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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Oh my, I just saw you are from Oklahoma! How did you do in that horrific tornado?
  2. Truth be told, my birds sometimes get fruit 3 times a week....
  3. Great ideas Wingy, it is springtime and they do get hormones and act up....my 3 sure have been! A friend once said, isnt it worth all the destructin for the love you receive back from them? Wood and things can be replaced, but the love and beautiful memories they gve us can't ever be replaced. Looking back, what would you cherish, a destroyed house and things, or memories of a sweet bird named Kiki who doesn't understand that she is doing wrong, as she can't see thru human eyes....it's her nature to seek and destroy, you can't take that instinct away from her. You can try and channel it in other ways. When my Rikki had me in tears for her destruction, it seemed the more angry, sad and upset I got, the more she did it. I had to finally realize I had to calm down and relax and not make such a fuss, she saw that after a while and then she too calmed down. I used a lot of boxes for her to destroy, I put them on top of my kitchen cabinets and that kept her distracted from other things. Phone books in her cage also helped. Oh, and baskets are a huge hit with Nilah my amazon....
  4. Wow Ray. I didn't realize that Willie was so old......22 years is fantastic! Why don't you lost more about him, I would love to hear your experiences with him....and some,pics please... <3
  5. Oohhhh.......well I can't be objective. Mi don't believe in rehoming because of destruction. I understand your feelings, I went thru the same thoughts when I had Rikki, she was destroying every piece of wood in my new beautiful house. I put deterrents everywhere, bought her lots of wood to chew, and put her on a schedule of cage time for several hours during the day while I worked at home. Gave her more open me attention when I could, and she finally settled in . It had been my experience, that just as you are at your whits end and can't take another minute, things start to slowly turn around....I spent many a day in tears over her destruction. Please don't make a hasty decision, is there any way to work things out with your son? He will never forgive you....I worry, and I worry about the well being of Kiki . This was supposed to be her forever home...? No?
  6. Of course my birds love to forage in a plate of salad......but that can be more expensive than Timothy hay, which might be a great idea! The hay I mean...
  7. Hmm. I wonder about the kitty clay litter, not sure that would be good for foraging. Maybe others will chime in about that.
  8. Nilah, Talon, Rikki, Piper. And YES they all know their names and which name goes to which parrot. I can call them by their name and ask them where they are, and they will reply back with a whistle or word or my name...BIRD as they call me.
  9. Omg, I just saw why Roger has no wing. The poor thing.....I HATE how cruel people can be....I am so happy he is with you and you have had him so long. I wonder what having a bird for 28 years is like. Mine 2 are 7 1/2 years and 4 years. I look forward to hearing more about your experiences with Roger as well.
  10. Hi Janelle, And welcome to our wonderful family. I love your thorough intro. Always nice to hear the backstory as it helps us offer advice and our own experiences. I would get a new cage ASAP. I did that with all of my parrots. ( I have 2 greys and an amazon) I put it in the room where they were as I built it and climbed inside to attach perches and a few familiar toys. They always watched and many times flew to it and climbed around the outside. I never made a big deal about it, and always stayed relaxed as they are very intuitive and can feel your emotions and anxiety. When it cam time to put the in it for the first night, I always offerd a favorite treat in my other hand as I put them in it so they were distracted by the yummy tray and or realizing what I was doing. Then as I closed the door, I praised them and talked sweetly to them for a long time making a big deal about how much fun it was and how good they were in their new home! I also stayed with them for a while until I was sure they were comfy while I had conversations with them from a distance to allow them their space.
  11. I would wait until he was more comfortable with you before I attempted a bath. My 2 greys HATE baths given to them, they behave like I am murdering them. So....I let them bath when they desire in a bowl of water...I don't belief in pushy the issue, they naturally will bath when they want in my opinion.
  12. wow Janet, a Zon who behaves???? That's unheard of in my house!
  13. Yes, there are many threads in the Bird Food Room. But fruit is very high in sugar and too much sugar is not healthy for them. 2 times a week for fruit is what is recommended.
  14. Yes, all great advice. I has a cag and a tag. Both are very different. My cag gets nutty if there is anything different in her souroundings, but is free flighted so she can fly away if she doesn't like something. But she is the most friendly of my 2. She enjoys company and really wants to be friends with them. She will fly next to where they are sitting and put her head down and say...coo. Her way of offering friendship. And she loves cuddles! My tag isn't afraid of much, but she is a joker in her interactions with us. She is not a cuddler, but she is less nervous regarding new things. A lot depends on personality and the interactions of your home. Whatever you decide, you will adore them and remember, it is a lifetime commitment,. Having a parrot in your home means its their forever home.
  15. Greyt photos, love the one on his back!
  16. Welcome to our family! Can't wait for the baby pics.
  17. After reading your post, I wonder, do you drink alkaline water as well? That's all my family, flock and pets drink. I agree that the health benifits far outweigh any costs involved in the long run, you have to ask yourself....what's your health worth? People don't think twice about buying new cars and spending large sums of $$ on them,but spend more money on food or a water machine? No way they say! I can't afford that, but how do they put a price on their health?
  18. Great idea, I live in the country and never think to venture out to get free toys.....
  19. Yes, what is it about the vacume that sets them into bath mode.....maybe it resembles a thunder storm? Thus the rain setting off baths? I know, a crazy thought.....
  20. You guys are too funny! I love Dans idea........just a few minutes ago, I was TRYING to relax on the couch with my iPad driving my coffee, when Rikki decided to be brave and go where she's never gone before...the fireplace mantel where she found the loose change bowl....one by one throwing the coins onto the floor and going after once she realized how cool the sound was.....being lazy on this rainy Saturday.....my daughter and I just watched and laughed! All the time in the back of my mind, I was wondering....who the hell is going to pick all these coins up??????
  21. Happy Birthday Josey! My goodness, it seems like yesterday when your momma first posted on the forum all about you. It's because of you Josey that I had the honor to be your mommas friend, and for that you will always hold a special place in my heart just like your momma does. I hope you get spoiled rotten today, and I have no doubt you will. You have made your momma and papa very happy and I know you will continue too. I wonder........do you laugh like your momma? She has an infectious laugh and quite the accent. I would love one day for you to make your debut here.....it's been a long time coming.....how bout it now that your a big 7 year old like Talon and Rikki?
  22. That is adorable!!! He LOVES you!!!!
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