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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Hi and Congrats, what an exciting time. I would open his travel cage and let him come out onto you if he desires or out on his own. Let him take the lead and you just go with the flow. He needs to observe everything, and check out his new surroundings on his own terms. My suggestion is to keep him confined to 2 rooms until he feels comfortable enough to want to venture elsewhere. Don't overwhelm him with too much too fast. Take it slow...can't wait for the update.
  2. I do use the coffee filters and cupcake wrappers. Also I wrap things in paper S well. I like the idea of coin wrappers, going to have to try that.
  3. Hi, seeing as I have no creativity in my brain, I know my parrots are bored with the same ole same ole in their cages. I do try and change up toys, and they do have a bucket with wrapped toys inside to forage to. But I see all the ideas here and am in awe of everyone's suggestions. I found this web site with some great easy ideas! http://foragingforparrots.com/ideas/
  4. Hey, Dan....don't tempt me...I would LOVE to meet you in person! Thank you for the advice, it ,ads me feel so much better. I think of it in the am when I am leaving her in her cage and letting the others out. It is heartbreaking for me to do that, but I am so much more patient with her when I get home and anxious to let her out and spend time with her. I have made it thru the entire week. Keeping her in her cage in the morning. I sit next to her for a few minutes before work talking to her and reading the paper. When I get home at night I let her out first, and she goes right to my shoulder, cuddles me a lot, and doesn't leave me for most of the night. She is very affectionate, and a bit quieter, not the unruly IRS she was. Today was Sat. I let them out for breakfast and they stayed out most the day. I was having company, so as I had Nilah on my shoulder, I leaned into her cage and she gracefully stepped down o to her perch. I made a huge big deal out of it, praised her lots and gave her a treat. Then I got the others I'm their cages. My daughters boyfriend is here this weekend, and she has been a good girl today. I'm so proud of her and happy. She seems to have called down for the better this week. But I will see how it goes a day at a time. I am not ready to let her out in the am during the work week for now. I am so Thankful I listened to all the advice and went with my gut feeling and didn't clip her. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.. It would have crushed her, she lives to fly more than any of my others. Can't thank you guys enough for being here for me and Nilah. I will keep up with the updates.
  5. Yes , I agree with the others. Better to find a new cage for the safety of your bird. Better safe than sorry.
  6. Having 6 birds, they are all different species. I adore and love them all and can't imagine life without any of them. Especially the larger ones. I do remember the days of only having one grey in a busy household with lots of things going on, kids, etc. it was nicer for me to give her all my attention. I know she misses that, but she does seem to like having the others around, especially when we are all at work. She does enjoy the whistling back and forth with my other grey, and also loves to play chase and catch me with my amazon. So in hindsight, it requires a lot more effort for me in many ways to have more than one vird, but I know it is company for each other when the house is quiet during the day
  7. Thats really cool! What kind of wood is that?
  8. What wonderful pictures!! Thank you for posting them. It's great to have an update and see how beautiful they are. I love the Ana Grey and Sterling Gris are such good friends. I wish my Talon and Rikki were like that.
  9. Okay, I rarely use the advanced posting page so i don't pay much attention to it.
  10. Use the Img code/ thumbnail to post videos. It will Showa thumbnail pic to click on your post
  11. Great video! The link on the bottom is the best to use. Never had any problems with photobucket link
  12. Congrats, and Happy Anniversary! It has been a pleasure and a blessing to have you as a member here. You are a dear friend to me, you always have my back....and a dear friend to every family member and fid on this forum. You always have great advice, and are very level headed with clear thinking when offering suggestions. Your posts are wonderful and I look forward to many many more years! It's been fun watching your flock grow over the last 5 years! Some Pics are in order now...
  13. Well I am sitting here next to Nilahscage as she has breakfast. She seems ok with it all . Iletthe others out,but not her. I probably am more upset than she is. I angling to try this weekend darkening the room with new curtains I want to exhaust all efforts before I clip her. She will be devastated, she loves flying more than the others. She spends most of her day flying and I really don't want to take that away and watch her fall every time she flies and doesn't understand.
  14. My room is pretty light. I have hung a curtain over an open door way to keep her in. I have French doors I close on the other doorway, but I have 5 windows. Maybe I should buy room darkening curtains and try that first. I HATE to see how upset she will be if I clip her wings. She LOVES to fly, she flies thru the house playing with Talon and at other time yelling. She flies from one high spot to another....
  15. Thanks, but we are not Llowed to have a red or grey squirrel, only a flying one. But whe had no choice with this, as he was only about 5 weeks old and abandoned by his family for some reason. He is now 7 weeks old from what we can tell by his teeth.
  16. Hi Wingy, with the exception of net, I have done everything else you have suggested. This has been an issue for quite some time that she started almost a month ago for whatever reason. I have always tried to outsmart her, many times have worked, but she is smart and only falls for my tricks once. I have exhausted all resources except a net, (which I don't have) . That's is why my last resort is Wong copping as temporary fix hopefully until she gets thru this new stage, which I believe it is. She was fine for the last 4 1/2 years....
  17. I don't think we have to worry about the forum resources. I still think Photbucket is the fastest and easiest way t post pictures and videos. Using the img thimble seems to work best for videos . I am loading from my phone to photobucket a video of my daughters orphaned red baby squirrel that she has been caring for. I was babysitting for him at work on Friday and took a video of him playing on my desk.
  18. Fixed, but I am trying another. Some members are having trouble with photobucket, so I am conducting a test...lol
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