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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I am so sorry about your sisters Eclectus. That's horrible! I would certainly air on the side of caution. FYI: I don't spray my greys, they become so frantic, even with a mister, that they thrash around so much, it sometimes causes blood tears, and I won't torment them in that way. I allow them to bathe in their water dishes as THEY please. It is only recently that I have started the aloe juice for my amazon who LOVES to get drenched down to her skin. But I am certainly grateful for all your advice you have given. I will certainly take under consideration. I am a true believer on better safe than sorry when it comes to my birds and pets!
  2. I don't believe that the Aloe Juice that moist of us use has oils in it. IT is a drinkable juice for humans... Just to clarify, it isn't for the feathers, but the underlying skin. http://www.gnc.com/graphics/product_images/pGNC1-4465864_gnclabel_pdf.pdf
  3. Nothing I would want to handle..I would be off to the vet and let the professional take care of it. Also I would get piece of mind knowing there wasn't more damage than meets the eye. I have a cockatiel who had trauma to it's wing before I got it on the outside. The flight feathers were never able to grow. HE can no longer fly because of it..
  4. I agree with Dave, I never whistled to my birds when they were young, I found if I did, all they would do is whistle. When I used words. they tried harder to talk my language, it encourages them to speak I believe.
  5. Great size cage! Can't wait to hear how the homecoming goes.
  6. Jeez, that's frustrating...thanks for the warning.
  7. I mix my sprays..1/3 aloe to 2/3 water. Our parrots are not living in a natural environment where they have access to mud, rain water, sand, dust, and climate temps that are not controlled like our house. They do fine in their own natural environment, but need us to help them so their skin doesn't dry out and possibly cause them to be itchy which can lead to plucking. Just like if we live in a very warm climate, we have no need for moisturizers on our skin, but those of us that live in colder climates..it is a must have or we have skin problems. Just food for thought..
  8. I do think that as others have mentioned, I am not sure how a grey alone does all day.. when I had only one, she yearned to be let out of her cage and be with us. I feel it is easier for my 3 now even tho they are of different species to be caged all day, they don't play together much, but do like to be together in the same room.
  9. Welcome to our Greyt Family! As Dan said, there is no other way to put it...you are hired!! After such an in-depth post, I can see you have given this a lot of thought. Not many people do put that kind of research and effort into their choices for a companion, so hat's off to you! The others have offered you great advice and thoughts. I feel you would be a wonderful owner to a grey. Just remember as time goes on and you start your life: girlfriend/wife, perhaps kids and other pets. Your grey or any other parrot will ALWAYS have to be in your life. As life changes, they will adapt, but you need to make the commitment that they will have a forever home with you no matter what the potential wife if given thinks...(Just my opinion) I did want to mention that I have 3 parrots, I was a stay at home mom with 4 kids, got divorced, moved into another house, acquired more pets (dogs, cats) and was home most of the time, my birds were out most of the days with me. Fast forward several years later, I work away from home full time, so they are now in their cages much of the day. I let them out for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours in the am for breakfast and play time. Then they go into their cages for the day and come out around 5 -5:30 until bedtime. Of course the weekends, they are out most of the time during the day. I was concerned about the change in schedules and lack of out of cage time that they were so used to all their lives, but they adapted very well. I leave videos, tv, and or music on for them. So if your work schedule changes, your bird will adapt just fine as long as it has time out with you.. Please keep us updated. An feel free to post and ask any questions.
  10. I just noticed she appears to be in front of an air conditioner...if so and it is being used. Please move her immediately. The draft is very bad for her especially if she is stressed as she appears to be.
  11. Bless you for caring enough to help her have a better life tan she has had. It will take lots of time and patience, but if you are committed, you can do it. She needs a calm stable envirement. Doesnt sound lie she has that just yet seeing as oter workers come and go. May I suggest a toy or two for her to play with, it may distract her from plucking a bit but you have to introduce them slowly and carefully. She could freak outif you don't do it slowly at her own pace. The others have given you great advice about plucking. Please keep us updated. And welcome to our family!
  12. Bless you.. your giving soul has brought me to tears. I envy your drive and determination. Please let us know how we here at Greyforums can help you.. Where is NC are you, my daughter just moved down there.
  13. There is an amazon that was found in Texas. Anyone wanting more info, please reply here.
  14. Katana600: I can't thank you enough for this comment: "It sounds like such a vibrant place " Everyone in my world, friends, family, guests, call my house chaos with all the commotion that a house with 3 parrots, 2 very excitable dogs and 3 cats bring. In fact everyone tends to stay away because my house of loving pets gets so excited when we have company. Even though it shouldn't sometimes I feel embarrassed by the noise and chaos when others are around. But I now have a new outlook thanks to you!! It's not crazy and chaotic...it's VIBRANT!! I do enjoy each and every one of my pets, love them all to pieces, and usually don't care what others think...
  15. Great idea! I use newspaper and just fold it all in and crumple it up and off to the trash...I never thought to bring a garbage bag in...duh!! Thanks for the new idea!
  16. Actually most of the Weeee's were Rikki who was sitting on the railing in the upstairs...
  17. For those of you who don't own an amazon, I thought you might like to see how much they enjoy climbing and hanging upside! Here's Nilah doing what she does best....showing off! Of course Rikki has to add sound effects as well as my blind kitty trying to find his way thru the upstairs.
  18. That would be perfect for my blind cat who wants out all the time!
  19. Talon

    Warm Food

    I prepare it just like I would for myself. I use a tiny teaspoon of sugar in the raw... Cause mostly I eat it all!
  20. Greywings..I LOVE your aviary...much nicer than mine. I like the full floor to ceiling view! I never thought of chain link to use.. Murfchck, I LOVE the idea about the screen closures. I had installed storm doors on all my other doors in the house for added protection, so that would be perfect for added safety. I do have screens, but won't use them, I put the storm windows on as Nilah would chew thru it in a minute! Kimkim, Yes, we have 2 horses now..down from 3... It's nice to look out the windows and see them in the backyard!!
  21. Thanks Ray, YES both doors will ALWAYS be locked when my birds are allowed out there. I am a fanatic on double locked doors in my house at all times. When I have guests, they are made to enter thru the garage, and then not allowed into the house until all doors are shut in the garage.
  22. Okay, here is some quick pics. Of course I have to clean it up and actually set it up for my birds. But I am so excited and happy with how well it came out since my budget was little. This is from the inside This is the unfinished inside of the roof This is the backside of the living room it is attached to
  23. Talon

    Warm Food

    My birds LOVE oatmeal and warm foods. THey prefer wasrm and I heat up their snack veggies and pasta for them
  24. Oh, and there was a mis-understanding..I have 200 feet of unused mesh I can't return... Costing me $440..
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