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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon

    No BIRD!!!!

    Well, today was the worst day ever! BIRD got me up for breakfast, same usual routine, uncovers Rikki first.( don't know why SHE is first always, I deserve to be first ALWAYS!) Then she uncovers me, and opens the top, and says good morning, want to step up? Of course I do...stupid question! She proceeds to carry thru the living room into the kitchen and over to our potty baskets as I stretch along the way. Then she had the nerve to put me on the NEW potty basket ( I chewed the other one up, it was Rikki's and she deserves it) just because Rikki got all fluffed up and freaked out by it....jeez...stupid greys...their such nervous ones...... WELL I marched my little feathered but down onto the counter climbed up over the box and onto MY potty basket where I belong! I gave Bird the dumbest & dirty look I could muster up...there hope she learned her lesson!!!
  2. I agree with Judy..imagine if she was clipped, but could fly somewhat with a gust of wind....a predator lies waiting knowing she can't protect herself by flight... something to consider.
  3. I understand everything you went thru. You don't realize the heartache until you go thru it. I see it, hear it, and life loses all purpose for us parrot owners when a tragedy like this strikes. I agree you can't be too careful. I make all my visitors enter thru my garage, wait for the garage door to close, then open the door to the house for them to enter. Visitors are careless and don't enter quickly. It only takes a second and they are gone.. I can't tell you how happy I am for you....I am thrilled!! I wouldn't worry about her regression, that is natural. SHe was frightend and very scared. SHe justs needs security, your love and time to heal her emoitions of losing her perfect life..she will be back to her old self once she gets over the shock. Just continue to offer the comfort and reassurance you are. She will feed off of that and relax over time....
  4. I can't tell you what a wonderful story this is to read. I thank you for sharing it in detail with us. I have learned a few things from you, I didn't know about the Dusk to Dawn being the best time to search. That is important information to know. Also, PLEASE share with us the cargo netting for the doors. I have 3 fully flighted parrots who want nothing more than to be with me and follow me everywhere. I am in and out of the door alot when I am doing yard work, I had storm doors put on all my doors for added protection, but it isn't enough. I would love to know more the cargo nets. I have a dear friend who lost his grey as it flew out of an open door when someone was careless, and I am witnessing the heartbreak on a daily basis. It has been a month and a half... it gets worse as time goes on, not better. I live in constant fear of losing my birds. I don't ever want to live with that kind of daily pain.
  5. I would relax. I have had my tag and cag for almost 8 years. My cag will lose festhers that way. Sometimes 2 or 3 in a day usually left behind somewhere as she flies off. It is normal and unless she loses a lot and ends up looking bald, I wouldn't worry about it. They are all different, and that seems normal for my cag.
  6. That was adorable and perfect for Judy! I am happy to see that everyone is so happy and aging so gracefully. You are all wonderful examples to look up to and live by....by us young-ins.......lol P.S. I'm just eency weeny bit younger...lol
  7. What an exciting un experience ! Thanks for the update, can't wait to hear more. Sounds like he has your heart already for sure!
  8. Very Clever! Looks so real...
  9. Thanks Dancor the update. We have been patiently waiting to hear.......I love the detailed update, and it sounds like a beautiful new house you have moved to. Can't wait to hear how Dayo responds to the new neighbors in the trees.
  10. Talon

    I has a ......

    Oh my....I agree with you, when my bird does that, I LET her know to leave my things alone and give her nice big chomp when she least expects it! Serves them humans right. Love, Nilah
  11. Thanks, went there today and nothing in my area....I'll keep looking though.
  12. Katana600, Yes, I agree, you said it perfectly. I think those of us with amazons really mean they are clingy, but more like they just want to be with you. AN amazon wants nothing more than to be chillin and hangin out with you. If they can't, they don't scream for attention, they go off and see what trouble they can get into...or see what funny things they can do. I find my amazon to as Ray says, lives in the moment and accepts whatever the flow is during the day..but LOVES it when you come home and they can stay on your shoulder!
  13. Talon

