I was working at my computer after work today,many my father called to tell me that the local news said my town was going to get hit by a tornado in 22 minutes....some called my kids and told them to come home. We packed up the birds in their travel cages, luckily I learned here from Nancy and Janet, that they should always be right next to their cages just in case......I was happy I listened to that advice. I packed them into their travel cages, put them in the basement, my kids got the parakeets, their cage, we carried downstairs, and my daughter put Piper into his travel cage. I grabbed some food, snacks and water. We gathered up the 3 cats, 2 dogs, blankets (our basement is cold) and cell phones, and a radio and batteries. We were told to stay in the basement for an hour till it was suppose to pass. We did..... The birds were great, they seems fine since we were there with them.
We came upstairs after and all was well. We had no tornado! But it was a great dry run and I was happy to have had the practice. Next time I will be more prepared, food and water, radio, batteries all packed in an emrgency bag that I can just grab and as Nancy says, not have to think and worry if you have everything.