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Everything posted by Talon

  1. So today was the first really warm day with out the wind whipping. So Nilah spent the entire day out in the bird room, no surprise there. I brought Talon out while I added some new things to it. She has been out for about an hour taking in all the sounds of the outdoor birds. I think she's liking it although she is a bit leary. I had an old love seat out their for me to sit on with my cats and dogs while I use my iPad. I am really enjoying it and of course it certainly was the best investment I have made to my house! I went to a small bird fair yesterday and bought some really cheap homemade bird perches and swings that were nicely made and added them to the room. Its starting RO come along! Now i hope to,purchase some more rope boings as those are a favorite of my birds for the room, I only have one out there so far, but many other perches that Talon thinks are there to murder her!!!!
  2. Yes,, I cringe every time I see a "clipped" bird outside. Too many of them have gotten startled an lost
  3. How scary ! I am like many others here, I would never take my birds out without a carrier. I almost lost my Bichon several months ago as a great horned owl grabbed him several times trying to take him away, luckily I hollered and frightened it and he dropped him. He was severely injured, but is doing fine today. We have ravens, hawks, bears, fishercats, coydogs, deer you name it daily.
  4. Thank you Katana for your happy wishes to Nilah, and YES she truly believes this Birdroom is HERS! She LOVES being out in it. Today is the first warm day we have had, so she is in it now and has been all day. I brought Rikki out and tried to give her a piece of my garlic bread (as I sat on the love seat I put out there for me ) but she is still scared and clings to me. Rikki and Talon were never fond of the outdoors , then don't like sitting in frontbof a screen window ever. Luvparrots, yes Nilah did let Bird know it was HER day and it was all about HER!
  5. Never heard of this..I will google too, I have central ac, this could save some $$..
  6. Today is Nilah's 5th Bird day! I let her out in her birdroom this morning before work and she had a blast!
  7. Aww yes, dinner with 3 birds! Always a fun time. When I roast a whole chicken after carving and it cools, I leave t on te counter for all 3 to indulge until their hearts content. Of course, Nilah eats at it like she's never even fed before. An amazon never turns away food!
  8. How adorable! I can picture that!
  9. This is such an incredible journey, Gilbert is Home thread. It is a must for all of us and I know I speak for others when I say we have all learned something from following this thread. We look forward to the updates and I am so glad that we are kept up thanks to Katana600. Wow, 123 pages! 1223 replie!. This deserves a STICKY status as I feel it is an important thread that should never get lost.
  10. Yes I did, it was very easy and only took a few hours on a Sat afternoon.
  11. Congrats! Pics......can't wait!
  12. Oh how cute! My amazon loves snow peas too!
  13. Oh, and Nilah being Nilah, she is so excited when she is out there, if she's not chewing all the wood, she's screaming her head off, "Stop, STOP! stop it!!!!! , NO NO NO! OMG! NOOOOOO!!!!! " even tho my neighbors aren't that close, I know they can hear her...I keep expecting one of them to call the police! It's quite embarrassing to be out there with her, my son says it sounds like we have a lot of domestic abuse in our house.. I only wish there was a way to get sunshine into it more than it does. It gets early morning and late day sun, not much though.
  14. Excellant thread!! I agree and understand completely what you are saying. And as an owner of both a cag, tag and amazon, I get it and love all my birds. As much as Nikah OSA handful and tries my patience. I adore her and we do have a bond like no other.
  15. Update: it hasn't been much warmer than 50- 58 degrees over the past week, so progress is slow in setting up my Bird Room. I have brought each of them out there for a short time, but since there wasn't much to do, Nilah is the only one who LIVES to be out there. I am very careful not to ask them if the want to go outside, ( as when ever I go out, I say, "I'm going outside, I'll be right back" to whoever is home.) I don't want my birds thinking that I'm going to their room and try and fly out with me. So it's always " do you want to go to the bird room?" Nilah spends every minute with me climbing and chewing all the wood out their as I hang things up. Do to my budget at the moment, I am not spending any more $$ furnishing it, I am only using items I already have at home or have made. Over time, I plan on getting more rope perches and a tree stand. So here it is , a work in progress.....
  16. Well Ray, you would be correct! I have been working on furnishing it when I get home from work the last couple of days, it's still knd of cold here, so it's slow going. Nilah does come out with me and love it!
  17. I don't have any stainless steel toys, but Talon does love bells! I will have to put them on the shopping list!
  18. That's a great story! I had to read it twice..couldn't believe my eyes!!
  19. I am always posting Nilah video's. Finally got one of Talon attacking her favorite spoon. She does this several times a week. It is hooked into a canister, she has to remove it first, the she slides it with her beak across the counter to attack it.
  20. Yes, it is Spring and NIlah's hormones are kicking in. I had to leave her in her cage this am for breakfast. Now that she has had 2 visits to our outdoor birdroom, she wants OUT!!! She keeps flying to the windows and chewing the wooden panes.. constantly...Hopefully this will pass..
  21. That's a great picture and a great idea!
  22. I just want to say as I have purchased bird toys ect from just about everywhere, the BEST toys, quality wise, price wise and the care that goes into the making of them is untouchable, the personal touch you get from them is incredible...is Olivers Garden! There are no better toys, ropes etc!!,
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