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Everything posted by Talon

  1. What is beak & feather disease. I'm ashamed to say I've never heard of it. After a good nap, he should be fine. How did he do with the microchip? Did it hurt him? Poor thing...what a tiring day he had.
  2. It sounds like he's sad about missing his old surroundings. Give him lots of love, patience and understanding. He needs time to adjust. go slow with him and give him lots of attention. Keep your tone of voice very upbeat. Try feeding him out of your hand. Talon goes crazy over nutraberries. You could try that as a treat. Try anything that you are eating, (providing it's safe)let him see you eating it, then offer some by hand. If his appetite doesn't pick up in a couple of days, I would take him in to the vet. Greys can loose weight very quickly, and you won't even notice. Do you have a scale to weigh him on? I wouldn't worry about him being up higher than you at this point. He needs time. Talon does not like the cats and is uncomfortable with them being around. You might want to try keeping your cat away while he's adjusting. Well, that's my advice for now. Good luck and keep us posted! <br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/05/16 19:16
  3. What a sad story with a happy ending! I think that is every owners worst nightmare!! Cd, I have the aviator harness. It is the best one I've seen or bought. ( yes, I have bought many) PLEEEEASE, let Ceaser's wings grow out. They are so happy when they can fly to you. I think it makes them happy in general not to feel so handicapped. Sorry to those members that disagree, but we've done both with Talon and for us, she's the happiest now that she can come to us.{Communicate-0002011B}<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/05/16 19:31
  4. Cd, those are beautiful pictures of Cancun. Makes you wish you could go there. <br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/05/16 22:50
  5. Nicely said> I totally agree!!!!
  6. Pine should be ok. I would check the size of the rectangles, you don't want your baby to get his head stuck in there. Also if he is banded, is it closed, if not, it could get caught on the wire. Can't be too careful, ya know! B) I'd love to see a picture when it's all done!
  7. That sounds like alot, but I get it in 1/2 gallon glass bottles. It is $2.49. I like it as there is no growth hormones in it.
  8. They were here also, but a local dairy farm started the practice up again about 4 years ago. They charge $1.00 for a delivery charge. Pretty cheap, and very convenient.
  9. I'm not looking forward to the terrible two's? Any advice? Talon is 19 months old. :unsure: I have heard it can be a very difficult time. :blink:
  10. CD, You'll have a blast! Taking all those pictures, you'll find you won't want to come back.
  11. What is your greys favorite toys? Talon loves his wooden bucket with all the wrapped foot toys in it. She also has one hanging from a spiral hanging perch that she loves to attack!! :evil: Talon also loves jingle balls!!!!! :cheer:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/05/16 15:12
  12. That's great to know the hatch date. Now you can buy more toys to celebrate his birthday!!!!
  13. Yes, there is nothing like it. I am glad we did not have Talon when my kids were babies tho. I believe she would have suffered due to lack of attention and not been as sweet as she is.
  14. I might have missed this, is Brian a tag or cag?
  15. I thought this might be fun. Does anyone here get their milk delivered by a milk man? I know they're still out there some where. I actually do have a milk man who delivers milk, eggs, cheese, ect. Anyone else??? :huh:
  16. YES! Be very careful. I personally would not use stain or varnish. there are alot of woods that can be toxic to birds. What are yuo using. As far as the chicken wire is concerned, is it solid wiring, or twisted? The twisted type can have sharp edges where it is wound together. Any sharpness to it and I would not use it. Let us know. :huh:
  17. I have read alot about that as well. We have a tag and she is certainly pretty good at being social. She does seem to accept alot of traffic that is entering my house. She will stick close to me at first, but then will relax very quickly. I enjoy reading all the different stories that people have regarding the two. :cheer:
  18. Our vet does not recommend letting our bird have soda.. Talon got into some ginger ale a few months back and drank like there was no end. She did spit a bunch up tho. The vet said that because they can not burp, it can be a problem. Other than no nutritional value in it, it doesn't help them at all. If it was flat, that would be a little better. They can't handle the carbonation.
  19. I LOVE THAT ONE, one of my favorites past-times as well!
  20. dblhelix, This is very good information. Thanks for enlightening us all!
  21. My workout is mucking stalls, lifting 50 lb grain bags, and tossing hay bales around with Talonsis!!
  22. Nope! What ever time I do steal, I use it here, but I'm not complaining!!!! :woohoo:
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