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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon

    Urgent help

    Greywings gives you excellant advice. MY 3 parrots each have one of those corner shelves. I do wrap it completely in vet wrap so it is more comfy to stand on. Easy to replace it when needed, but more of a shelve than a hard wire one.
  2. Kudos to everyone willing to hang in there & move forward with positve posts. After all, we are here for OUR birds, not to bicker or point fingers. My birds are great today, they were loving and sweet during breakfast, and was quite excited to see that they got corn on the cob in their snack bowls when I put them in what I call "jail" while I go to work.
  3. Shes beautiful, thanks for the pics look forward to hearing more!
  4. I have 3 cages from Cages4less. They shipped free to my door. I thought they had good prices and I like the quality. Didn't buy stainless steel tho, too pricey for my 3
  5. Dont know myself, but I have bought the foam curlers in the dollar store and wrapped them in coffee filters and put in their toys boxes, they do chew them apart....
  6. YES, make this the end of this bickering nonsense, Consider this the only warning, STAY ON TOPIC please or I will be locking this thread. ADMIN
  7. Personally, I feel relived that my kids were older when I got parrots. They are so demanding time wise, both kids and parrots that I would not be able to give them what they deserve for attention if my kids were young.
  8. If you set up a Photobucket account, that is the easiest to post photos with. You can click on the img code and copy and paste it here in your posts. As for the sleep cage, if he likes it, continue to use it. They don't need a big cage to sleep in. I have a tag that has a sleep cage and she really enjoys it. She suffers from night frights so I keep a towel in the bottom for those times...and a night light next to her cage although I cover it also.
  9. Talon

    Pipers wing

    Oh my goodness! Yes, you ave given great advice. I avent really seen a molt, a feather here or there, but nothing else. He does fall hard ans squawk and shriek like he's going to die. It's my daughter who can calm him, if she's not home, he hollers and spits at me for about 5 min or so yelling at me as tho I did it to him....maybe in another year, there will be some growth, but I don't know. We've had him for a year. I will go out and purchase those mats cause Nilah the bully sometimes goes to his cage and chases him off....
  10. How adorable!! : )Love the baby look.
  11. Thank you Katana600 for your understanding and kind words. Some here seem to think I am upset or worried over ir. I LOVE watching how he adores my daughter and only her. Tolerates my son and my dauighters boyfrined, and allows them to pick him up and hang out on them when they are watching tv, but is so quick to show his distaste for me..LOL It is quite amusing for me to watch and learn how different birds are so different towards people.
  12. Yes, we have a line in the sand at my house as well. I get hissed and spit at every day when I feed him or cover him at night... BUT in the am when I uncover his cage, he calls me Pretty Bird...and when I open his cage, he has a Thank you whistle he uses on everyone.
  13. Piper still adores my daughter only. He is a one person bird for sure! Every time he sees her, he whistles loudly for her. Expects to be put on the counter for breakfast with her, and YELLS if she leaves him for a second while he's with her. He has a very strong personality, and let's her know...come back, don't walk away when we are together!!! He yells by whistling so loud. He is adorable! As always, I watch from my spot with my 3 near me...
  14. Talon

    Funny Piper!

    Piper loves to stick his head in a small mug shaped toy in his cage and whistle in it daily. Tonight he was with my daughter on the couch, he stuck his head between her toes and whistled so loud for about 10 minutes. It was so funny!
  15. Talon

    Pipers wing

    Hi everyone, just wanted to do an update on Pipers wing. My daughter gave him a big shower with a spray bottle, hewas pretty soaked. Once he was wet, we could see that his wing looks like it was chopped off, there was a bone sticking thru what is left of his feathers on that side. It appears that it is deformed either from an injury, or cutting perhaps. It does seem to bother him when he tries to fly and ends up with a thud on the floor. He runs around waving it and squawking like he is being murdered...... So it seems to be painful when he bumps it. It has been a year, there is no growth whatsoever with feathers on that side. At some point we will have the vet look at it when he needs to go in for a checkup. But until the we are careful as he likes to jump to his cage when we get close and he doesn't judge distance very well..
  16. I would like to revive this conversation. I am having thoughts about micro chipping once again. If the unthinkable happens, I live in a state that is cold 6 months out of the year, would they die from the cold? I imagine they would...,would all the hawks we have here flying daily overhead get them, yes they would....BUT what IF someone found them, how would I prove they belong to me without a micro chip? Any thoughts on this subject? And would it be worth the pain it causes to have them micro chipped since it seems it's such a small chance they would survive and someone find them?
  17. Well, I don't have any other amazon experience. In fact, when I brought Nilah home as she was bought on a whim......I panicked cause I didn't know the first thing about them. I researched the web looking for an amazon forum...none was found, so I started the amazon room here. I have learned so much here from our wonderful members and Nilah herself. I expected her to ET worse as I had read other places, but she is a dear sweet love, a bit of a handful as you all know. She tests me all the time, but if I stay consistent, she quickly learns I don't budge, and she never tries that behaviour again. As she ges older, she getsmore attached to me , and in how she shows her love for me. I love all my parrots, but she has wormed her way into my heart with her appreciation of who I am. As Ray says, they live in the moment, and wear thei heart on their wing. She is a More forgiving parrot than my others.
  18. Thanks everyone for the greyt birthday wishes. It really meant a lot to me to know that I have people that care here in this greyt family! My kids got me a birthday cake with the number 39 for candles.......(I'm 53......) aren't they amusing...lol
  19. I,look forward to that and hope you are right!
  20. Nice thread. Thank you Ray for starting it. I don't have anything to offer, as I got Nilah when she was 6 months old, so lucky for me she really had no baggage in a family envirement before us. She does live in the moment as Ray keeps teaching me, she loves me the most and is very attached to me. She is Incredibly affectionate towards me and loves to snuggle and cuddle. I do have to put her in her cage before visitors arrive or she will fly onto their shoulder and let no one near her, she will bite hard if I try and take her off and then fly away so it's impossible to get her in her cage at that point.....she's so different than my greys.
  21. Her delightful treat is an uncooked Butternut Squash!
  22. Hi, welcome and it is great you are doing your research before making such a lifelong commitment. I have 3 parrots and when I first got them, I didn't work many hours, I was able to be home and they were out most of the time I was home. Fast forward 4years, I am now working full time and also part time so I am gone a lot. My birds get an hour and a half out inthe morning before I leave for work and then most nights, they are our when I get home ASAP. Some nights they get 3 or more hours, some nights they only get 1 1/2 hours....they have mcaw size cages, lots of toys, perches and swings. Always a full snack bowl along with their food and water bowls and the tv on. On the weekends they are out most of thedays. They seem to have adapted well, but sure do miss me, try are all over me when I am home. I feel bad for te change in thir life style, but financially this is the way it is for now.
  23. This is a daily battle with Talon trying to get into all my kitchen cupboards. She one this o e as well.
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