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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Tracy, that is adorable! Thanks everyone for your wishes for a Happy Hatchday!! And Siobhan, what can I say.......gee.....thanks for reminding me........:pinch: :P
  2. Thanks guys! I will relay this to Talon!! :cheer: :cheer:
  3. Just wanted to wish Talon a Happy Bird-day! She turned 3 years old today!!!! I can't wait until the terrible two's stop........ {Nature-000200C9}<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/10/13 14:38
  4. Yea, well I only catch the morning one, the rest go where ever they BOTH decide to go......:angry: :pinch:
  5. Thank you Judy! Your words mean a lot to me. :kiss: Luvparrots, Thank you too!!
  6. Guess What? After 2 1/2 months, I have Rikki potty trained just like Talon!! She now knows that after being taken out of her cage, she has to wait until I get her into the kitchen and onto her "potty basket" before she can go!! No more cleaning up that morning bomb from the floor!!!!! :woohoo: I am so proud of her! They just amaze me with their intelligence! :woohoo: :woohoo: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
  7. Jeez, you guys have dug down deep to find this thread...it's over a year old. History!
  8. I have many credit cards, but only one that I use for online purchases, (which are many ). This past summer I had almost $10,000 in various charges on my card over a period of 3 months. Many were for purchases out of the country. One charge was $1800 in airline tickets! Luckily for me, my credit card company canceled the card asap, and took off all the charges, but not after a lot of paperwork, and notarized statements from me for each and every charge...... I have been a customer of theirs for over 20 years, I wonder if that helped or not.
  9. When I got my new cag, Rikki 3 1/2 months ago, she would always fly and land on my head! I hated it! I don't know if that was something she was used to doing with her previous owner, as she is such a sweet bird, but I didn't like it one bit!! Every time she did it, I had a "Hissy" fit, and she got the idea after a couple of weeks. She has never done it again to anyone! :cheer:
  10. I love this contest!!!!!! Boy do I have some good photos of destroyed laptops, remotes, etc! :pinch: Great idea Siobhan! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  11. Thank you for sharing your sad story with us. I am so very sorry for your loss. You, your husband and your grey are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you all well, and please never give up on your sweet bird. This is just another example of how you should NEVER let your guard down by trusting your bird,and assuming they love us enough to stay with us, or come back to us when you call. That's not how their minds work! I only wish people would do the research and learn these facts before a tragic event like this occurs.
  12. Remant333, What happened? How did you lose your grey? I'm curious what the circumstances where that led up to him being missing. I like to learn all I can in hopes of preventing any chance I might miss of risking being in the same situation.
  13. UPDATE!! I have a CAG & a TAG! And I love and adore them both! :woohoo:
  14. PM me the new name, and I will get it done for you. B)
  15. Talon

    MAX Has Gone

    Shanlung, Thank you for all the ideas about a beaded curtain, and pulleys etc. I would love to see pictures of that! Great ideas, and very thought provoking for me. I don't have protection when I open a door, and that is something I need to take care of. I will be thinking about your ideas and how they can help me. I have 3 unprotected doors in my house that I am always nervous about. Gus, Thank you for posting that link, as you can see, we all tried VERY hard to warn him about the dangers of what can happen when your bird gets outside without a harness. I understand it was a different situation in losing Max, but still it is something to ponder....... :huh: You can never be too careful when it comes to the safety of our birds.
  16. Talon


    How does she behave when you take her out of the room that you moved the furniture in?
  17. Welcome, and perhaps you could introduce yourself in the Welcome Room. We would need a little more information to help you, perhaps a history of her, etc.
  18. Laurie, Thanks for checking in. Congrats on your new job and for continuing Curves. Sounds like your doing great! Keep it up, and please keep us posted on your progress. Karma for you! Anyone else......:whistle:
  19. Talon

    MAX Has Gone

    Skuffy, Ypu did the right thing in sharing this terrible experience with us. It is a VALUABLE lesson that will hopefully help others. We are FAMILY and your loss is OUR loss no matter how it happened... I hope and pray that your next reply will be the onw we hope for....that Max is found and safe at home. Please keep looking for him.
  21. Talon

    MAX Has Gone

    I have taught Talon to say our phone number in hopes that GOdFORBID she ever is lost, she will drive the people nuts saying it over and over again. :dry: Keep up the search, and please keep us posted. Max is in my prayers.
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