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Everything posted by Talon

  1. You are very lucky! And what a visual that tail chasing is.............<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/05/28 14:38
  2. Ha Ha Ha! :laugh: I may be alot of things, but brave is not one of them. But all this peer pressure. <br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2009/06/25 04:42
  3. Welcome Back! Talonsis is right, those are some awesome statues. And what were you thinking leaving your laptop in the cab......or did you just feel like a good run was in order?
  4. Talon


    Judy is correct. Talon does the same thing when she doesn't see us. B)
  5. Maybe it is the peanut butter? I'm really not sure. Is she drinking enough. You don't want here to get dehydrated. And I'm wondering is it really diarrhea? :dry:
  6. Becca, It's a dvd of nothing but parrots doing all kinds of things. Talon enjoys it when I go out. It loops,so it will go on forever if you let it. Very colorful and entertaining for her!:woohoo:
  7. I wouldn't make a drastic change in her diet just yet. She hasn't been home very long, and it takes a while for them to adjust to they're new sutrroundings and people. I would keep her diet the same for now until she levels out with her weight. Once she is settled in, then I would very slowly start on her diet changes. They will starve themselves before they eat something they aren't really used to or sure about. I'm glad she started eating, just keep an eye on her weight.
  8. There is another thread here with more info.
  9. Hi & Welcome Percysmom! Looking forward to hearing & seeing more. Keep us posted. You'll find lots of great information & advice here.
  10. Ya, CD.....What's up with the Victoria Secret photo? You weren't by chance shopping there were you??????
  11. Welcome, & congratulations! It's different for each bird. I would think by 3 months, she would be weaned. Is she having problems eating? What do you feed her? Looking forward to seeing pictures! And frozen vegetables are fine!<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/05/27 03:40
  12. Zoesdad, I hope so. Just watched the dvd again. Talon really doesn't like her wings touched very much, so that's where I am having problems, but I'll keep trying. Thanks dor the encouragement everyone!! :cheer:
  13. Thanks for all the encouragement everyone. I'll keep you posted.
  14. Frank, you've never captured a moment like you did in that picture of Anna & Matt. I've never seen her look so happy. Those eyes are just sparkling and she looks ecstatic! It's a very nice picture. Once again...Good Job!! Enjoy the concert tonight you too!!! {Feel-good-000200BB}
  15. Very nice story & thanks for showing us the pictures. They are so Cute!!
  16. Monique, yes. I did. I guess I have to watch it again.
  17. Very Funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11:laugh: :laugh:
  18. Well, after 10 minutes, she let me touch her head with it, that's about it. I couldn't get any further with her, but I'll keep trying. We made a little progress. :blink:
  19. Isn't that what cheerleaders are supposed to do?? {Nature-000200C9} (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
  20. Those are spectacular photo's. I think you've outdone yourself there. Thanks for those visuals......:whistle: Enjoy Vegas, and post more pictures!!
  21. Talon started talking at 4 1/2 months, but I have read that most greys start anywhere from 6-12 months or more. I would keep repeating a word to get Talon to say it. I kept it very simple, just one word, and I always talk to her. They tend to pick up words that have alot of excitement in them. I'm sure others here have lots of good advice.
  22. Oohhh! You guys are making me sooo jealous!! Maybe I'll go try again.............I'll let you know if I have any fingers left!!!{Emotions-00020120}
  23. That's great news! Sounds like she is quite happy working with you. Definitely a change of scenery can bring on a change in attitude. I think she'd like a play stand as well. Talon has one in my office, but tends to prefer walking around and getting into things on my desk! :pinch:
  24. I'm so jealous that you guys find it so easy to put on. If I touch Talon's wings, she attacks me!!:evil:
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