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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I have not been able to listen before this. Even tho I always allow shoulder birds I NEVER allow my face to get close enough to get bit. I always turn away...
  2. Talon

    How many???

    After reading a few threads here..I am just overwhelmed by the amount of Birds others have. I am in awe of anyone who can handle more than the 6 I once had, (3 being small). So to make it easier for me..... Please reply with the total number of birds you have in your homes that you care for. A breakdown of the types would be much appreciated as well!! I will increase the reputation of anyone replying here. I have 3 parrots: 1-timneh african grey 1 congo african grey 1 yellow crowned amazon
  3. The other night, Nilah my amazon was high up on my shoulder, I was reaching that arm up high, giving Talon her evening juice before bed. Nilah flew onto my shoulder and her chest was wedged into my ear. I could hear her heart beating clear as day.....it was an amazing moment to be that close to her chest and here how fast her little heart beats...that was a first for me & a moment I will never forget...absolutely amazing , the sound it was making..I never wanted to move from that position. Has anyone else had the pleasure of listening to their birds heart beating?
  4. You are a good parront to set things up for Dorian....I think all parronts should do the same. I personally, have a life ins policy left to my 4 kids. I instructed my daughter to use her share for my 3 parrots as needed. I have left my parrots to her with the instructions for her to do what she feels is best in her heart. She is very much like me, and would only allow them the best place possible. She knows each parrot , their likes, dislikes, their routines, their personalities, and I trust she will do what is best for them whether it be keeping them, on, or giving them to whoever is best suited. It is written in my will as I am 55 and my parrots are 6-10 years old. I wish I could give each child one, but my daughter is best suited for them, not my boys. It is good you are looking into things now..I wish you the best of luck, it isnt an easy thing to do.
  5. Talon

    Scooty's Biting

    I have to say, I agree with Nancy...there IS something different that he has noticed that you are unaware of...a new ring, a watch, a small cut, nail polish on your hand? Something is moved, a plant, blanket, pillow, furniture, light? A different time of day? Is he getting a full 12 hours of sleep and quiet time in the afternoon for a nap? Is the radio, tv on a different station? There is something in your house he fears that is different...you gotta be a detective and find it...
  6. My birds love corn on the cob. I bought some yesterday as well. It is from North Carolina.
  7. Of course a gluten free bagel is much more appealing than the raspberry waffles I made her...:rolleyes:
  8. Please tell Miss Gilbert her first order of business is to throw you out of her room here on Greyforums..... Miss Gilbert is welcome to attack your keyboard and tattle on you her human here in 4 The Birds Room......but you have your own room. love, Rikki
  9. I would suggest putting a folded towel for padding on the bottom of the cage to rotect him if,it happens again, also a nightlight may help as well. My tag falls on occasion when she has a night fright. I have both for her.
  10. Good well thought out decision. I wouldn't worry about Ryan, he has seen and grown up with the care and costs..his maturity will change and I am sure you raised him properly. He will step up to the plate when the time comes. Lots can change with our kids as the years go on....there is plenty of time..don't worrry, if he is so bonded, he won't let her down.
  11. I do the same as luvparrots and judygram. Throw out the parrot ones and feed salt less human ones.
  12. Very cool! I have ceiling fans, (regular ones) but I never run them on med or high. MY birds have always stayed away from them unless they are off or slow. Nilah & Talon both LOVE to ride them like a merry go round..
  13. Does-this-CAG-look-unusually-dark-to-you Back to the topic at hand or I will lock this thread for good. Either offer advice to the original poster...or leave this thread for other topics elsewhere....
  14. Interesting thread...I'm sure you'll get lots of opinions. I will say, that I think it's how they are raised by their parrots (us) that really determines their behavior....any animal I believe falls into that category . That being said...I bought my Amazon when she was 6 mos from a very reputable bird store...when I called them to follow up with her weight like they requested, I commented on how smart and talkative and sweet she seemed to be. They then told me that they only got their amazons from one breeder as her amazons are known for their talking and calm demeanor ...they told me where she was bred and from, turns out it was a breeder from South Carolina, and that they are very picky as to the reputation of the breeders they use for all their birds....they find a good one and they stick with that one.....so.....there you have it...my experience.
  15. I am going to say this one last time....stay on topic....if BLUEDAWG, you have already started 3 threads about this topic, you have spoken your mind, your opinion, it is all here for us to see and read as many times as we choose to. Now it's time to drop it...if you continue beating this topic, I will start to delete them....we have all had enough...that's not what this forum is here for .....you had your say....perhaps a wild caught forum is the place for you .
  16. You are going to make an incredible parront when the time comes.....don't worry about a change....it's actually fine for a grey to have a change in schedules...keeps them guessing on occasion. You don't want to be so rigid that that can't handle a different schedule....that's my belief...my birds have a different sort of time schedule on the weekends...even during the week. There are times they can't come out of their cages in the am as I have to leave early...there may be an occasional time when they are in their cages for almost 2 days straight...and they do fine! my suggestion is a cockatiel.....they are fun. The males sing and talk....we got a rescue...it hated me, but adored my daughter, so when she moves out, she took it with her and is giving her all the enjoyment she could ask for!
  17. Echo's Mom wrote a very detailed, thought provoking post. Not much too add to hers, but I am in my early 50's, and now that my 4 kids are almost grown, I can now get away and have time for myself to do things I never could when they were little. Since my first parrot, I was married with 4 kids, since then, divorced, moved into a new house and acquired other birds, dogs, and cats. They all get along very well....but my life is very different now, and that was just the past 8 years. Although I LOVE & ADORE all my animals, especially my 3 parrots...I can NEVER get away...I have no one who can handle them. MY daughter could, but she has since moved out of state so she is not available to help me. MY sons who live at home can't handle them and have no desire to. IN an emergency, I can leave my sons to feed them, but if I am gone, they can not leave their cages for days if I had to go that long. Working full time, as much as I want to go out at night, maybe take a class, or go out on the weekends, I feel obligated to be home so my sweet birds can have outside cage time. When I do get home from work, they are immediately let out....if I have to go anywhere or even to bed, it is a time consuming task to feed all the animals, let the dogs out, and put my birds to bed....no more just heading up to bed without caring for them all. Of course there is no way to predict your future at such a young age, or even at my age.....but there are moments that as I am older, I realize how easy it would be to have no animals..but having said that...I would not experience the joy, love and fun I get from my parrots. Just something to be aware of as you venture on a life changing decision. I will say, I have an amazon, and she is very bonded to me, she will attack anyone who comes into my house, so I have to cage her when I have company, or when my kids have friends over. If your grey doesn't end up liking your GF to be, or even ur wife to be.....that will be a difficult situation...there are no promises I am right or wrong on that.....it's all about commitment on your part understanding that this is a life long commitment....one not to be taken lightly as I see you are not..
  18. Apparently...I don't feed Rikki enough.....she took it upon herself to find her own snack.....
  19. Nilah here....I HATE those stupid wooden things that block my perfect view of,the outdoors....Bird calls them panes????? I call them a pain in my tail feathers ....I keep trying to chew them away, but she gets pretty mad and makes me step up or makes her voice volume go up, or sometimes sprays me with that dang water bottom set on steam!!!!! Doesn't she know I like mist??? She's a dumb one, can't seem to train her....
  20. Does,he have toys and things to play and chew on in his cage?
  21. Well not on concerned about the damage..I have 3 parrots...you should see my woodwork..
  22. My wall.......looks like little beak prints....
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