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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Enough of this talking, where are the pictures???:blink:
  2. You would NEVER get me leaning over that railing. I'm way to afraid of heights, and besides, right about now, you'd probably push me!:evil:
  3. CD, What a beautiful moment you captured there. I'm glad you shared that with us. Kind of looks like he's giving us the evil eye.
  4. I can hardly wait! :silly:
  5. Do you have to rub it in? Why don't you just say it: "Eat your heart out guys!!!" That looks like a beautiful place to be staying. As far as the concentration thing, ya, I could use some of that. Cute Joke! Your funny!!:laugh:
  6. That sounds like a nice idea. Never would have thought of that.
  7. Snowman, I agree with CD & FairY. They have posted the best advice, When in doubt, don't do it.
  8. CD, I'm not sure I agree with that. They will if you keep reinforcing it by occasionally saying it to them. That has been my experience with Talon.
  9. Nothing. Air cleaners are the safest way to go.
  10. Nice photo,s CD. The colors are so vivid, it almost feels like we're there.
  11. Hi Amy, and Welcome. This is a great place to be. Lots of expert advice, and always lots to learn. Does your baby have a name? Looking forward to seeing a picture and hearing more! {Feel-good-000200A2}
  12. Jules, Please let us know how things go.
  13. Definately no!! I live very close to Yankee Candle and know many people that work there. Their candles are heavily scented and the fumes are hazardess to your bird.
  14. Caspersmum. I read that as well, and it only makes sense. I do that with Talon alot, but like you said, it's sometimes impossible to figure it out. :huh:
  15. Spookyhurst, I have the video of Melissa )like I promised) on her pogo stick. I just can't find the cable to put it on the computer, so as soon as I can find it. I'll post it.
  16. ZoesDad, that was great!! Wow, 2 sentences together like that, pretty amazing. Thanks for telling us about it!! Checkit out everyone!!{Feel-good-000200A2}
  17. You guys are too funny!! {Feel-good-0002006E} But I have to agree with Judy once again. Anna's got it on you. (remember that great minds thing Judy?) <br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/05/20 19:36
  18. Talon

    potty training

    Talon will not go in her cage either, she will hold it in until I take her out. Judy is right, they don't want to mess up their home.
  19. Well, I'm sorry you almost got killed there trying to take some absolutely gorgeous photo's, but is the word STUPID written on your forehead, or do you not know how to read the word DANGER! Those are beautiful pictures. Makes me feel like I'm there with you guys! Thanks for sharing them with us, but next time don't risk life or limb!! And by the way, as far as the do-rag look, You do look cute Frank, I know you were going for the tough look there, but I think Anna'a got ya beat Buddy! :laugh:
  20. That was so cute. I hope Talon will say whole sentences one day. For know, she only can say about 3 words in a sentence, but she's still young, so you never know.
  21. Zoesdad, That was nice to see. I've never seen or heard of 2 greys that are bonded so well together. I thought that was pretty unusual... someone correct me if I'm wrong. They are so cute together!
  22. Spookyhurst. That's a great picture. They are so sweet and cute. Thanks for sharing that with us. And I love your bird stealer story. (do you mind if we call you that?) Just kidding!! :laugh:
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