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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Great photos! Thanks for sharing them with us. SHE: you will find detailed instructions for posting pictures in the Photography Room. Good luck!
  2. I have one thing to say......RESEARCH.
  3. Tinkerbell belongs to Shanlung, who is a member here. He has known greys all his adult life, and his techniques aren't anything a beginner could pick up. That kind of training comes from years and years of experience and expertise. As Dave says, it can be done, but not by a first time bird owner.
  4. I just read your profile. You have NO experience with birds. My ADVICE is to research an african grey, and THEIR demanding needs before even CONSIDERING getting one.
  5. These aren't things that a typical grey would be happy doing. You may find one who would tolerate it at best, but I think you should be looking at a different species of birds, or perhaps a dog who would love to do the things you describe.
  6. I LOVE THIS IDEA!!!!! You are so clever! :woohoo:
  7. WOW! I never knew you had to heat them first. Thanks for the info! And what is the top that you used?
  8. Just thought I'd revive this for those of us that need the help.......
  9. This title gets us everytime! It is a wonderful world and I think we all have a wonderful life thanks to our birds! :woohoo:
  10. Well, congrats! I hope you keep up with the progress yo have made. Best of luck, and thanks for checking in with us. We care.
  11. {Feel-good-0002006E} I love it! What a great idea!! I was kind of embarrassed at the size of her cage at first, but I guess she'll be happy in it. (I'm not the best at picturing and measuring things as you can tell.... )
  12. I agree Judy. there is no Best Man. Just the lesser of too evils, unfortunately. I wonder how it is we end up with that to look forward too. But as Dan said, this is not a place for political discussions. Back to our birds.....Lucky birds, they just live their days with no worries other than when are we going to feed them junk food and trying to decide how to get at our most prized possesions.......:evil:
  13. Good luck! I can't wait to hear how things went! B)
  14. Okay, I did it! I got the pictures!! :woohoo: Rikki was talking up a storm this am before I got myself out of bed. I usually get her and Talon up around 8:30 or 9 due to our am schedule. Rikki seemed quiet happy today when I got her. I think she loves her new mansion.... :laugh: Here is Rikki's new cage: Here is Rikki's old cage: And here is Rikki's cage, and Talon's play cage,. You can really see the size difference. Now my kids are feeling sorry for Talon, and think she should have a new bigger cage.
  15. Thanks guys...NO PICTURES of me!!! :laugh: :laugh: Well, luvparrots, Talon LOVED it! she was climbing all over it while I was building it. But the new cage is for my other grey, Rikki. Talon has 2 cages, a good size play cage downstairs, and a big sleep cage upstairs in my bedroom. Poor Rikki only had the one small cage downstairs that she came with, so she got the mansion. (of course she is much bigger than Talon tho.) :lol:
  16. Well, I built Rikki's new cage. Her old one was 22x23. Too small for her, but I didn't want to shock her too much when she first came to me 4 months ago. Her new cage is a mansion...it's huge! 32x40x72 (I know...what was I thinking...). I set it up last night, and left it in the room with her cage while she played and slept. Today, I set it up almost identical with her perches like her old cage was. And then ....I did the unthinkable........I put her old cage in the basement, and just put her in her new cage to bed for the first time. She spent about 5 minutes in it with me talking to her and encouraging her how much fun it was! I don't have a sheet big enough to cover it, but I draped it over the top and she can see out the bottom half. I thought that would be okay since it's all new and scary..... She let out a few peeps after I turned the light out, and said Good night, but she's quiet now. At least she didn't have a tantrum! :evil: I hope she sleeps okay. She's downstairs, and I sleep upstairs at the other end of the house. I am a little nervous and anxious for her. I hope she does okay. I was a Bad mommy, I didn't even let her check it out today. Just, in you go, Good night! :dry: Shame on me. :blush: :ohmy: I will take pictures of both her cages, and post them tomorrow.
  17. Great Reminder Judy, of the importance of each and every American citizen! EVERYONE HAS THE CHANCE AT MAKING THEIR VOICE BE HEARD. DON'T MISS OUT ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2008. VOTE!!!!!!! :woohoo:
  18. Hello Everyone! I realize we have had a lot of changes here lately. Let me explain....periodically, the admin review the needs of the many rooms that we have in place, and changes are needed for various reasons. Sometimes members and moderators come and go due to life's changes, and once loyal members are unable to be here as much as they would like. We understand this, and do change moderators as events occur. So occasionally, you may see that we will add or change a moderator. So, I am happy to announce the newest team of moderators that have been added to our wonderful family! Please CONGRATULATE: BaxtersMom will be the new moderator of the Bird Food Room. Casper will be the new moderator of the Nursery Room. Toni will be the new moderator of the Games Room. I would also like to THANK the Moderators of the other rooms. They have been doing a magnificent job here at Greyforums. Without their help and dedication, we would be unable to keep things running so smoothly. WELCOME ROOM: Judygram AFRICAN GREY ROOM: Dblhelix HEALTH ROOM: Dave007 TRAINING ROOM: Heatherstrella RESCUE ROOM: Carolyn OTHER BIRDS: Judygram NEWSROOM: Danmcq PHOTOGRAPHY ROOM: Talonsis OFF-TOPICS: Danmcq I am very excited about the newest team of moderators that we have in place now. We periodically have moderator/admin conference calls together to talk about new ideas we may have to continue to make this the Best African Grey Forum in the world. I look forward to our next call very soon. FYI to all members: The moderator and Admin positions are strictly volunteer. I would like to say THANK YOU TO ALL OUR MODERATORS FOR GOING ABOVE AND BEYOND. These wonderfully dedicated members have donated not only their time, but their resources. They have spent hours researching and writing articles for us to learn and better our birds lives. I'm sure I speak for all of us here that our birds have a better, more fulfilled, healthy, happier life, because of the help that we get here at Greyforums. Not only from our moderators, but from ALL our members here. The advice you all offer is advice that helps us better our relationships and our bond with our birds. So a GIANT THANK YOU TO ALL OUR MEMBERS HERE AT GREYFORUMS! PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO GIVE KARMA WHEN YOU CAN. It is well deserved. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Sincerely, Penny B)
  19. I just bought Rikki a new big cage. It is 40x32x70 It seems huge! I am going to put it together tonight. It just came. I wanted a KING cage, but they were double the price, and didn't have the size I wanted. I couldn't afford their prices...
  20. luvparrots wrote: You made my entire month with that reply!! KArma for you!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! And you are right, she was a WONDERFUL choice! Another very nice article Carolyn!
  21. WOW! WHAT A WONDERFUL THREAD CAROLYN!! You are doing a wonderful job helping us with all the research and articles you are writing. I would like to have them published and put on the front page. God knows how many greys live you may have saved by posting these warnings. It only takes a second for them to get into trouble......
  22. Gryphon, I see you have the climbing net. I bought one and have had it hanging with some toys on it in my living room for the last 2 months. Neither one of my birds will go near it......
  23. Well, if it was meant to be, you will have her.
  24. I have the double circle one for Talon..she loves it just like Chloe does!!
  25. I took Talon about a month after we had her to establish a relationship with the vet if ever we had an emergency with her. I have taken her in yearly since then, although she is due now. :unsure: I haven't yet taken Rikki. They both appear to be thriving so well, and finances don't yet permit taking them both in just now. But if ever I feel the slightest thing is off, they are on their way in.... Talon has gone several times in the last year because I was concerned she might be sick, so I don't feel she needs yet another checkup just yet. My recommendation is a yearly visit, it helps all get used to each other, and is the best way to keep in touch with the vet if you need their help in an emergency. :huh:
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