. I talked to her and explained what I was doing, humming, making it feel relaxed. When the day came and we went into the new house, she was in her travel cage which I put on a table near us, she watched her cage being moved into the house, and me setting it up as I talked to her, I carried her travel cage over to her cage and asked her if she wanted to go in, she seemed happy about that so i put her in her cage. I kept it near where she could see all the activity as we moved. Once the dust settled and we were at a point of relaxing for the day, I took her out and showed her one room at a time, not to overwhelm her. She didn't see the upstairs till the next day. The first thing she did is to look for HER things around the house, her perches, tree stand, etc. (I made sure to put her things up and in place as soon as I could) even before our stuff...as soon as she saw her things, she relaxed and flew to them to claim them. It was the most touching moment to see her look and recognize her things and fly to them with a look that I found indescribable, but so touching......watch for that, it is priceless. She did very well, didn't seem to care where she was as along as we were in this new home. She seemed comforted by the fact that we were here and all was right with her. I have 2 skylights in my kitchen which was new for her. She looks up at them and watches things too far for us humans to watch, but neither her,Rikki or Nilah ever tried to fly up to them. They will look up at the sky, but that's it. Just 2 months ago, I put a tension rod shower rod on one of them with a twisted rope perch to climb up to it. Nilah LOVES climbing up and perching on it and watching, but my other 2 don't want anything to do with it. Too much for them. NEVER have any of them ever tried to fly even to the perch for some reason I don't know about. I am sure all will go well with the move and Dayo. He is so well adjusted, it will be an exciting fun time for him and you. Just stay relaxed, all will fall into place a little at a time. Best of luck to you both and let us know how it goes, can't wait to hear!
  6. Katana, I think you should write a parrot bill of rightS for RESCUES.....just a thought....
  7. Happy Birthday, hope it was a great one!
  8. Thanks Dan, Nilah is a very neat eater and never splashes or throws food, believe it or not. The reason it is there, is it is plugged into the modem which is mounted under the window sill and the router sits on the windowsill above it. Half of Nilah's cage is in front of the window. The router is there as it was the only place the birds wouldn't chew the wires. So, you still believe I should find another place, the floor? Don't know...
  9. Dan , my wireless router is right behind Nilahs cage on the windowsill, what are your thoughts on safety?
  10. Oh gosh, I hope this recent tornado is far from you.... As for Elliott, it has been only 2 weeks. Since you are the care giver, it may take longer for him to warm up to you. He already knows you will care for him, so he doesn't have to earn your love...you've given it to him in the way you respect him to move on his own terms. I think that in his own way, he is building a bond, testing you to see if you will continue to not push yourself on him. I believe the shock of his new home, surroundings, cage, toys, new foods, new voices, humans and sound is still a shock to him being his true self. Remember, he doesn't know this is his forever home, he may be waiting to interact with you the caregiver until he understands this is his family forever,and that can take a long time.
  11. Greydane, I do not agree with what some believe...that if you clip their wings before they have learned to fly, that they will have problems flying down the road. ALl 3 of my birds (2 greys and amazon were clipped before they came to me. My tag was just clipped at 10 weeks when I got her, my cag at 2 1/2 years all her life up until I got her, and my amazon until 6 months. All 3 learned to fly, my amazon needed to be worked with. The others learned on their own and are unbelievably good flyers. To see the 3 of them yelling and flying thru the house having a blast is an incredible sight. Y=I wiuldnt worry about your bird coming to you clipped. All will be fine when they are ready and able to fly.
  12. Me too!....... Judy is a HUGE part of this forum. I am so happy she is the biggest poster!
  13. Wow! I would snatch them just because they obviously are being treated poorly in my opinion. That being said.... having a bird in your house for a week or so won't give you any clue as to how they will behave or act towards you. An adult gRey with baggage from being mistreated can take yeas to acclimate, trust and bond with you if they ever do. My grey came with no abuse, but I was her 4th home and it took her 2 and a half years to settle into her true self with us. Personally, I think you need to learn more about the personality of a grey, how they behave, how they react, and how to handle a rescue as that is what you are looking at. They require patience, tolerance, lots of tlc, lots of love and an understanding of how they view us humans based on their past experiences. My advice is to do much more research as your expectations are far fetched in what you are looking for in a grey. Just my opinion is all, I am sure you will do as you please, but please take the time to understand what you are getting yourself into....sounds like a rough road ahead, but one that will be worth it of you have all the patience and open mildness that is required. Please keep us posted on your decision, we are here to help.
  14. Aww. what a nice loving story. Glad all is ok with your om.
  15. Everyone has given you great advice. I do have to sat though..I have 2 greys, and my cag is a cuddler but only on her terms. I dont believe any grey is the right choice if you are looking for a true cuddler....birds (excepts cockatoo's) aren't like cats or dogs in that sense.
  16. Talon


    Thank you Ray for sharing Willie and his story with us. I was anxious to finally hear it and meet him . He has just been appointed Mascot of the Cockatiel Room! It's a wonderful happy ending for Willie. What a lucky bird he is to have found you two. He sure is a beauty!!
  17. That was pretty cool! Thanks for sharing.
  18. That was great! Thanks for sharing.
  19. He's pretty! Tell us more about him.......please?????l pretty please...
  20. Hmmmm a Joke room??? that's a thought.....wonder if Jooles would be a moderator? Would she keep us laughing every day??
  21. What beauties!! I'm happy to have seen them. They look great!
  22. Talon

    Neytiri update

    Thats wonderful news! Please let us know how the appt. goes on Sat.
  23. Thank you Dan, not much else to say, that picture says it all. My thoughts and prayers to all who fought for us so we can enjoy the freedom we have, , but it does come at a very high price for many. May we remember each and every day, not just today.
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