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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I have a perch on my scale. Talon will stay still much longer if she can't walk around.
  2. Ice, I'm so sorry. What a horrible experience for you to have to go through. But the others are right, Roxy was only doing what her instincts told her to, protect her home. It is a sad wake up call for us all.
  3. I would go with the cheapest. 1 gram doesn't make that much of a difference. You don't need anything over 600 grams for a grey.
  4. That's okay..............I know where you live!!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  5. Of course! I knew you meant no harm!! But next time...............watch out! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
  6. Jeez, thanks Judy.........I was wondering. :laugh: I thought we were watching each others back :laugh:
  7. Hey, what about me? Isn't that what friends are for? {Emotions-000200C1}
  8. I've never heard of it, but we don't have any breeders around here. I'm interested to hear if that's the norm. I can't wait until the day comes and you get that phone call, please let us know as soon as that happens!:woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/07/22 22:44
  9. Michael, You need to find a forever home. I'm sure some of us here would be willing to pitch in $ and help if able. Keep us posted please. :dry:
  10. Wow! You said it all perfectly. Every word you wrote is the truth about CD. He has left an unforgettable mark on all of us here in this family. One that we will remember forever in our hearts.
  11. Dan, looks like he can't wait to come home! How lucky you are, to be able to take him home for visits. It will be so much easier for him when he comes home for good! How much longer do you have to wait? I'm getting anxious for you! :woohoo:
  12. If I didn't know better, looks like Talonsis has been playing with photo shop again.... YA, Judy, those horns could really hurt! {Feel-bad-00020080}
  13. Talon


    Give her our best wishes. Hope she comes home quickly, and gets well very soon. We miss her!
  14. Wow! Great idea, Michael! You guys are outdoing everyone on these graphics! I love your's Judy!
  15. Judy, she is beautiful! What a gorgeous little girl. I'll bet she's a sweet as she is pretty! Glad to see you bragging Grandmother!
  16. Splint, That's so nice! Great pictures! I love that you have that sun room for him. He's very lucky! I'll bet he enjoys being out there.
  17. {Feel-good-0002006E} I tend to look Talon in the eye down on her level, and repeat a word or phrase over & over. She just stays very still watching me, then in a few days, she's saying it. So, good luck, and let the fun begin!!:woohoo:
  18. That's great! Those first words are so exciting! Keep talking to her, she'll continue to try to pick words up.
  19. Will she be able to have any out of cage time if she's left home? I think that's important for her. How does she interact with them, is she nervous, or comfortable with them if she were to stay home? I'm sure others here will have advice for you and your situation.
  20. Talon


    Hi & Welcome to our family! We're happy you joined. Good for you for taking Ruby into your home. It sounds like you are doing all the right things with her. She needs the comfort and assurance from you so she can adjust to her new home. Keep up all the love you are showing her. I would never let her have the run of the house unsupervised, with or without your dog. There are too many hazards for her, wires, windows, etc. Please keep us updated. We love photo's, so please post one when you can. We are here for you, so any questions you may have, please ask away!
  21. Yes Monique, it is wonderful that they are looking for a good home for her. It's just sad to see that she has had such a rough time of it at such a young age. I only hope that her next home if her final, & most loving home she can have.:dry:
  22. What a great idea! Is there a list of any herbs that they can not have anywhere?
  23. Well Everyone who is interested in this thread. Talonsis just finished the last & final Harry Potter Book in 9 hours. {Emotions-00020075} She won't share any info with me, so I'm on my own. I certainly won't read it in 9 hours, because I'm here too much, but I will read it.
  24. I would rescue him, but I'm far away, and I don't think 2 greys would get along so well at my house, considering they would both be out of their cages most of the time.
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