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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Jeez, you guys have dug down deep to find this thread...it's over a year old. History!
  2. I have many credit cards, but only one that I use for online purchases, (which are many ). This past summer I had almost $10,000 in various charges on my card over a period of 3 months. Many were for purchases out of the country. One charge was $1800 in airline tickets! Luckily for me, my credit card company canceled the card asap, and took off all the charges, but not after a lot of paperwork, and notarized statements from me for each and every charge...... I have been a customer of theirs for over 20 years, I wonder if that helped or not.
  3. When I got my new cag, Rikki 3 1/2 months ago, she would always fly and land on my head! I hated it! I don't know if that was something she was used to doing with her previous owner, as she is such a sweet bird, but I didn't like it one bit!! Every time she did it, I had a "Hissy" fit, and she got the idea after a couple of weeks. She has never done it again to anyone! :cheer:
  4. I love this contest!!!!!! Boy do I have some good photos of destroyed laptops, remotes, etc! :pinch: Great idea Siobhan! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  5. Thank you for sharing your sad story with us. I am so very sorry for your loss. You, your husband and your grey are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you all well, and please never give up on your sweet bird. This is just another example of how you should NEVER let your guard down by trusting your bird,and assuming they love us enough to stay with us, or come back to us when you call. That's not how their minds work! I only wish people would do the research and learn these facts before a tragic event like this occurs.
  6. Remant333, What happened? How did you lose your grey? I'm curious what the circumstances where that led up to him being missing. I like to learn all I can in hopes of preventing any chance I might miss of risking being in the same situation.
  7. UPDATE!! I have a CAG & a TAG! And I love and adore them both! :woohoo:
  8. PM me the new name, and I will get it done for you. B)
  9. Talon

    MAX Has Gone

    Shanlung, Thank you for all the ideas about a beaded curtain, and pulleys etc. I would love to see pictures of that! Great ideas, and very thought provoking for me. I don't have protection when I open a door, and that is something I need to take care of. I will be thinking about your ideas and how they can help me. I have 3 unprotected doors in my house that I am always nervous about. Gus, Thank you for posting that link, as you can see, we all tried VERY hard to warn him about the dangers of what can happen when your bird gets outside without a harness. I understand it was a different situation in losing Max, but still it is something to ponder....... :huh: You can never be too careful when it comes to the safety of our birds.
  10. Talon


    How does she behave when you take her out of the room that you moved the furniture in?
  11. Welcome, and perhaps you could introduce yourself in the Welcome Room. We would need a little more information to help you, perhaps a history of her, etc.
  12. Laurie, Thanks for checking in. Congrats on your new job and for continuing Curves. Sounds like your doing great! Keep it up, and please keep us posted on your progress. Karma for you! Anyone else......:whistle:
  13. Talon

    MAX Has Gone

    Skuffy, Ypu did the right thing in sharing this terrible experience with us. It is a VALUABLE lesson that will hopefully help others. We are FAMILY and your loss is OUR loss no matter how it happened... I hope and pray that your next reply will be the onw we hope for....that Max is found and safe at home. Please keep looking for him.
  15. Talon

    MAX Has Gone

    I have taught Talon to say our phone number in hopes that GOdFORBID she ever is lost, she will drive the people nuts saying it over and over again. :dry: Keep up the search, and please keep us posted. Max is in my prayers.
  16. Talon

    MAX Has Gone

    Thank you Skuffy for your reply. I feel I have a better understanding of all your efforts to get Max back. I have great respect for you in not taking these replies personally and getting angry and defensive at us. I understand you learned a valuable lesson, and please don't give up on Max. Keep calling for him, he's scared, and needs you. He WANTS you to help and find him.
  17. WOW! I never would have thought about the plastic. Thanks for the warning. I am glad she is healing well, I imagine she must be pretty sore, and they use their tongue for everything. I wouldn't worry about her not talking, she will when it is less sore.
  18. Talon