    New Bird Incoming

    Hi Toran, Welcome to our family. Purchased my first African grey from a breeder on Fl, had her shipped to me in MA and she was 8 1/2 weeks old. It was in Dec. so we had to keep an eye on the temp as th when she could be shipped. I picked herup at the airport in a carrier her breeder sent her in. I had to go to the cargo section at the airport, wait tooooo long for them to go find her next to a cat in a carrier.... I had the car warm, and put her in the front seat. I brought a towel in the cargo area to cover 3 sides of the carrier with so she felt more secure when I carried her out and to my car. I kept her in the from the front seat and talked to her the entire hour drive home. When we got home, I put her carrier on the bed and talked to her for a while and then opened the door and allowed her to come out on her own terms. She seemed happy to be out and enjoy me talking to her. Eventually I showed her the cage and allowed her to look at everything. I put her down on the top so she could get used to it. I also covered the back half so when she did venture in, it seemed safe from the unknown room she was in. She was calmed and relaxed as I was, and she fed off my emotions and knew all was ok as I didn't appear nervous or unsure. The worst part for them is the flight....but your bird will be fine and will soon forget.
  14. I pick...not sure, I'm confused by your question...BUT my amazon loves to be with me. She especially loves to perch on my shoulder and talk up a storm when I am in the bathroom!!!! It's like having little kids again...no privacy ever with an amazon, she follows me everywhere I go.
  15. Ray said it best. Also, if it were me and this was a visitor only. I wouldn't best quick to try and have them get along. Your grey doesn't know it's for a short time, not forever and they will try and establish their pecking order. I would make certain you never take your supervision guard down.
  16. Reputation Points are points that are given to you by other members. If a member likes a post you have written, then they can give you reputation points and the green bars under your member name on your posts will increase and or get a brighter green depending on the total points you have earned by others. To see your total Reputation Points, you click on the Settings next to your log in at the top right of the forum page and scroll down....you will see your total Reputation Points and the users that gave you positive or negative reputation points and their comment if they left one. (You are the only one who can see your Reputation Page and your Reputation Points. That information is private). PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS GIVING THANKS TO A MEMBER FOR A POST THEY HAVE WRITTEN. THIS IS IN ADDITIONAL TO THAT OPTION. GIVING THANKS WILL NOT CHANGE A USER'S REPUTATION IN ANY WAY.\ How does the point system work? 1. All new users receive 10 rep points just for joining the forum as a member. 2. For every 30 days you are a member, you receive 1 point. 3. For every 100 posts you make, you receive 1 point. 4. For every 100 points you have, you receive an additional 1 point. 5. A user must have 10 rep points before their rep counts on others. 6. A user may give 10 reputation clicks over each 24 hour period. 7. You must give 20 different users reputation before you can hit the same person again. New Members: A new member must have 50 posts before their rep can add to anothers rep points. IF you see a new member under 50 posts has given you rep, but the bar on your rep page is NOT green, then that means they do not have enough rep power to alter yours in any way. PLEASE NOTE: A RED bar means you were given a negative rep click. A non-color bar means that member has no rep power at that time. Members who are no longer considered New Members under the Reputation Rules: As each member receives Reputation Points, their Reputation Power increases based on the guidelines of other members and the points they have received over time. When a member clicks on the STAR to approve or disapprove of a post, that member (whose post they have clicked on) will have their reputation Level is altered by the number of points that the clicking member has for Power. FYI: there are no 2 members here at the moment who have the same points in their power to give Reputation Points, some are as little as 10, some are as many as 585. What that means is... example: if I gave Judygram Reputation on a post, her level could increase by 472 if that were my power, or if I gave her a dis-approving reputation, her level would decrease, she would see I gave her a red bar on her reputation page and her reputation numbers would go down. I have just added a Rep Power on each members info when they post. You may now see what your Power is. That is the number of points that changes their reputation level when you give them Positive Rep. or the number of points you take away from their Rep level if you give Negative Rep. Any questions, I will do the best I can to answer in this thread. It is a very complicated system, however if you read it over and over, each time, a question may be answered. All you have to remember, is to click away at the STAR on the bottom left of a post if you like it, and you will have made a family member feel good, helpful, and like their contribution matters, which it does! P. S. If you accidentally clicked a Negative click by mistake, please pm me and I can remove it. But PLEASE make certain the color is RED. Only RED is negative, NO color just means a member doesn't yet have the power to make a green one. :cool:
  17. Happy Birdday! you be sure and make mums hold up her end of the bargain on Sunday!!
  18. I have one, my cag hates it, my amazon loves it, and my tag sometimes uses it. I have mine hung from the ceiling and a rope perch going thru it to climb in and out of. You just never know if they like something or not. I originally bought it for my cag 4 years ago, she still thinks it will murder her....
  19. Hi Kizzybird, If that happens, pm an admin and only they can undo reputation...pm me and I can correct it if I know the members name and the day you want to change it.
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