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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon


    I use about a half a packet of the instant oatmeal for Talon. I use water, no sugar or milk. She LOVES it! She bobs her head and gets all excited by it. I feed it to her with a spoon, and then I eat the rest myself! Rikki has no interest in it, I have tried several times with her. She pushes the spoon away. :pinch: Talon loves cream of wheat as well! :woohoo:
  2. I hear you Dave......I will publish it and put it on the front page as soon as it is complete....B)<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/10/31 03:31
  3. Rikki did the same to me when she first came to our house. I bought her a large play stand for the kitchen, and consistently put her on it and told her she has to stay there when I'm cooking, or I tell her to stay there and I'll be right there to get her as soon as I can. Then I would make sure I did go get her after a few minutes and talk to her, then I would put her down again and do what I needed to do, all the time talking to her and making her feel that she was very important! This worked very well pretty quickly. I also have a basket with a handle that circles up from one side to the other on my counter, and I put her there so she can watch me cook. I also make a HUGE deal about the stove, and it being HOT & DANGER!! All key words I use with both my greys, they seem to understand and now stay away. B) I'm sure others here have more advice.
  4. She's adorable. I'm a softee, I would say Go for it!!B)
  5. You are in my thoughts & prayers. I only wish she didn't have to suffer like she did, as I am sure you feel the same. I am glad she is at peace now. I hope you will know that you did all you could to fight for her, but it was God's way to have her with our other feathered friends that are waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge.
  6. Very nice article Carolyn! Thank you so much for writing this!! Karma for you....B)
  7. Cute! And she's very smart. Looks like something Talon would consistently do. She climbs onto my window sills, and chews them....:angry:
  8. I am sorry for your loss. There could be many things, air fresheners, cooking with teflon, burning anything, self cleaning ovens, candles, cleaning chemicals, the list goes on & on.
  9. Hello Everyone. I am glad this is still being updated. I continue to go to the gym every day. I still run every other day, and bike at the gym on the odd days that I don't run. I had gained 6 lbs....eating too much junk :pinch: but have recently lost 4lbs. and am hard at work on the last 2. Thanks for all the updates! Let's keep going everyone, NOW IS THE TIME!!!!
  10. Hi Mandi & Welcome back. We have missed you and I am happy to hear from you again. Hope all is well and you are able to pick up where you left off!! B)
  11. You do need to use You-tube. The videos don't work here.......sorry.......
  12. What a fantastic picture! Thanks for posting that, and it IS spooky.......:silly: {Holidays-00020127}
  13. oh how sad......my prayers are with them.
  14. Dave, That is so funny! :laugh: :laugh: I guess they are calling your greys......perhaps when I'm at work? :whistle: :silly: I LOVE how they have such conversations when we least expect it, or when you hear them say something that they have only heard once in their lives, and it was a long time ago. Makes you wonder what REALLY goes on in their minds.......:huh: :lol:
  15. WOW! You both are so lucky. Thank you for reminding us how easy it is for them to get into trouble when we think otherwise......:ohmy:
  16. Nice entries everyone! This is going to be the best video !! It will definitely be worth the wait!!:woohoo:
  17. I have found that when my greys act up, I put them in their cage for some time, and then when I take them out, they behave nicely. He is still young, and requires assurance from you, don't be afraid to give it to him. This WILL pass if you remain patient and loving. I wouldn't allow him to get too upset in his cage. Others here might have other opinions. DAVE007.......where are you when you are needed for advice!
  18. Shelly-quin: That is correct, Everyone here and everywhere in the world is entitled to their opinion. But what MY problem is with your earlier reply, is that you voiced your opinion based on what you heard from others, NOT what transpired with the admin here. This has always been a very friendly, respectful, forum to be involved with. If you have read my numerous threads over the last 2 years, you will see that I am FREQUENTLY reminding members here that we are dealing with people from all over the world, and there are many differences and opinions, but we respect each other, agree or not. Let me remind you, that we have various rooms to discuss Off-Topics if members desire, but due to the many different religions/ cultures/beliefs that makes up our world here on this forum, you are absolutely correct, people would get offended by discussing those topics. THIS IS AN AFRICAN GREY FORUM, if members want to discuss politics and religious beliefs, then there are numerous other forums for just that purpose. So we are in agreement there. I don't really see how you think anyone here is PUSHING anything on you. I won't be deleting your profile. If you took the time to really read my 3000+ posts, you would know that's not what I am about, neither is this forum. I will be locking this thread now, as the topic here has gotten a bit too heated, and is going Off Topic. If anyone here would like to know WHY I made the decision to lock this topic: it is because threads like this when they get derailed and heated have a tendency turn our members off from the REAL reason they are here. Penny
  19. Is he spending his time in his cage all day long? Greys require ALOT of attention. But I am sure you did your research and knew this going into purchasing him. :unsure: If you continue to treat him this way, then my advice to you is to you give him to someone who will appreciate and love him.:angry: Patience & understanding is what he needs.....
  20. Brittany, perhaps this will give you time to save money so when you find one, it will be yours for sure. Judy is right, it wasn't meant to be just yet with that other bird, for reasons you probably will never understand. You'll find one that is right for you.
  21. AWW.. to bad it drives you all crazy. My 2 greys do the phone sound, then make the sounds the push buttons do, then say, Hello? Oh Hi! Yup, uh-huh, then some gibberish..... then okay, yup, bye! Then they beep as if to hang up. Or sometimes they yell, MOM, or MATTHEW! We love it, and it cracks us up! Sometimes when they start the beeping of numbers, I'll ask,who you calling? You have to remember, that in the birds mind, every time the phone rings, it gets your attention. So to them they want your attention. Monkey see, monkey do......<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/10/23 17:26
  22. Shelly-quin: Perhaps before you make a public post that she does have good reason to leave, you should hear the entire story, although I would like to say that it really is not your business to get involved in. You shouldn't base your opinion on only one side of the story. :dry: As I stated in my Announcement which I also posted the link to here, if any member would like to discuss it further, than they can pm me. B)
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