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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Whoa! Let's try to start over again everyone. No one is making judgements about anyone here. That's not what we do. We treat each other with dignity and respect. Welcome Richardsmommy, looking forward to seeing some pictures and hearing about your grey Richard.
  2. I'm sure as soon as Talonsis gets home, she'll be the first. And then maybe others will post a picture instead of complaining about a fun contest to lighten things up. I know you're heart was in the right place here, Frank. {Love-0002011D} After all, don't we enjoy seeing our birds doing funny things, and wouldn't you love to share it with everyone in our family here?
  3. Cd, boy talk about starting some squabbles. You better be more careful here next time. :P
  4. Richardsmommy, I'm glad to hear that. It was a little hard to interpret how you meant it. I apologize.
  5. It's the same color for both genders. Color can varey depending on what they've eaten.
  6. That's great news! I'm so happy they can be together again. {Love-00020111}
  7. Richardsmommy,Why did you feel a need to post this for everyone to see? I thought this was a happy place to be. I'd like it to stay that way. :dry: And CD, I wish you had censored this. Their are kids on this forum, and they don't need to watch that.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/06/13 18:38
  8. Richardsmommy, I think you're taking this a little too seriously. It's all in fun! And let me tell you, there are alot of really nice handbags, sunglasses and jewelry that I'm sure anyones "cute little niece" or daughter would love if she were to win. <br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/06/13 18:43
  9. I have never heard of a Vasa Parrot. I'll have to do some research and find out about them. What can you tell us about it? :dry: Okay, just looked it up. Looks like a very cute parrot.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/06/12 03:01
  10. Read as many of the posts here as you can. You'll learn alot here from experienced owners of greys. There are alot of good books out there as well. I don't have one that is a favorite, but I have read many. Good luck and keep us posted on the grey in Indiana. Are you far away?
  11. Way to go Talonsis! You're getting better with every shot! :woohoo:
  12. What an incredible story. That brings tears to your eyes! Such a special caring bird already!! You're very lucky.
  13. Very nice, Tari! And what a good buy you got!!
  14. Sorry you felt you had to take the pictures down. I think we were just afraid, like CD said, one scratch to your bird can be fatal to Tequila. Cats can a emit a poison in their claws and saliva. That's why one bite or scratch is so deadly to birds and rodents. It is scarey for some of us that do have cats that eat birds the size of our greys to see. I know for me, it is one of my biggest fears with our cats. But please don't be offended, we know you love Tequila just as much as we all love our birds!
  15. Yay! I'm so happy for the both of you. Thank-you for the best news ever! {Communicate-0002011B}
  16. Thank you for the update. I'm glad he's still around. And may this be the day you get him back safe & sound. Please keep us posted.
  17. You are so lucky! Keep it up, and he will continue to like it.
  18. Talon

    Biting my feet :D

    Same here! Those little "bee bites" hurt! :ohmy:
  19. I have the same one. It works well when they are in their cage.
  20. We'll all be praying for a safe and quick return home.
  21. Oh no! Keep calling him, he'll know your voice, and hopefully come to you. Maybe try some food or treats to lure him to you. Good Luck and pleas keep us informed. I hope he comes back to you quickly and safely.:dry:
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