That is very good advice and sounds easy to do. Talon has a potty basket that she uses. She also will whistle when she needs to go. ( most of the time) But if your not paying attention, it's your own fault.
Thanks for identifying the "times" when they tend to go.
Me either Judy, as Talon is a girl. She already loves my husband and does that behavior with my husband. I guess we have the same taste in men. LOL :laugh:
I agree, and Judy, Spookyhurst, Ceaserdad, dblhelix, Talonsis, I am very glad we are all here. It's been an enjoyable experience here. Definately here to stay.
My thanks to everyone for making it such a fun place to be! You can never stop learning new things about our birdie's.
Judy, I have a bowl of cookie dough ice cream with chocolate sauce, and about 8-10 cherries on it every night before bed. How's that?? Sounds like a pretty good workout before bed, Huh?? :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/05/19 13:59
I cover the cage, turn the lights out and tell talon it's time for bed. be consistent. Eventually he should get it. Or maybe he's not tired???????? :blink:
These are great stories, and wonderful names. My son named Talon. (after all Talon is supposed to belong to him, but.....)
After a year and a half, we found out that he was a she, but no name changes here, she already new her name at that point.
I do have ceiling fans, but I keep them on low. Talon doesn't fly much, so I'm not too worried about it. I odn't think she'd go near them. They're pretty high on the ceiling, and she can't fly that high without her wings hitting the ceiling. So not a problem here.