    MAX Has Gone

    I am so sorry for your loss. As I imagine you felt you did everything you could to get him back, I do agree that the way you wrote your story, it appears that you kind of accepted that your couldn't get him, and moved on. I am sure we are all mis-interpreting it. But what has leaves me the angriest, is it disgusts me and makes me angry when I read stories like yours, and I have read MANY! WHY WOULD YOU BE SO CARELESS AND LEAVE YOUR BACK DOOR OPEN AND RISK THE SAFETY OF MAX? I have 2 fully flighted greys who are out of their cages all day while I am home, free to fly through the house as they desire, supervised, and NEVER do we leave a door open, or even chance it!! I yell at everybody who enters my house to come in quick and close the door as fast as possible, all the while keeping my birds in another part of the house with me or a family member, and keeping the door closed. If that is not an option, then they go in their cages so there is no risk to them getting spooked and suddenly flying out the door. I read your story time and time again, and it infuriates me that people are so trusting in thinking their birds love them so much, that they would never accidentally get spooked and fly towards the first opening they see, familiar or unfamiliar. It happens EVERY TIME THEY GET SPOOKED, and sounds and sights that are so "normal" to us that we don't even give them a second thought, can be terrifying to our birds. They depend on us for their safety, and when we are careless with it because we have such trust in them, it can be a disaster as you have just learned. I hope and pray that Max is found and returned to you. I apologize for my rant, and this was by no means directed at you personally, but I just had to get this off my chest, as I read your story very frequently. :angry:
  19. Talon


    Oh FairY, what a beautiful story. I am so happy you shared that with us. I am very sorry for your loss, but I know he will once again be waiting to welcome you at the door once again in our next life. And yes, you were both blessed by having him as long as you have. I would love to see a picture of him if you have one. :huh:
  20. Here is a beautiful email sent to me by our member Dave007. We should always remember this in our time of sadness, when one of our beloved flock members is called to the Rainbow Bridge that we hear so much about. This wonderful description tells it all. I choose to believe that one day, we will be the person in this wonderfully, comforting, but sad time that we all have, or will unfortunately experience. May these words of be of some comfort to us all: Rainbow Bridge Just this side of heaven, is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When a bird dies, it goes to Rainbow Bridge. At Rainbow Bridge, there are meadows and hills and beautiful trees of all kinds where all our special friends can fly andclimb, hang and flap, hop and run, jump and play, squawk and squeal and sing together. There is plenty of good food, including grapes and peanuts, ice cream, cheese, spaghetti, and especially, lots of pizza. There is crystal clear water in brooks and springs are filled with water as well as every kind of delicious fresh fruit juice. One warm spring even runs full of coffee and they can now drink their fill without hearing a single \"no no\". There is lots of glorious sunshine and sweet warm rain when they want it. Our friends are warm and comfortable and totally at peace. All birds who had been ill or old, are restored to health and vigor and to their natural incredible beauty. Their feathers shine, their wing feathers are whole and their eyes gleam once again with vitality. Those who were hurt or maimed or ignored or broken-hearted, are made whole and strong and free of fear, just as we remember them in our dreams of days gone by. The birds are happy and content....except for one thing....they each miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind. Still ,they fly and play happily, safely and noisily together...even the grouchiest Greys, the oneriest Senegals, the tiniest Finiches and the grandest Macaws. But the day comes for each bird when he suddenly stops and looks far into the distance. His body freezes and his bright eyes are intent as he watches and listens in silence. Suddenly he begins to fly from the group, soaring over the green grass, his wings flapping harder and harder. You have been spotted and he shrieks to you, then calls your name and his own and cries again and again as he rushes toward you. When you and your bird finally meet, you cling to each other in joyous reunion, knowing you will never again, be parted. Your face, your fingers, even your toes are covered with beak nibbles and soft ecstatic kisses. Your hair is preened by that special beak and his head bends under your fingers to invite your touch. Your hands again find their way under beloved wings, to caress the downy softness beneath. You look once more into the trusting eyes of your companion...so long gone from your physical life on earth but never, for an instant, absent from your heart. Your tears of joy are gently brushed away by those beloved wings...and feeling immersed once more in total contentment and love, you and your beloved companion Cross the Rainbow Bridge together. THANK YOU DAVE007 FOR SHARING THIS WITH ME AND ALLOWING ME TO POST IT. Sincerely, Talon<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/09/23 03:29
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