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Everything posted by Talon

  1. OMG! How cute! I could see how that could drive you crazy after a while!!
  2. I hate to start a debate......how ever, it is my experience with my 2 greys and my 1 amazon, that my amazon out talks both my greys. She is only 1 year old, my greys are 4 1/2 years old. I've had them all since they were babies and my amazon's vocabulary far exceeds my greys. However, my greys are far more intelligent.
  3. That is a Fly Mask to keep the bugs out of their ears and eyes. You can't really tell, but it is netted and he can see thru it very well. They LOVE it, as the bugs are so annoying, they get very very agitated! We put them on in the moring when we let them out, and take it off when they go in their stalls at night.
  4. Congratulations! I am so happy for you and your new addition. I look forward to hearing more from you. Thsanks for the picture, what a beauty!!
  5. It was a duplicate thread...........should be in the B-day room! Thanks for moving it, Judy!
  6. I thought the terrible two's was just that......terrible two's! I understood that around 4-5 years old was puberty. I hope others with more experience come along and corrects me if I am wrong.
  7. WOW! Spock looks so much better! What wonderful news!! I am so happy. I hope he stays on this healthy path!
  8. Where did all the photo's go.....? Everyone.......
  9. Talon

    volcanic ash

    I don't think your paranoid at all. I would keep my fids inside as long as needed.
  10. Very nice Spock! I so look forward to your posts when you can sneak them in......
  11. How cute!You are busy too!
  12. Great Photo's !!! You and Maggie are busy!!
  13. Jeez........May be I should ban Talonsis.....................she's sharing our family secrets!! Seriously though, This is why my children behave so nicely!!
  14. Very cute! I especially loved when he said, "stupid bird!" So cute!!
  15. Yes it was Talon, and it was the 4th time my daughter left her laptop open and the last!!!!
  16. Judy, make sure you are using the img code. You shouldn't have any problems.
  17. Thanks Jill, but I'm just getting started.....It's raining here, cold, I have all my work done...nothing more to do but fill your request with photo's!!!
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