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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Melissa has been trying to teach Talon our home phone number. It took Talon one day to say 6 5. We then spent the next day saying 665, (which is the prefix) She picked it up with in a couple of hours. On day 2, she was saying 665-665. That was yesterday, last night as I was cooking dinner, I kept correcting her, and saying our entire number to her, and with in a half hour, she was saying 665-6652! Today, that's all I am hearing.........:pinch: But I am so very proud of her. She is such a fast learner, and brilliant!! But I am a bit biased!! :whistle: Next we will teach her our address.
  2. I remember reading this about 2 years ago, and it was all over the news on the tv. Poor bird...... He deserved better treatment from his owner. He obviously didn't deserve the bird or the girlfriend. :evil:
  3. HI & Welcome to our family! B)
  4. Hello & Welcome to our family! I look forward to hearing more from you. B)
  5. How old is your grey. Placing your perches depends on his age and ability. Also, PLEASE read the threads on Peanuts, as it should not, in my opinion, be fed. Peanuts can contain a fungi that can easily result in Asper. which can be fatal. Please read the thread below: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/bird-food/23193-peanuts-in-the-shell.html#23196<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/06/10 22:11
  6. To help them adjust, you need to set up the new cage in the same room as they are in, and allow them time to adjust to it being there, never mind putting them into this new scary place. They feel comforted by what they perceive as their "home", and it does take time for them to adjust to a new cage. They should never be thrown in a new cage without allowing them ample time for them to accept this new "scary" thing in and near their bedroom! Taking your time, and lots of patience is in order here.
  7. Well, I tried this cardboard tube idea for Talon. And although she likes the sound of it when I shake it, she isn't interested in finding out what's inside of it. It's been about a week, but I think I'll leave it in her cage while I'm at work tomorrow, and see if she's bored enough to work on it. She is a lazy grey, and doesn't like to work to get to her food! :pinch:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/06/09 03:39
  8. Talon

    Have a Bud!

    Sorry if you guys have seen it before. I don't frequent you tube very often, in fact, I rarely do.
  9. Talon

    Have a Bud!

    I was playing videos for Talon today, and came across this one. It's cute! Check it out!!
  10. It's hard to say without a little more information such as, how old is he, where did he come from, what is his history, how were you feeding him, and what? Is he used to having to protect his food from others, etc. Maybe if you could give us some of this history, we could better help you. :dry:
  11. WOW Dave! What an experience for you. You are a lucky man to have witnessed that. I have seen many hummingbirds, but never a nest. :cheer:
  12. Hello & Welcome! I look forward o hearing more from you. B)
  13. Hello and Welcome to our family. I am happy that you are doing all the necessary research before purchasing a grey. They DO require a big commitment, and it is a lifetime one. They are a lot like having a very young child. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are happy to help you.
  14. Hello and Welcome to our family. I am happy that you are doing all the necessary research before purchasing a grey. They DO require a big commitment, and it is a lifetime one. They are a lot like having a very young child. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are happy to help you.
  15. Hello & Welcome to our family!
  16. There was a post made somewhere, I don't remember where exactly, but the owners used a George Forman grill for the first time, and their seemingly perfectly healthy Grey died 20 Minutes later. I had bought one, used it once 6 months ago, and got rid of it immediately after reading that tragic warning. It's not worth the risk. THEY ARE TEFLON COATED!! :huh:
  17. Interesting theory.... B)
  18. OMG! She is so lucky you were home. It could have resulted in a tragic accident with her wing. You must have been so frightened! I'm glad everything worked out safely for you both. :cheer:
  19. {Emotions-00020076} Well, I guess it's official everyone........after all, you all saw the memo...... :ohmy: Does anyone here know how to stop time?? It needs to happen on June 30, 2008............... {Emotions-0002007D}
  20. Thanks siobha9, no, Talon prefers to bite him instead!!!
  22. Thanks for the suggestion Dan & Tracy. Since I have moved, my credit cards are used way too much, but that won't stop me......:evil: :evil: I think buying a new cage is what I will do. I suppose I could take her play cage she uses now and put it outside on my back deck. I am having part of the deck built into an aviary, but until then, she likes to be outside when we are, I could put her in her cage. See, there is always a solution!! B)
  23. Dan, thanks for your advice. The problem I am having, and maybe you can offer a solution, is that the top of her cage opens up. I like to have a light on it when I have to put her in her cage when I leave. Otherwise she is free to roam the house when I am home. Her cage is tall. Any suggestions? Ideally, I have been wanting to purchase a cage like Judy has, maybe I should just hit the credit cards, and do it!
  24. Andrew, with your permission. I would like to see this article published here at www.greyforums.net. I think it is very valuable information for all bird owners. Please send me a pm, on your thoughts. And again, my condolences, please keep the faith, you and Andrew could still be reunited. Keep looking for him, he's looking for you.
  25. Welcome Aaron! I'm happy you joined our family. You have come to the right place to learn all you can. Please read through the various topics and threads. And feel free to ask anything. We have so many knowledgeable members here, there is always answers to your questions. B)
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